It has been unbearably hot the last few days. I only have an air conditioner in my bedroom, but it hasn’t been working very well. I have a fan in Emerson’s room that sits in the window. His bedroom is located on the side of the house, so it stays fairly cool because it’s shaded all day. My bedroom faces the front of the house, which bakes in the sun all day. The air conditioner is no match for the heat, so it basically pulls in lukewarm air, which makes my room hotter than Emerson’s. I decided to shut the ac off before I went to work yesterday. I thought giving it a break and only turning it on after the sun dipped down would give me a fighting chance at having a cool room for bedtime. It worked! My room was like an ice box last night! The temperature did drop outside, but before it started to rain and cool off, the room felt a lot more comfortable. Our downstairs was stifling though, so I decided to haul an air conditioner up from the basement. This thing weighed easily 100+ lbs. My back is feeling it today, but the downstairs was nice and cool last night after about 20 minutes with the air on. The temp is dropping the rest of the week, but picking back up this weekend. I think I’ve found a good balance and solution to beat the heat though, so we will be prepared. I just need to figure out what to do with Em’s room. My a/c isn’t strong enough to cool both of our rooms and the hallway. Instead, I end up wasting the electricity, so leaving my door open isn’t an option. I’ve already tried that. I don’t want to haul another 100+ lb ac upstairs either. These suckers are huge and I think it would make his room TOO cold even on a lower setting. Maybe I can try a second fan. I can put one blowing outside to suck out all of the hot air and then just have the second fan blowing regularly. I’ll give that a whirl first before I decide to put an ac in his window. I just don’t want us to suffer all summer. It seems like he’s having a harder time getting to sleep too and I think it’s because he just feels uncomfortable in his room. He’s had cool baths and slept shirtless the last week, but even still, it isn’t enough to cool him down before bed. His poor face was so red last night, while we were playing in the house. That’s the main reason I even set up a second ac. We played outside in his water table, which kept us both cool, but during and after dinner, we are usually in the house. It was just ridiculously uncomfortable. The front of my house gets reamed by the sun, so I really had no choice. I am looking forward to be able to comfortably play in the house though!
After daycare, we went through the Burger King drive-thru. I hate spending money on food and we rarely ever eat out, but I was NOT cooking in this heat and turning the stove on. I also am over having microwavable food, so Burger King it was. It was so nice not having any dishes to wash afterwards though! I can see how people fall into the trap of ordering and eating out for dinner almost nightly. It was quick, convenient, and I had no extra work afterwards. Not tonight, though. Back to the stove for me! Hopefully with the ac, it won’t make it too bad. I love summer and the warmer weather, but damn! I’m not ready to sweat my ass off every day. I’m fearful of what my electric bill is going to be!
I’m reading the Divergent series. It is so freaking good! After Em went to bed last night, I stayed up for a few hours reading. I’m more than halfway through and I just started. There are two more books in the series. I hope they don’t disappoint. I’m officially hooked now. I can’t wait to hop on the bus after work, so I can ready more! Alright, I don’t have much more than that to report on. Have a super Tuesday, all!!!!
Em and his water table
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