This weekend was exhausted. On Friday, I had to pick Em up from my sister’s house. We hung out for a bit before heading home for a late dinner, then watched a movie before bath and bedtime. We had to wake up so early on Saturday morning for the bubble run. I’m not going to lie, I was pretty miserable that morning. Traffic was awful, there was a road closure, then the line to actually do the race was ridiculously long. I never thought Em would hang until it was our turn, BUT HE DID! I need to give that kid more credit. The run was so much fun! It was mostly uphill, which was a job for me. I was pushing Em in the stroller. Pushing around 50lbs uphill for a 5k whooped my butt! I certainly got my cardio in. We all loved it. It was pretty cool! The bubbles were everywhere. The kids really enjoyed it. So did my sister and I. We’ll be doing this again next year if it comes back, which I hope it does. We planned on hitting Sandcastle afterwards, but we were all so exhausted and starved. We took the kids to Burger King for an early lunch and let them play for a bit in the play place. They had a great time. Afterwards, we hung at my sister’s for a bit, then headed home for a nap. Em slept for about 3 hours. I took a 2 hour nap myself. It was so nice. When he woke up, we cleaned out his pool and hung in the yard until dinner time. We watched another movie that night before bath and bedtime.
Sunday, we took the kids to Sandcastle. It was packed! We were all still pretty run down from the prior day, plus the heat didn’t help any. We didn’t stay very long. We got there around 1130am and left by 145pm. None of us were really feeling it. We did have a good time while we were there, but there were just so many people. It was unreal. Afterwards, we went to Giant Eagle, then went to my sister’s house to see her new cat. She now has two cats: Penny and Bailey. Em loves her cats! He especially loves this new one because she doesn’t run from him. Anyway, when we got home, I made us an early dinner, then we watched movies for the rest of the night. Em had no nap, so he was pretty tired. I put him to bed early.
Potty training was fine all weekend outside of him pooping his pants A LOT. He still doesn’t get that he has to poop on the potty. It’s frustrating because it’s such a mess to clean up. He actually ran from me and hid last night, so that he could poop. It’s better than him holding it in and becoming constipated, but I wish he’d grasp the concept of going on the potty. He’s doing so well with peeing though. One thing at a time I guess. He will get there eventually. I knew it would be a task. There is no turning back now.
This week, we’re off on Tuesday. I have no idea what we’re doing. I think we’ll just hang in the yard for a while, then maybe pop over to my parent’s to jump in the pool. Em does need a haircut, so we might try to do that the second the salon opens up. He is terrible with haircuts. I’m hoping it isn’t busy in there, so when he makes a big fuss about it, it’s not too insane with a lot of people watching. LOL
This upcoming weekend, we’re going to Sandcastle for one last hoorah. I think I’ll suggest going on Monday. Maybe it won’t be so busy since a lot of people will be home cooking out. I’m thinking we can do the lake on Saturday, then cookout on Sunday and swim at my parent’s house. It’ll be a really nice way to end the summer. I guess I should clear it with everyone else first. They might want to cookout on Saturday instead. If so, we can do the lake on Sunday. I haven’t checked the weather yet either. This is all contingent on no rain.
I forgot all of the dvds to return to the library this morning, so I think after Em’s haircut, we’ll stop into the library to return our dvds, and to pick up some new ones. I’ll let him look through the children’s section too. He will probably like that. I’ve never taken him to the library yet, so it’ll be something else free that we can do tomorrow.
Alright, that’s about all I have for now. I’m carb cycling this week, so pray for me! It’s going to be hard!