Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Oh people this is it!!

If anyone is FB friends with me, then you probably already know what I’m about to say. Daycare. Yesterday, I received a call at 4pm notifying me that Emerson had a 101.6 fever and that I needed to come get him. I typically pick him up at 5:15pm daily, so I found that to be pretty funny. The most ironic part about it was the conversation I overheard at drop off. The staff was discussing being out of ratio because the director had jury duty and she wouldn’t make it back by 4pm. Coincidence? I think not. I couldn’t get Emerson that early anyway because I was waiting for the bus, which takes an hour to commute as it is. I was told that he could not come back to the center with the administration of any fever reducer. I was also told that he hadn’t eaten very much and was not participating in playing with the other children.

When I got to the center, I expected to see Em lying on the floor sick with fever. Nope. He was running around having a great time. I took his temperature the second our feet hit the parking lot. 99.6. Really?! Wow, he must have made a miraculous recovery! They are so quick to jump the gun and diagnose. The second a kid has a runny nose, or not behaving to their liking, they immediately whip out the thermometer. It is irritating. Of course the kids are all going to have runny noses. Have they not heard of the daycare drip?! These are trained professionals. They should be able to differentiate between actual illness and the common cold. On top of that, if Emerson had something, he was already contagious well before the onset of a fever. I am just ticked. By all means, ban him/send him home when it’s warranted, but constantly doing this to me unnecessarily is ridiculous. I made sure I sent the director an email and I’ll be calling corporate later.

I have a friend who works in another center that is affiliated with the same chain. She said they are understaffed right now, but having to send their staff to other centers to keep them in ratio. It’s ridiculous! Up staff then per your enrollment!  The problem is most of the enrollment is coming from the staff. The staff gets a major discount, or completely free tuition if they are director level. (one of the directors told me this). I don’t know how these places stay afloat when more than half of the enrollment is  free/discounted. I wouldn’t turn away a paying customer, but then again, they get my money regardless if we’re there, or not. Being honest too, I don’t think it matters what center you go to. I think stuff like this is going to happen regardless. I just think I need to make sure I stand up and say something, so maybe the frequency will be reduced.

My mom’s birthday is on Thursday. I have the day off because I have to go to arbitration for something. I’ll disclose details surrounding that situation after it’s done and over with. I’ve been super secretive about it because I am deathly afraid of giving too much information and potentially incriminating myself, or something. I don’t know how it all works. Anyway, I hope that arbitration doesn’t last too long. It sucks that I have to drive all the way downtown for it. We’re going to brunch afterwards for her birthday. Emerson will be at daycare as long as they don’t try to pull anymore crap on me. We’re doing cake, presents, and dinner at my parent’s house that night though. My sister and I got my mom a charm bracelet with I and E initials for both grandkids, and hearts to separate between. It’s super cute. I almost wanted to take it for myself. I still have to figure out what Emerson is getting her. I better Pinterest something tonight. I’m running out of time. I’m usually not this last minute about things.  Time escapes me.

In other news, I went out on Saturday night with the guy that I wrote about last week. It was really fun. We met up with one of my best friend’s and her boyfriend. My sister kept Emerson for a few hours, so that was nice. My friend really liked the guy and so did my sister. Whew. My sister wasn’t around him very long, but I guess she approved from the little that she saw. We will see what happens though. I think I like to talk myself out of these kinds of things. I’ve caught myself doing it more than once too. I  mean, I have all the reason in the world to be doing that. I self -sabotage like a mother. It just freaks me out beyond belief to like someone, or even think about getting close to anyone. Slow and steady wins the race, right? Let’s friggin hope so.

I’ve been working out like a mother, but eating like crap! Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a grocery list and meal plan all written out though. I just need to actually go to the store and actually get the stuff. I feel like complete crap lately, so it’s just time to lean it out for summer. I can gain it all back after my birthday. LOL Oh how optimistic am I?! It’s just one evil, endless cycle anyway.

Alright. Happy Tuesday, All!!!!!!

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