Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mummy's baby feels better!

I am REALLY annoyed today. I don’t even want to get into it because I’m too professional (hint at what I’m annoyed about), but just know that I am annoyed! Anyway, Emerson seemed okay when I picked him up from daycare yesterday. He was a little warm, so I gave him some Tylenol and put him down for a pre-dinner nap. He woke around 645pm. I cooked dinner (tortellini, veggies, and garlic bread), while he played in the kitchen in his exersaucer. We ate dinner, which I thought was delicious. He seemed to like it too. Score for mom! Afterwards, I put him in the bath for a bit. He seemed more like himself, which he hasn’t been over the last few days. After bath and jammies, we headed to the living room to play for a while before bed. I could tell he wasn’t tired yet and it was still early. We played for about an hour and then headed up to bed around 8:30pm. He conked out around 9pm. I tried to watch some of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but fell asleep before it was half over. We slept until about 3am. He woke up for a quick nursing session, then was back down until I woke him for daycare around 6am. This morning was busy. It snowed overnight, so I had to clean the car off, warm the car up, and take the garbage out. On top of that, I had no bottles ready either. I also had to make up the diaper bag, work bag, and lunch. I should have prepared last night, but I got it all done and I even made it to the bus on time! Another score for mom!

Today, I’m meeting up with some co-workers around lunchtime. They work in a different building, but one bought a wreath off of me, so I’m heading over to drop it off. It’ll be nice to catch up for a bit, especially with how aggravated I am today. After work, I plan on running to pick up the prints I ordered from the holiday photo shoot we had last weekend. I’m also going to browse to see if I can find a cute shirt for Emerson to wear to picture day tomorrow. I need to provide a description of his outfit on the envelope they sent for payment, but I can’t fill it out until I know what he’s wearing. Pray that we wake up on time tomorrow. I want to have a couple extra minutes tomorrow morning before I send him off to daycare, so that he looks extra cute for his pictures. I also need to reload my bus card. Luckily, I had cash in my wallet to pay my fare this morning. When I swiped my bus card. I didn’t have enough money on it. Whoops!

I downloaded the Taylor Swift 1989 album. Wow. It’s incredible. I absolutely love it and its refreshing to know that she writes all of her own songs. I’m listening to it all day and its making the day seem a little better. Alright, I am going to hop off of here now. I just wanted to send a quick update. Happy Wednesday, all!

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