Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Hi there old friend lol

It’s been a week since I’ve updated. Not much has been going on. We’re just getting ready for Christmas. I built Em’s train table. Surprisingly, it wasn’t too difficult at all. I’m working my way through wrapping all of the gifts, but that’s about it. We haven’t been doing much outside of that. We do have a gingerbread train to build this week. I think we’ll do that on Christmas Eve. We’re heading to my sister’s for the evening, so maybe we can take that over there.  I wish that I could do more for Christmas, but I got slapped with my water and sewage bill, which was $215. I knew it was coming, so I planned accordingly, but any extra money that I would have had, went to that. It sucks. It would have been nice to do another Christmas activity, or to get Emerson an extra present, but I’m glad that I was able to get what I did. I know he will be overjoyed, but I feel like the small touches are definitely lacking this year. I found him jammies for Christmas Eve though, so I can at least hand him those.


I have a half day on Thursday, but Emerson is going to daycare. I honestly have no need for it, but it’ll be nice to get a bit of a break for myself. We’ve had every Monday off this month and have the next two Mondays off as well as a couple of random days throughout. I am just burnt out from extra mom duties on top of work. Speaking of Thursday, I am seeing the guy that I was talking about last week. I hope it isn’t weird. I had to tell him last week that he was coming on way too strong and needed to cool his jets big time. He started to say some really outlandish things to me that I wasn’t entirely comfortable with. Every time we spoke, he’d become so deep and intense. I don’t think you should be professing your love to me after barely knowing me. I also don’t think that your life is now complete that you’ve met me. It was too much. He also would text me ALL day and if I didn’t answer him, he’d just keep texting. I’d come back to my phone to 7,8,9 texts! That is NOT normal. I don’t need you to document your entire day for me. I just didn’t like the expectation that I’d carry on like that all day. I mean, I have a job and so does he. Isn’t he working?? On top of that, when I’m at home with Em, I can’t be engrossed in my cell phone all night texting. Being honest too, I hate small talk. I hate aimless conversations. I don’t even enjoy texting all like that. I’m more of a person who likes to catch up all at once at the end of the day. I don’t need to talk to someone all day long. It was just too much on top of the crazy things he was saying to me.


Anyway, it has been AWESOME for the last week. He has really backed off. Yesterday, he texted me in the morning to wish me good luck for my second interview (I’ll get to that in a minute), then we didn’t talk until the end of the day, which was nice. I have the space I need now and he also isn’t saying outlandish things anymore. He’s keeping himself in check and not freaking me out talking about “He can’t wait to make memories with me for the rest of my life”. UM?! CREEPER STATUS! Anyway, I had my second interview yesterday and it went VERY well. Hopefully, I hear something back soon. As nervous as I am to take a position in sales, I know it’ll be a great financial boost that Emerson will greatly benefit from. I am a nervous nelly though! I just want to make the right decisions for our little family. More money isn’t everything if it means less time to spend together. I’m trying to find the right balance though. Sometimes, I know I’ll have to compromise one for the other, but that’s where it becomes muddy waters with being a single mommy. Cross your fingers and say some prayers that this is the change we need. My manager is going crazy over me potentially leaving though and is eager for me to train someone to perform my responsibilities. It’s understandable, but they have me out the door and I haven’t even been offered the job yet.


This morning, I sent cards and donuts to daycare for the teachers. I wish that I could have done more, but funds just weren’t there this year. The cards I made were very nice though, so I hope that makes up for it. I know the teachers appreciate any and everything we do, but I wish that I could have done more. At this point, I’m really worried about Emerson’s 3rd birthday. This water bill always throws me completely off because I have to shift so much just to afford it. I think we’re for-going a party though and just going to this place that has an indoor swimming pool. I just worry the roads will such and we won’t be able to make it and his birthday will be ruined. I hope that isn’t the case.  I’ll see what I can do.  I made reservations already for January 28th for two rooms. There was a crazy discount through Travelocity. Each room is $56. I want to go with my sister and nephew. The indoor pool has a giant pirate ship with slides, etc. We’d sing happy birthday at my parent’s house on Sunday, which is his actual birthday.  It sounds so awesome. I just hope the weather cooperates. We will see though. It would take the stress of planning a party off the table. I know Em would love it.


Alright, that’s about all I have today. Have a super Christmas, all!

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