Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Low pressure

When I picked Em up from daycare yesterday, he had a slight temperature of 100. Well, I guess that’s not even really a temperature, but anyway. He was in the middle of having a SERIOUS tantrum, so they think that’s why his temperature was slightly elevated. He was upset that his teacher sat down with another kid. The funny part about it is the kid was her own daughter. Emerson was PISSED! I guess he doesn’t allow his teachers to fraternize with anyone else if it’s with their own children. He seemed fine by the time we got home, but I gave him some Motrin just in case.

After he went to bed, I worked out. It was leg day. Needless to say, I am in so much pain today. It’s a good kind of pain though. I cannot believe I allowed myself to backslide so much with eating and working out. What happened to me?! I guess I got burnt out after 4 straight months of a strict, clean diet. I kept up with working out though. I took about a 1.5 week break for Christmas. I think what I need to do is be strict for a few weeks at a time, and then have a little cheat day. That way, I can have a little freedom. Alcohol is killing me too. I barely drank at all when I was doing this in the summer time. That has changed a little bit. At least once a week, I enjoy some beverages. I just need to make sure that I do some extra cardio and really clean up the diet on those days. It is so hard to start over though. Today is my third day. I feel like I am doing well, but I could probably do better. I got on the scale today. I know, the number doesn’t really matter, but it really hit me today. Tonight, I am doing shoulders and biceps. Tomorrow, it’ll be tris and abs. Friday, I plan on doing cardio. Saturday will be a rest day unless I can squeeze in a cardio session in the morning, then Sunday I plan on doing a full body workout. That’ll round out week #1. I need to prep some food though for over the weekend. That’s when I fall off. Not having enough things ready kills me. Plus, sitting around the house bored is usually an issue too. I just know if I can make it through the first week strong, it’ll all come together by next week. I’ll have the drive and the focus that I am missing now. I also need to measure myself tonight. I think see those inches come off will motivate me more too. I’ll make that a priority tonight. Sorry that I’m talking about this so much. It just helps keep me on track to get my thoughts out. I miss being super fit so freaking much.

This morning, I decided to drive to work. I got half way there when my tire light came off indicating low pressure. It was so cold out this morning, so maybe it was attributed to that? I went to a gas station and checked the pressure. One tire did seem on the low side. I filled it with air, then went back home to work there. I’m just not sure what is going on. I didn’t want to end up having a full flat at the end of the day, then being stuck in a parking garage. I am going to keep an eye on it throughout the day, then go check the pressure after work. The weather is going to warmup here, so I’ll find out soon enough if that’s just what the issue is. I really hope it’s just flukey because of the cold weather. I don’t need any issues!

Alright, I am going to get off of here. I hope you all have a super hump day!

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