Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A little resolution

The director from daycare called me yesterday. She was very surprised when she read my email. She had no idea I had been feeling the way that I was and was quick to work through everything with me. She said that there had been 14 children out with fever last week, therefore anytime a child did have a fever, the staff panicked. That’s why any fever of any grade was immediately sent home. I did tell her that they should begin communicating this with the parents, especially if its widespread. That way, we can all be on alert and not be so caught off-guard if our kiddos are constantly being chucked out the door. She agreed with me. Anyway, she also said that the behavioral specialist wasn’t just there to monitor Emerson, but to take in the center as a whole to help them make some updates. When I went to pick him up yesterday, I noticed a lot of things were moved around. I was also reassured that Emerson had a VERY GOOD day. Now, maybe they are sucking ass a little, but I don’t really care. I just want a sense of normalcy back. She did tell me multiple times on the phone that Emerson is well loved within the center and they absolutely do not want me to seek care elsewhere. I’m sure most of you are reading this thinking she was blowing smoke, but you just had to be there and to hear the tone. She is so much easier to talk to than the assistant director! She is not condescending at all and she actually is relatable. I just never see her. She was there when I picked E up yesterday though, which was nice. I felt she made it a point to be there. The assistant was nowhere in sight. She said their enrollment is the highest it has ever been, so they are still working through reconfiguring where the teachers need to be, and all of that stuff. She mentioned that she gave many suggestions to the girls in Emerson’s room and told them that these kids are two. It’s the nature of that classroom, so they just need to handle it better.  I feel so much better about things. I hope we can just continue down a better path and that things only get better from here.

After daycare, I took Emerson for a much needed haircut. He cried initially when I sat him down on the chair, but perked up right before the cut. He sat so still, and did so well. He’s only had three cuts total, which are usually spaced so far apart. It’s usually hit, or miss. I’m glad this was a hit. Afterwards, I took him to Dairy Queen for ice cream, then over to my parent’s house.  They sent us home with dinner because we got home so late. Emerson ate his mashed potatoes and chicken, then got a bath around 7:35. He fell asleep in the car on the ride home. Little dude was tired. Anyway, after bath and bed, I worked out, made a shake, then sat down on the couch for my shows. I never ate dinner. My stomach started grumbling around 9:30pm, so I made a slice of whole wheat toast with some peanut butter. Not much, but I didn’t want to put something heavy in my belly before bedtime.

I still need to figure out what we’re sending to daycare on Thursday for St. Patrick’s day. He wore a St. Patty’s shirt to school today LOL We’ve been rotating between 3 shirts for the last week. Ha! They probably think he doesn’t own any other clothes. I need to check Pinterest after work to come up with a good idea though. You all know I am a sucker for holidays and themes. He doesn’t have any Easter themed shirts though. I haven’t seen any at Wal-mart either, which is unusual. It sucks because as these kids get older, it seems like they start phasing out the holiday themed shirts. I swear, I hardly see any in the boy section anymore.

I decided to forgo getting Emerson anything else for Easter, but I am going to buy season passes to Sandcastle (waterpark) to stick in his basket. If we go twice, I’ll get my money back. We went last year and he had a ball. It’s nice because it’s something that I enjoy too. I love sitting in the sun by the pool! The other good thing about it is my sister and I can go by ourselves. I can take the day off of work, but send Emerson to daycare. That way, I won’t need to have a sitter to actually go to sandcastle. It’s relatively close to our house too, which is even better.  They do buddy days as well, so when my nephew comes home from California, we can take him for free. It’ll be nice to have somewhere to go every weekend without having to spend money.  My parents have a pool, but Emerson can’t stand up in it. He HATES being in a raft, or being held. He wants to go on his own. This is a nice compromise to that because he can just run and play in the water. The slides are small enough for him too, so I just have to stand at the bottom to catch him, while getting a tan! I’m excited about it. This could potentially always be an Easter gift that we look forward to. I’m all about starting our own traditions. This could be a keeper!

My sister started her nutrition and workout program yesterday. I’m so excited for her. When she did it before, she lost about 15lbs. She ended up falling off the bandwagon due to hardships she was having with her abusive ex-fiancé, but now that she is out of that house and situation and on her own, I know it’ll be much easier for her to stay on track. I know it’s something that she really wants to do. It makes it easier for me to stay on track too by encouraging her.  I just texted her to give her a vote of confidence before she begins her first workout. She is so nervous about it because she knows her body will be sore for a few days. I personally love that pain. It’s a sign of change, but for her, she hates it. She just hadn’t worked out long enough to appreciate it. I know she will get there though! Speaking of being sore, ouch. I am really feeling it today in my back and chest!

Alright, so much to do today, but have a super Tuesday, all!!!!!!

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