We had a bit of a rough evening and night yesterday. Emerson is sick. He has a bit of a cold, but ended up translating into a fever at daycare. It was low grade, so I wasn’t concerned, but I did feel so bad for him. He fell asleep on the way home from daycare, so I let him sleep as long as he wanted. I figured the more sleep, the better. When he did wake, he was none too pleased, so I just rocked him back to sleep and laid him down on the couch with a blankie. He slept like that for a while. When he woke, I gave him some more medicine and put him to bed. He slept pretty well until the meds wore off and his fever spiked. His entire body was an inferno. More meds and snuggles seemed to help. This morning, he was a lot cooler. I’m so glad. I gave him some medicine and sent him to daycare. I told them to call me if he seemed under the weather, or spiked a fever at all. I’m working from home, so I can go and get him early if need be. I just don’t have that many sick/vaca days left and I had so much work to do this morning. Not working was not an option. I figured if I could at least send him to daycare for a few hours, get my work done, then it wouldn’t be so bad if I have to take off the second half of the day. I’m going to call around 11am for a status and then decide from there if I need to take the second half of the day off. He’s such a trooper though. I love him to pieces, so I hope he just feels better soon. It’s so hard to watch him be sick. Even Kodie was trying to snuggle with him last night. A boy and his pup. Way too cute.
In happier news, it’s picture day at daycare on Thursday! I am so excited! I know, it’s not school. It’s daycare, but so what. He’s with these kids all day, every day. He will probably be with these same kids for years, so why not do a class photo and a picture? It makes sense to me. The packages give way too many pictures though. I just want one for myself, my sisters, and parents. I’ll send a few wallet sizes out with our Christmas card, but there is no reason for me to have 45 prints. I think I’ll choose a smaller package. What the heck would I do with 8 2x3 and 8 wallet-sized photos?! We don’t have that many people to give them to! I just have to figure out what I’m having him wear that day. They ask for a description on the envelope. I was thinking just a nice sweater and jeans. I’ll send him in a bib, so he can at least try to keep himself clean until they take his pictures. I’m so excited though. All of these little things that I never got to experience are just the coolest ever!
I went grocery shopping after work yesterday. I had an increased budget because of my wreath sales, which was nice. The craziest is I had no grocery list. I decided to just go in, browse, and wing it. I had my calculator up the entire time though adding everything together, so that I didn’t go over budget. I found that I bought a lot more food this way and a lot more variety. Snacks for the baby, snacks for me, and a lot of dinner options. Last night, I made tortellini and mixed vegetables. The baby was too sick to eat, so we’ll probably just have left overs tonight. It’s perfect finger food for him, plus delicious for me! It was nice to not feel so confined with a small, $35 budget. I had a $60 budget and ended up coming $5 under! I remembered after we left that I needed dog food and dish liquid, so I’ll pick that up today along with some more medicine for Emerson.
As far as the week goes, we are just laying low in hopes that he feels better. Saturday, we have plans to go to my cousin’s house to make pumpkin rolls. My mom is coming too. Emerson and I will play with all of the kids, while my mom and cousin bake. I think it’ll be fun. I’m excited and it’ll be nice for Emerson to get to see his cousins. I also plan on having our Christmas cards printed by the end of the week. I ordered 1 print of each picture I took to see which one prints out the best before I make my choice. I’ll pick them up today when I grab Emerson’s meds. I promised my sister I’d have some prints of the baby ready for her for Thanksgiving, so I need to get a couple of frames too. I don’t think she has any prints of him yet. It’ll be nice for her to be able to set out some pics of him at her new house! On top of that, I need to get Emerson something to wear for Thanksgiving. We will probably head up to once upon a child on Sunday to see what they have. He’s only going to wear it once, so I’m not spending $20 on some crazy Thanksgiving outfit. Most of the clothes are brand new there anyway, so no one will be the wiser.
How is mom? Well, over the weekend, I had painful lumps in my right breast. No, not cancer. It was either the onset of mastitis, or a clogged duct. A lot of heat and massaging seemed to do the trick. I pumped a few extra times from that side and let Emerson favor it as well when we nursed. It feels so much better. The lumps are gone. The pain has pretty much subsided too, but I think that’s why I was feeling so crappy. Mastitis/clogged duct can bring on flu-like symptoms. Remember I felt crappy for days? I definitely think it was correlated. I’m just glad it’s gone!
Funny story. On Sunday, I received a facebook message from someone asking me out. This has been happening pretty frequently, but I very rarely post about it because I don’t feel like dating, nor do I want people to think I am bragging about being asked out, or something. I’m not, but after its happened a few times, it’s just too funny not to share. When I get these messages, they usually start out like “Hey, how is single, mommyhood?” Hello, I see what you are doing. Indirectly seeing if I am still a single mother, which I am. After I confirm by saying “Great!” it’s always followed up by “Let’s get together sometime, Maybe we can go out sometime, are you available to go out sometime?” I ALWAYS say NO, then the person seems offended. “Wow, you dissed me” or “wow, shot down” No, I am not shooting anyone down. Then, I find myself having to explain myself and why I say no. It’s just so funny to see these guys take it so personally. I’m not saying anything is wrong with that person. I just don’t want to date! You’d think someone would commend me on that. Prioritizing and putting my son first over a dating life! Usually the people asking me have kids! Wouldn’t that be a great quality in a woman?! Someone who actually puts their child first? I will say this though. I am getting REALLY good at rejecting people and not feeling bad for it. Before, I’d end up going out with someone out of pity. Yeah, no. I don’t have time for that! I’ve had people suggest coming over to my house before. Um, no. My baby still nurses. Sure, let’s watch a movie on the couch, while Emerson leaches off of me. That sounds romantic! It is still nice to be asked, but I almost feel offended when I am asked. Don’t these people know I have a baby to take care of? I don’t have time to split myself between the home, work, baby, dog, and all the 500 other things I have going on. Okay, end rant!
I just called to check on Emerson. His teacher said he hasn’t had a fever at all and he is about to eat lunch. She said he’s slightly cranky from lack of a nap, but he seems fine. Whew. I feel so much better. I told her to call me if he starts to seem feverish again and I’ll come and pick him up early. Alright, I am going to finish up a few things just in case I do have to pick him up early. I hope you all have a super Tuesday!
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