Christmas was great! Emerson still didn’t understand the concept of it, but that’s okay. He’s still young. Next year he will probably grasp it. He seemed pretty overwhelmed at the amount of gifts. Once he opened a gift, he was ready to play, yet we had more for him to go through. Once all of the toys were out, he seemed extra confused over what to play with. It was pretty funny to watch. He loves everything, especially the kitchen, which I’m glad. That thing took me 1.5 hours to build! I definitely bought way too much play food to stock it with. I’m going to go through and take out all of the duplicates. I’m sick of cleaning up 115 pieces multiple times a day. We ended up going to my parent’s house in two parts: Once in the morning before nap, then in the afternoon after nap. It worked out better that way. I had a really good time. My parents spoiled all of us as usual. I really appreciated it too. I feel extremely fortunate. It felt good to be spoiled. It’s not something that I’m used to at all. Sometimes you just need that. We didn’t do much during Christmas break outside of enjoying Em’s new toys. We did play outside considering the weather is unseasonably warm. I can’t believe Christmas is over though. I wish I had gotten to enjoy it a bit more.
I had a wisdom tooth pulled on Monday. To be honest, it wasn’t too bad at all. The sound of my tooth cracking almost made me vomit though. I was so geared up for this big bout of pain, but it never happened. I was numb during the procedure, but even afterwards, I was fine. A couple of motrin every few hours was enough to get me by. Now, 2 days post, I am fine. I haven’t even taken anything since yesterday afternoon. I was just doing it to get ahead of any pain that might occur. I can’t open my mouth all of the way, but I’m sure that’ll subside over the next few days. Next Thursday, the dentist wants to take my last two. I made the appointment, but I am canceling. I just need a break. They aren’t bothering me, so I’m going to keep them a bit longer. I don’t feel like putting myself through anymore voluntary torture. I just want to eat and feel normal for a little while. I’ll schedule a regular cleaning/exam in February. We can reassess then and I can make the decision at that point to pick a date to have them extracted. It’ll be nice to just go to the dentist for a check-up outside of needing something. I need to make Emerson an appointment. It’ll be his first official dentist appointment. He’s had fluoride treatments and check-ups through the department of health at daycare, but he’s never had one at the dentist yet. I just added him to my insurance for 2016 though. I hope he does good for the dentist. I don’t know that he will. It’s not like I can give him a lollipop like I do when he gets a haircut. If he’s anything like he is when I brush his teeth, our dentist is is BIG trouble. I don’t even know if my dentist sees kids that little. I would assume he does. There was a little girl around 5 years old in the waiting room when I was there on Monday. I just don’t know what would be better. Taking him to my dentist, or finding a pediatric one. I guess I’ll ask a couple of friends and float it past my dentist when I call to make the appointment. Pittsburgh friends-suggestions are welcome J
My diet has been so bad, guys. I have definitely packed on a few pounds and loss some major muscle mass. I haven’t worked out in about 1.5 weeks. My eating has been crap for about 3 weeks. I’m sure some of you are rolling your eyes thinking what damage can be done in that small amount of time. TRUST ME…A LOT. My size 2 skinny jeans are so freaking tight. I can’t even wear them. Anything around my waist feels so uncomfortable, even leggings. I hate it. The scale hasn’t really moved, but I’m sure it just evened out from the muscle I lost/fat gained. It sucks so bad. I have been feeling so sluggish too. I miss having energy. Last night, I meal prepped. I’m low-carbing it for the next couple of weeks (or until I can’t take it anymore) as a quick start to lose some of this holiday gain. I wish I hadn’t fallen off track, but I was busy with the holiday, then very down about my job. Now that both are out of the way, I am ready. I’m still allowing oatmeal/banana for breakfast. I need those carbs to start the day. I’m not cutting carbs completely, but I am staying away from pasta, rice, white bread, and anything processed.
Today’s Menu:
Chicken tortilla soup (homemade by me. Lots of veggies, black beans, chicken, and topped with 3 blue corn tortilla chips)
Ham, Cheese, and Olive skewers
Turkey Burger (no bun), Mashed Cauliflower, Carrots
Banana/Peanut Butter ice cream (homemade. Just frozen banan/peanut butter mixed together in my magic bullet)
See. Very low carb. I’m sure I’ll get back down to where I was in no time judging by the way I was eating versus this cleaned up diet. I’m also doing an upper workout tonight, which I’m very excited about.
There is so much more I want to type. Gah! I am just afraid to talk about these things…It is MY blog. I should be able to be FREE, but I am so odd with certain topics. I’ll try to give some detail, while being extremely general. I have this horrible fear that someone will find my blog and I’ll look like a complete idiot.
I have been “dating” someone for a little while. I’m not even sure how long. Not that long. A couple of months, if that. I don’t even know if I’d use the word dating either. That seems too serious, but I’m not sure what comes before dating. Pre-dating? Scoping someone out to see if you’d want to just date them? I think that’s where we are. It’s not an exclusive situation. Freedom can be had. It is being had at least on my part, but I am ready to let that go if that makes sense. I’m not saying relationship status either. I’m saying where you are dating just that person and they’re only dating you. I don’t get that vibe yet on his part and I think it’s probably too soon to bring up. I don’t have a lot of free time, so even though we’ve been seeing each other for over a month and we talk all of the time, we’ve only spent time together on three occasions. Pre-baby, I would have thought this wasn’t enough time to make that determination. Post-baby, I do. Knowing how much you invest talking to someone to bridge the gap when you aren’t seeing each other holds A LOT of weight to me. I feel like that’s when you learn the most about someone. So, I don’t really know. I guess I’ll keep you guys updated if there is anything more to tell. It isn’t just me that I need to consider either. It’s Emerson too. That’s the scary part. Alright, enough about that.
Alright, I have to get back to work. Break is over.
Have a Happy New Year!