Monday, December 29, 2014


I didn’t want to write this all in one blog, or it would be way too long and you’d all be bored by the time you got to the end of it. So, here is another blog with what’s been going on in our lives.

I was off the day after Christmas, which was nice. Emerson has been sleeping like absolute shit though. At bed time, he will not sleep. He plays around for anywhere up to 2 hours before finally closing his eyes. He wakes in the middle of the night ready to play. I have no idea what is going on. Could it be that he’s so on the cusp of walking that he can’t turn his brain off? He did get a ton of new toys for Christmas. Perhaps he’s just over stimulated from that. I have turned my brain upside down for any kind of answers. He was sick and teething, but both have tapered off, therefore I’m not factoring those into this issue anymore. Maybe it’s a phase, but I hate this. I just want my sleeping baby back. I’m suffering…badly! I have to work for hours just to get him down for a nap/bedtime. I’m beyond exhausted after each time. So, last night was a real turning point for us. I decided enough is enough. He’s been rolling around in bed like crazy. Not only that, but with him randomly waking at night, I’m deathly afraid he’ll fall out of bed when I’m still sleeping. Times they are a changing…

I don’t believe in cry it out…at all. I’ve always advocated AGAINST it. I didn’t mind bed sharing. I slept great and so did Emerson. I never felt he was in danger either, so I did what worked for us. Now, that isn’t working anymore. I know I’m doing the entire family a disservice by allowing this to continue. Last night, I let him play as long as he wanted. He woke from his last nap at 3:45. We had dinner around 6:30pm. Bath was at 7:20pm. Afterwards, I was very calm, kept the house quiet, my voice quiet, and let Emerson know it was bed time. He was showing obvious signs of being tired, so I knew after bath, it was jammies, and bed. After jammie time, I told him it was bedtime, Kissed him goodnight, told him I loved him, and I put him down. I walked out of the room and headed downstairs. Tears like you wouldn’t believe. It was SO HARD. I had the monitor on in the living room. Every wail was excruciating. I felt like the world’s worst mother, but I knew there was no other way. I needed this and so did he. After 7 minutes, he stopped. He stopped for a really long time. He’d whimper here and there, but I could tell he was fast asleep. I still felt bad and I couldn’t get myself to sleep. Not only am I sleep training him, but I’m sleep training myself. I laid there forever. Three hours passed and I was still awake. I knew he’d probably get hungry at some point, so I pumped a bottle. I knew nursing would guarantee that I’d put him in bed with me. Though I’m not ready to night wean, I knew nursing would ruin everything. 11pm approached and Emerson started to cry. 3 hours and 15 minutes of sleep. I knew he must need something. I waited and waited, but he never grew quiet, so I knew he was probably hungry. I headed up and checked his diaper. Wet. I quickly, but quietly changed his bum, then tried laying him down with a bottle. No way, José! He was SHAKING so badly. How could I just lay him down and leave again?! I couldn’t! I just couldn’t. I picked him up and he immediately rested his head on my shoulder. I nuzzled and snuggled him for a minute before crawling into bed and nursing him. We both slept soundly.

I woke up this morning feeling exhausted and defeated. I failed because I took him out and put him in bed with me. How would I ever do this? When he woke this morning, I was sure he’d be upset with me, not smiling, and cold to me, but he wasn’t. Instead, he beamed at me, giggled, and talked as I got him ready for daycare. Whew. That was reassuring. I spoke to a few of my friends who reassured me that I didn’t fail. It’s a gradual process. Putting him down to sleep for 3 hours was incredible and the fact that he barely cried was even better. He still has needs and eventually, he won’t wake up at all. Continue to put him down at a set bedtime, stick to the routine, and it’ll all pan out. I didn’t fail because I picked him up at 11pm. I feel a lot better. I just don’t know that I’ll have the gusto for this tonight. I’m so tired and even more tired from stressing out about doing this. I just hope I have the strength to pull it off again tonight. Even if I just put him down initially for bedtime I’ll be happy with that. Just to have a few hours to myself in the evening before nursing him in bed with me would be a blessing. I’m really sick of having to go to bed at 745pm because my baby needs to go to bed that early. I’m over being confined to a bed or couch during nap time. It isn’t normal. I have things that I need and want to get done. Those naps and bedtimes are supposed to be my sanity. It’s been 11 months (exactly to the day). I haven’t really had a real break during naptime/bedtime in months. It’s time and it’ll be better to do it now before he can crawl out of the crib/playpen. So, I am going to try to remain strong, but damn! This is so hard, especially without reinforcement to back me up! Everyone, say a little prayer to give me strength to get through this! I just want to be able to sleep train, so that we ALL can finally get a good night’s rest!

