Thursday, November 9, 2017

It's been awhile!

I'm 26 weeks pregnant! Time certainly has flown! I haven't updated in such a long time and for that-I apologize. Honestly, living life is so busy. Preparing for these twins, planning a baby shower, being in a wedding, raising a toddler, being engaged, and working a demanding job is time consuming. No worries. I am happy and absolutely loving all of it. Pregnancy is insane. I can't even begin to describe the changes my body is going through carrying two babies. We are over the moon to welcome a baby boy and a baby girl in the next couple of months. I still cannot believe this is happening to us, or that this is my life!

Emerson is doing well and has absorbed all of the change phenomenally. He is absolutely in love with Tim. They are so cute together. He favors him over me at times. It's bittersweet, but also makes me feel great that he has such a good dad in his life and the bond is forever formed. Tim has blown me away. For someone who has never been a dad, he has this parenting thing down. He follows my lead, but also has the confidence to handle everything himself without doubt. He completely has my back and supports me in every way possible. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't remind me of what a wonderful mother that I am and how lucky he is to have us. It sounds so cheesey and fake, but I am not even making this up. It is crazy. I never knew men existed like that in this world. He doesn't miss a beat with Emerson and is so involved in his school and therapy life. Emerson is doing so well and his speech has come a really long way. He is still seeing a speech and behavioral therapist, which has really helped him develop and grow so much over the last few months. We could not be more proud of our little guy. He is extremely excited for Rowan and Reed to arrive. We have worked so hard to keep him involved, but to also let him know that he is still our special boy. We have been spending a lot of time doing family activites and excursions now before the chaos begins, or before I am too big to move, which is getting pretty close. I know when I can't manuever and do planned activities, that Tim will step in to take over for me. He already does with taking Emerson to school, or picking him up, so I can sneak in quick naps before/after work. We work so well together as a team without even discussing it. We are completely synchronized and I have no idea how the heck it happened either. I usually start a task, and he finishes it without me even asking. I get Em up in the morning and dressed. Tim gets him breakfast, then puts on his socks, and shoes, while I get ready for work. I make dinner and he cleans up all of the dishes and the kitchen, so I can sit down to relax, or spend time with Emerson. If I need a break, or a moment of peace, he takes Emerson with him to run errands. It is really nice to have a best friend that I can talk to about anything. He absolutely appreciates every piece of this pregnancy and has been so thoughtful and respectful. I can't even type this without tearing up. Gah, I am such a baby, but it is just ridiculous the lengths that this person would go to for myself, and our kiddos. I think what baffles me most is there is no shadiness, or anything at all with him. No crap, no bs. Nothing that I have had to put up with in the past. We truly are just a family and that's that. Nothing comes above our little family EVER. I have never experienced anything like this at all. It is beyond amazing and I cannot believe that I get to marry this person and have babies with him. Okay, I will stop with the mushy stuff, but I usually never express these types of things.

Lately, we have been working hard on our nursery, which is absolutely magical and beautiful. We are doing a deer/woodland theme. The decal we put up on the wall is beyond words. From the bedding, cribs, curtain, and lamps I am just amazed at what we've put together. We aren't done yet and still are in process of decorating, but what we've done so far is beautiful. On top of that, we are planning my shower, which is at the end of this month. I'm doing a unicorn theme. It is indescribable the things that we've arranged for this shower and the gorgeous decor that I've put together. Tim has helped me so much. From spray painting my centerpieces, to cutting out invitations, he has been such a big hand. Let’s not forget about the bedroom we specially redecorated for Emerson. He has a full Super hero wall, dress up caps, super hero lights, bedding, and figurines. We wanted to give him a special, big boy room, so we decorated his first. It looks like something from a magazine.

This pregnancy is completely different from my first. It is very strange to be so cared about, doted on, and downright loved every second of the way. Going to doctor appointments with someone else who is so engrossed in these babies is a dream come true. I never knew what that was like until now. The babies are doing very well an measuring perfectly. Last week, Rowan was 1lb 15oz. I'm sure she has reached that 2lb mark by now. Reed was at 1lb 12oz, so he is creeping behind his sister. Both look amazing. 58th and 48th percentile for weight, which is more than we could ask for with twins. We are hoping for nice size babes at birth. We aren't sure the delivery method yet. I would like to avoid a c-section, so we are just waiting until later to see how these babes are positioning and to ensure all is well before scheduling anything. Tim isn't sure what he supports. He goes back and forth. The c-section seems easier and safer, but the recovery is worse. For me, I want a quicker recovery. The thought of being cut scares me immensely. We just want the babies to avoid any issues and for me to be safe. It is scary!

We are having the best time playing Santa! Emerson sees toys on t.v. and he FREAKS. "Mom, I want this! I want this!" We tell him that he has to be good and write a letter to Santa asking for whatever toy he's looking at. Meanwhile, we already have it hiding out in the basement. It's so cute! This is the first year that he's really been into Christmas and totally understanding it. It makes it even more exciting. We cannot wait!

I'm not sure if i mentioned this, or not, but my sister is pregnant. She just reached 20 weeks, so she is a bit behind me. She finds out the sex of the baby next week. She is doing well though and we are really excited to have kiddos at the same time. Finally, more kids for Emerson to grow up with!! That is all I have ever wanted for him. He has been the solo kid for too long.

I have to tell you guys though...I am so appreciative of everything that has happened in our lives over the last year. It is baffling and so insane. I never knew any of this was going to transpire when I decided to finally give Tim a chance. I wish I had known. I would have done it sooner. Emerson is so happy. It is so freaking cute. Gah. Okay, my hormones can't take this anymore. I think I've avoided updating because I knew it would make me too emotional.

Some normal updates- Tonight, We're going Christmas decoration shopping. Friday, I'm having a "bad moms" night out on Friday. I'm going to dinner and to see the Bad Mom's Christmas movie with my sister and friends, while the boys hang at home. On Saturday, we're taking Emerson to Giggles and Smiles. Sunday, we visit my parents usually. They got a new puppy a month ago, so Emerson likes to go over to play with her. Our dogs aren't as fun now, so he enjoys doing that.  Last week, we took Em to see Frozen on Ice. He was mesmerized! It was so cute to see that. I love our little family!!

That's about all I got for right now.