Emerson’s daycare called me yesterday morning to report that he had a flea in his hair. I find this absolutely absurd. There isn’t much I can do about it, so why call me during work hours? These things can be reported at pick-up. Anyway, his teacher asked me if our dog has fleas. I let her know that our dog does not have fleas. I checked Kodie last night. Clean as a whistle. I also checked Emerson’s head just to be sure he didn’t have some other bug outside of a flea. Any child could have brought a flea into that daycare. It doesn’t mean it came from our home. She called me three hours after I dropped him off too. I doubt a flea was hanging out in his hair that entire time. This morning, she called me to apologize for calling me the prior day and to apologize if she offended me. She said I sounded upset when we hung up. The way she said it was rude like I was a bitch to her, or something. I wasn’t. I’m always nice, but I’m sure I had a slight edge in my voice over the disbelief that she’d call be for a flea. Anyway, she went on to tell me that she has a dog and how rapidly fleas can spread. She drove in the importance of catching it early. Again, I reiterated that our dog does not have fleas. I’m not an idiot. I wouldn’t let my dog walk around with fleas infesting our home, and our bodies.
I appreciate her willingness to call me, but I don’t need phone calls for things that are out of my control at that present time. When I see that number come up on the caller id, I die a little inside. It’s not a fun feeling to have. The sheer panic that something is wrong, or I have to pick him up early is nothing that I take lightly. A parent dreads nothing more than a call from the school, or daycare. She should know this, therefore she should use better judgement before picking up the telephone. I don’t understand what is so hard about that concept. I feel like a bitch if I complain about this. I also feel like she’ll take it so literally that she won’t call me for ANYTHING. I have a feeling she’s a spiteful person like that, so whatever I say, she will take it really far. No matter what I do, I lose, so I guess I should just let her continue doing what she’s doing. It just bugs me that she talks to me like I was a bitch to her yesterday when I was annoyed that she bothered me at work over something so stupid.
Anyway, my best friend’s sister brought Emerson a huge play castle the other day. He loves it! Our backyard looks like Camelot. Okay, maybe not Camelot, but it’s starting to resemble a toy store. We have so much stuff back there. I need to start thinking about tarps to cover everything before winter. Even though everything is mainly plastic, I still don’t want to leave it exposed over the winter. I’d like to try to keep it nice. Our grass needs cut so badly, but I don’t think it’ll be done this week. It has been awfully rainy. It’s already Thursday, so I’m thinking the lawn guys will just wait until our scheduled day, which would be Monday. It’s still okay enough to play in, but we’re teetering towards it being out of control.
Next week is going to be so busy. I took Friday, the 18th off, so that my sister and I can have our hair done. It’s her birthday present. Afterwards, we’re going shopping to pick up some stuff to wear to the color run on Saturday. I cannot wait! That’s also apart of her birthday present. We’re doing the run with our cousin, and a couple of friends too. On Friday night after our hair appointment, I organized a going away party for my best friend, and her husband. They’re moving to Arizona at the end of the month. I’m extremely sad about this. She has no idea about the party. She thinks Emerson and I are taking them out for dinner for her birthday, which is the day before. I have a few people helping me invite her old co-workers, family, and friends. I just need to order a cake. The only thing I worry about is Emerson. We’re all meeting at 7pm. Bedtime is typically 7:30pm. I hope he isn’t too cranky. We’ll probably stay out until at least 930ish. I hope I can push him two hours after bedtime. I don’t know how that’ll be though. We’re having the party at a brewery, so he won’t have much room to run, and play. I’m hoping people watching is enough to keep his attention. Between that, food, and cake I think we’ll be alright. I just want to make it special for my best friend. I can’t believe she’s moving across the country. Emerson and I are going to make the trip out early next year to visit.
I can’t believe she’s moving. It’s weird to think about. We really started to see each other more, and talk a lot more these last few months. I know that sounds crazy considering we’re best friends, but mommyhood really took over there for a while. I was always exhausted trying to balancing work and mommylife. Pumping, and nursing always drained me too. Things have definitely changed though, and we’ve been seeing them a lot more. I’m sad. I know they are really excited to start a new life, so I’m happy for them, but it’ll just be strange to know they aren’t right down the road anymore. I hope the party comes together nicely though. We plan on seeing them as much as possible before they jet.
Alright, guys. Have a great Thursday!
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