Outside of that, Emerson and I stayed at home all day on Friday and Saturday. We did sneak out on Saturday morning for coffee and a donut. I was exhausted and needed the caffeine badly. Him, not so much! He loved his chocolate donut though. Sunday, we went grocery shopping. I forgot my wallet, which almost sent me into a fuss, but I remembered it was out in the car, so crisis averted. This morning, I lost my debit card at the gas station. I thought I threw it away with my receipt, so there I was…Digging through a big garbage can. My hands were disgusting. I gave up looking, retreated back to the car to cancel the card, and saw the damn thing lying on the ground. Face palm. I need to get some sleep now! So, here I am, back at work. I hope this week goes fast and that Emerson can find a good balance and a way to get some rest, so both of us can get back in our right headspace. I have a half day on New Years Eve. We’re just going to my parent’s for dinner, then home to an early bedtime…I HOPE!

Mummy's Baby's First Christmas!

The holiday was so amazing. I don’t even know where to begin. I’ve literally typed and re-typed this sentence 5 times! I guess I’ll start with Christmas Eve. The day was pretty awesome. I got the house ready, prepared dinner for that evening, and hung out with Emerson all day. My parents and sister came over around 4pm. We had an awesome dinner and hung out for a few hours. My parents brought some gifts for Emerson to open up too. Luckily, he started to feel a lot better and was actually eating food again. I was worried for a short time, but it passed and we got through it. Anyway, everyone hung out until almost 7pm. I know, Emerson and I are such early birds. We had a nice time though. When everyone left, the baby and dog fell right to sleep, which was nice for me. I was exhausted too. I woke up around 5am on Christmas morning to put out all of the gifts and to fill the stockings. It was neat to play Santa! The night before, I left cookies and milk for Santa and a baby food jar (hehe) of carrots for the reindeer!

Emerson slept in until about 730am. Of all days to sleep in, he picks the day that I want him up early! Anyway, when he woke up, I sat him in front of all of his presents. He went for the biggest one and started to tear the paper! I was so surprised! I got some great pictures! I helped him open up all of his gifts, which he absolutely LOVED! I set everything up for him to play with. It was neat to watch him explore all of his new things. He seemed a bit overwhelmed, but he played for a few hours before we got dressed and headed to my parent’s house for brunch. I made a breakfast pie, which was filled with peppers, cheese, and eggs. The night before, my parents took all of the gifts that I bought everyone over to their house for me, so I had less tote over there on Christmas morning. It made it A LOT easier for me.

When we got to my parent’s house, Emerson opened up ALL of his gifts. Boy, there were a ton! My dad and mom set up his new toys for him to play with, so that I could open up my gifts. I got so much stuff. It was unreal! I got my sewing machine! I can’t even begin to describe how over the moon I am about it! I cannot wait to start making my own things! I also got grocery store gift cards, which were such a blessing. You all know how tight my budget is and my grocery budget is always suffering. On top of that, I got pajamas, make-up, a picture mug with photos of Emerson on it, the sweat pants I was BEGGING my mom to buy me, an electric blanket which is so freaking amazing, and a million other things I know I’m forgetting. They definitely spoiled all of us. It was very much appreciated. They loved everything we bought them too. Afterwards, we all ate brunch together and hung out, while Emerson played with his toys and we waited for my sisters to arrive.

Emerson took a much needed nap for about an hour when I heard my older sister arrive. Remember that we hadn’t spoken since Thanksgiving. She disappeared and didn’t respond to any text messages that I sent. Needless to say, I was less than enthralled to see her for Christmas. I didn’t understand why she all of a sudden started to be cold again. When Emerson woke up, we went downstairs. I didn’t initially greet Nicole. She was peeling potatoes for dinner. About 5 minutes later, my younger sister, Brittany, arrived with her fiancé and my nephew. We greeted them and all headed to the living room for more present opening. Nicole was so warm and nice. I just don’t get it. She disappears and is so cold-hearted for a month, but reappears on Christmas and is the nicest person around. She bought the baby AMAZING gifts. She bought me AMAZING gifts too. I made her a burlap wreath, which came out beautifully. I’m so glad that I spent some extra time on it, or else I would have felt like shit that she went above and beyond for us. She was so nice to me and to all of us. She talked to us and even sat with the baby in the living room, while I ran outside to check out my nephew’s remote control helicopter. I texted her after everyone left for the night and she responded back. The next day, she sent me a picture of the wreath I made on her door, which I thought was so nice. I countered it by sending a picture of the gift she got me hanging on my wall. (A coat rack/key holder that says HOME. It’s freaking ADORABLE) Anyway, I just hope she continues to be nice like this. I’m going to invite her to Emerson’s birthday party. I don’t know that she’ll come, but hopefully she will. She doesn’t spend much time with him, or anything like that, so coming to his party would be nice.

