After daycare yesterday, Emerson and I played in the backyard. He was in his exersaucer, while I played fetch with Kodie for a bit to tire her out. It was nice. A little hot out, but nice. Afterwards, we came inside, and Emerson took a nap. His nap ended up spanning from 6pm-9pm. Crazy long. I put him in his crib around 7:30pm. Around 8pm, Kodie and I got into bed to watch some t.v. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, Emerson woke up. He was pretty hungry, so I fed him and put all of us to bed. He woke a couple of times throughout the night, but I’m sure that’s because he had no solids before he went to sleep. I decided to skip bath/solids to avoid risking him not going to sleep again after he woke from such a long nap at 9pm. I ended up bathing him this morning before daycare though. Luckily, I had enough time after I got ready for work. It worked out nicely. Daycare exhausts him. He only naps MAYBE a total of 30-40 minutes the entire day, so by the time he gets home, he’s extremely tired. I’d be happy if he only napped for maybe an hour, so that we could do dinner, bath, then a normal bedtime like we used to do. Lately, he just seems so tired. He’s on the go all day, so I can’t blame him. Hey, it’s better than him not napping at all!
I’m so close to being able to buy a new couch. I’m so excited, but also really nervous to spend that money. I’ve done the math so many times in my head and I constantly go back and forth and ask myself “Do you really need this?” I struggle so much with this answer. My couch isn’t broke, or anything. It’s definitely worn and not very comfortable to sit on. I think I’m so used to it that it doesn’t bother me so much anymore. It’s very tiny too, but then again, I’m not a very large person, so I guess that doesn’t bother me either. I’m going to move it into the playroom, so it must not be THAT bad if I’m still going to use it in another area. Is it selfish of me to buy a new couch? If I don’t buy the new couch, then I can buy everyone more Christmas gifts, but I already go overboard with that anyway. I’ve scaled back and I’m trying to be more reasonable when it comes to gift giving, so that would negate that idea. I guess I’m just looking for a reason to not do something for myself because I have extreme guilt over it. I mean, what the hell?! I feel guilty to buy myself a new couch! That is so twisted. I plan on purchasing the couch on October 4th. I’ve seen a lot of great sales too. I don’t need anything ridiculous either. Just one sofa, which I found one on sale for $300. Not too bad at all! I hope I really allow myself to do this. I just feel like I am going to be such a bad person if I buy myself a couch and I don’t save that $300.
I can’t wait until I no longer have to have my grass get cut. I only budgeted out through October. I mean, doesn’t it stop needing cut in November? I don’t want snow, or anything like that, but I’m thinking once the temperature starts to drop, the grass will stop growing as fast. $40.00/month is killing me, but the grass needs cut! Hopefully I won’t need to pay to have it cut beyond October.
Alright, I don’t have much more to offer and I need to go pump before I head out for the day. Today as gone so quickly. I was really busy!
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