Yesterday was just beyond ridiculous. After work, the bus was late. I’ve been working later than usual, so that leaves me less time for effs up because I might jeopardize being on time to pick Em up, then charged ridiculous late fees. Anyway, After I got on the bus, which was small and packed, I got a call from daycare. What the hell? I answered and his teacher stammered on and on about how Emerson cut his finger. The entire time, I’m panicking thinking she’s going to tell me he needs stitches and is bleeding everywhere. Cut to the chase, lady! I don’t care about the middle details. JUST TELL ME THAT HE’S OKAY!!!!!!!! I try SO HARD to not be a rude bitch, but this is my damn kid. Don’t call and tell me he got hurt, then muddle through details before telling me he’s okay. I cut her off and said “Well, is he okay?!” She said he was fine, but that she wanted to give me a head’s up. I was pissed. Do not call me unless it’s a true emergency, especially that close to pick up time. It wasn’t that detrimental to give me a head’s up. I swear, I pay them so much money. They need to keep him alive between 6am and 5pm and handle shit, so I can work. My days are stressful enough. I don’t blog work details for fear that I’ll somehow violate a security breach, or some kind of confidential information, so I just keep it to myself. Plus, if this blog ever got into the wrong hands, I wouldn’t want it to be filled with professional information. Let me just say though, I have a stressful ass job and I don’t need them to stress me out further. When I’m at work, I need to be FOCUSED. I have to be able to trust that they are handling shit for me, so I can do what I need to do at work. If I needed a play by play, I’d call to check on Emerson, but considering pay upward of $800 a month, they need to just deal until I get there unless it’s severe. When I got to daycare, his teacher was gone for the day, but I made it a point to express my annoyance to the afternoon teacher. She told me they’d stop calling unless it was an emergency and apologized to me. I love Emerson more than the world, but I don’t need to know about every single booboo. You want to know why? I worry like a mother bleeper. That’s all I do and if I had to get those calls ALL day, well, I’d be out of a mother bleeping job. I’d sit there worrying all day about it, which is exactly what I did from the moment they called me. Of course, I was on the bus and couldn’t even get myself there quicker to pick him up. The anxiety is ridiculous and I just need them to do what I pay them to do. On top of that, why the hell was he even playing in a cabinet to squish his poor finger? His teacher said another kid pushed him, which caused his finger to get stuck in the door. No idea how the hell that all went down, but it’s ridiculous. I like his daycare a lot and we have had very few issues, but they really need to tighten up, or up their staff so that they are more accountable for these kids. I know Emerson is not perfect and I’m sure he gets into trouble and rough houses with the other kids too, but if he is doing that in a bullying way, they aren’t reporting it to me. We rely on these people to enforce and show our kids the RIGHT way to behave while we’re at work. At least I do. I can’t be there to enforce and discipline. That’s why I pay them so much money. The little bully in his class needs that. They need to be working additionally hard to try to correct those behaviors, and then working with the parents to piggyback on that at home. Emerson came home last week with a bite mark on his cheek, which turned into a bruise. The week prior, he had a HUGE bite mark on his back. Are they enrolling zombie toddlers over there? It’s hard enough being a single parent, but it’s even more hard being a working, single parent. We can’t make it if I don’t work. In order to work, I need daycare. I hate having to rely so much on other people, but unfortunately, that’s the way it has to be. They just need to get their shit together, or else I’m going to have to go back through the daunting task of finding a new daycare, which I don’t have time for. END RANT!
We got home later than usual last night. Our grass was cut, which was nice, but with all of this rain, it’ll be pretty much grow back in a hot minute, which sucks. I made dinner for the both of us. Mine was 21 day fix approved. Emerson had turkey meatballs with some whole wheat pasta. He’s starting to be defiant over the highchair and prefers to sit at the table like a big boy. He’s almost tall enough for the table, so I don’t mind. He does like standing and kneeling though. It doesn’t make for real great table manners, but he eats without a fight when I let him sit at the table. We have a booster seat at my parent’s house that I can snag to use at home, which is probably what I’ll end up doing. He’s just so goofy about eating. He likes to move around when he eats, so being confined in anything isn’t going to happen anymore. I’m just glad he uses a plate now and is using the fork a hell of a lot more. It makes mealtimes a little neater. I guess we’ll work on the table manners and I’ll pray that he catches on quickly. I have no problem with him eating at the table. It’s when he tries to crawl ONTO the table that I have an issue!
I have a wedding to go to on Saturday, so my sister is babysitting for me. This will be the first time in almost a year that I’m “going out”. Granted, it’s for a wedding and not really to venture out on the town, but it still counts. I’m excited to dress up and to hang with friends for the evening. My sister is going to sleep over, so I don’t feel a need to rush home. I just hope she can get Emerson to bed. He’s very well sleep trained now, but that’s with me. I’m not sure how it’ll go with her. He might try to get one over on her, or she might not be as tough as I am. I just hope she doesn’t cave and she puts him in his crib! I don’t want to come home from this wedding and have to be on duty. I’d like to just go to bed!
Alright, everyone. Have a nice Tuesday!
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