Anyway, Britt got me a hair gift certificate, which I couldn’t be happier about. I haven’t had my hair done in 7 months! It looks so horrible! I cannot wait to get it dyed again. Blah. My roots are on another level, people! After all of the gift opening, we all had dinner together. My parents got Emerson the coolest chair/tray that sits right at the table, so he was able to eat dinner with us too. Typically at their house, he’s in the walker and I just feed him on that tray. It was nice to have him stationary and at the table with the rest of us. He liked it too and pigged out! Loading all of the gifts in the car was INSANE! I filled up a 20 gallon garbage bag which weighed a ton. The baby slept on the way home, so I was able to unload all of the gifts while he napped. It was a really nice Christmas and a great first one for Emerson. I still cannot believe it’s over. All of that hype for all of those months. I hope all of you had an amazing holiday.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Mummy is getting excited!

Emerson was burning up so badly last night. Teething is really getting the better of him this time around. When I picked him up from daycare, the staff told me he was cranky all day. He smiled when I walked in, but you could just see it all over his face. Poor kiddo. He slept on the way home and for about 45 minutes after daycare. He woke up screaming and was so hot. After a dose of Tylenol, he fell back asleep for a few hours. I snuggled him on the couch, then ate dinner, then put us all to bed. He kept waking throughout the night and crying out in pain. I felt so bad. He ended up sleeping in this morning, which I let him because sleep is probably the best thing for him right now. Please pray this tooth comes all the way in, or stops bugging him so much by Christmas. He seemed a lot better this morning, but still a big grouchy. I gave him some Tylenol and sent him to daycare. His diarrhea is completely gone at least. He hasn’t vomited either, so I think we really are on the upswing of things. i I’m working from home, then running to the grocery store to buy the ingredients for Christmas Eve dinner. I know it’ll be nuts out there. I just hope it isn’t too bad. I want to pick Emerson up early too. I don’t want him to suffer longer than he has to. Today is so busy at work too. I have some hours leftover, but I know I’ll never get approval to log off early, so I’ll just save them for another day.

I don’t think I mentioned this, but I changed the menu for dinner tomorrow. I’m making stuffing balls as an appetizer, then we’ll have Swiss cheese chicken casserole, salad, and garlic bread for dinner. My dad is also bringing over an appetizer. I don’t have anything planned as a dessert, but my dad made a valid point that we never eat it because we’re always so stuffed from dinner. I’m saving my pennies and not making anything for it. I think it’ll be fine though. I’m beyond excited to host my first holiday dinner. It won’t be anything major, but it’s major to me because it’s my first time having the family over for dinner and it’s the baby’s first Christmas Eve! I have everything wrapped and ready to go. I just need to make my breakfast pie for Christmas day Brunch. The baby and I are heading to my parent’s house on Christmas day around 10:30am. We’re having brunch with them after we open up our gifts. We’ll be there all day until everyone else comes and throughout dinner. It’ll be nice. We’ll get to spend some time alone with them before everyone comes over too!

I’m still pumping blood. I ended up dumping 2oz of milk this morning. I was able to pump from that breast afterwards and got 1oz of clean milk, so that’s better than nothing. I think I just set the pump too high too quickly and re-injured myself. I’m due to pump again in an hour and a half, so I’ll definitely use a little more caution to avoid dumping anything. It freaking hurts though! Let’s see, other than that, I don’t really have too much to report. I cannot believe Christmas is here already. It’s nuts how fast time goes. Right after this, I have to plan Emerson’s birthday party. I want to send the invitations out next week. I plan on having it January 31st, so it’s GO TIME! I have a pretty meager budget for the party. I think I can do the entire party with a $100 budget. Isn’t that insane? Here are the plans:

Cookie Monster Theme

I’m making all of the décor myself from cardstock. I’ll be making a highchair banner, a photo banner that holds 1 picture per month from newborn-12 months of Emerson, food tent labels, all hanging decorations, invitations, smash cake, cupcakes, treat bags, and a 1st birthday chalkboard sign! On top of that, we are having a full cookie and milk bar. I’ll be making all of the cookies myself too. I’m not providing any food outside of cookies and milk. The party is going to be early afternoon for a couple of hours. It won’t warrant a full lunch, but I’ll still be sure to let everyone know it’s just light snacking. The only things I am buying are Emerson’s party hat and an iron on to make a birthday t-shirt. On top of that, I’m going to be doing his 1st birthday pictures myself. I’m really excited about this and I hope everything comes out nicely. I just need to start now because it’s going to take me awhile to construct all of this stuff! I do have some really cute ideas though!

Alright, guys. I have so much to do. I hope everyone has such a fabulous holiday! I probably won’t update again until after Christmas. Smooches!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Mummy is about sick of it!

Well, this weekend was certainly crazy. On Friday, I had a half day. I ran around so much. I tried shipping the wreath that I sold, but ended up having to refund the person’s money back. It was going to be $70 to ship it! I went to a few places and the prices were outrages. I guess because it was air delivery from here to California and the wreath was so large, the box would need to be just as big. I was very bummed. I took all of my items down on my Etsy store. Now I realize why people were selling their wreaths for so much. They were absorbing some of the shipping cost into the wreath, so it didn’t look like shipping was as high as it really is. I wasn’t going to lose money to ship the wreath though. That would be ridiculous. I can’t even afford $70. It only cost me $12 to make the damn thing! No way was I eating that cost for anyone, so I canceled the order and refunded immediately. Afterwards, I went to pick up brown packaging paper to decorate to make my own gift wrap. Wow. I really outdid myself. It turned out absolutely beautiful! All of Emerson’s gifts are nicely decorated for Christmas! “Santa” really put in a lot of effort this year! After wrapping gifts, I cleaned up the house. That’s all I really had time for. The day went by so quickly. I picked Emerson up from daycare at his usual time. He went to bed pretty early and even slept in on Saturday morning.

Saturday was ridiculous. Emerson has a stomach bug and could not keep anything down. Between the extreme vomiting and diarrhea, I felt so bad. I felt even worse dragging him to the store for more diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, and pedialyte. The good thing is he continued to nurse even though he refuses to eat any solid food. I just hope he feels better. He was sick the entire weekend. He did not poop in the middle of the night, or this morning, so maybe that’s a good sign. I haven’t felt very great myself, but I can take medicine. Emerson can’t. There is only so much I can do. I’ve kept him hydrated and he seems happy aside from shitting his pants randomly and not being able to eat. I just want it to pass before Christmas. He’s at daycare today. I just hope it wasn’t too awful of a day for him. I hate when he is sick! He’s also getting a new tooth too. Who knows if that’s playing a part in all of this. His new tooth is scraping me so badly. On Saturday night, I pumped pure blood from my right breast. It was not fun and I was doubled over in pain. Today, I’ve been able to pump without any blood, so it must be healing up. It’s still very sore, but manageable. As long as I’m able to get milk, I don’t care.

Yesterday, we went to my parent’s house for dinner and cake for dad’s birthday. Emerson had some mashed potatoes, then exploded about 10 minutes later. He ate no cake, but did play in it. That was funny to watch. Dad’s birthday was nice. We were all here minus my older sister. I wasn’t really surprised either. My parents went to visit her that day. I figured she’d give him his gift and then make an excuse as to why she couldn’t come over later. Bingo. I was right. She said she pulled her back out and couldn’t come over. My mom was so pissed off. She was crying. She is just sick of my sister pulling this bullshit on them. My dad was so angry. He can’t stand when anyone upsets my mom, so he freaked out and wanted to tell my sister off, but my mom wouldn’t allow him. She slights them all of the time. They are just sick of it. I’m sure they’ll be over it before Christmas Day if she even shows up. I told my mother to stop trying to please her and walk on egg shells around her. She should be putting the people who come over and are involved daily above her. Don’t push away the ones who are constantly around for someone who doesn’t care enough to take part in the family. That’s just stupid and you’ll end up alone that way. Anyway, when I got to my parent’s house, I asked my dad where my mom was. He said she was upstairs in their bedroom upset. I asked why and he just exploded with how he is so sick of my sister’s drama and we are going to be done doing birthdays and holidays because she is so rude and ruins it anyway. Well, after everyone settled down, I went upstairs to talk to my mom. Why punish the rest of us for one asshole? We all want to be there and to spend time with each other. We all shouldn’t be punished because she’s the self-proclaimed black sheep of the family. She can go pound salt and stay the fuck away if she plans on ruining the baby’s first Christmas. She almost ruined dad’s birthday. Mum and I got dinner ready though and I gave dad his gift well before anyone else even came over. He was in better spirits after that and played with Emerson. My younger sister, nephew, and fiancé came over shortly after. The sad thing is it doesn’t even feel like anyone is missing when my older sister isn’t there. It’s actually weirder when she is there! Anyway, I hope she leaves her psychotic bullshit at home for Christmas. It really isn’t even about her anyway. It’s about the kids and if she ruins it I am going to snap the fuck out. Stay away if you are that miserable and psychotic that you have to ruin everyone’s day. I also think she enjoys doing this to my parents. She likes to get a rise out of them because it gives her a big head. She thinks she is so important. the bottom line is she shouldn't be disrespecting my parents to reaffirm their love for her. She's a psychotic, insecure, bitch.

Anyway, Emerson and I headed home. He slept awhile and I cleaned up and hung with the pup. We all went to bed around 930pm. It wasn’t too bad. I just hope the little guy feels better today when I pick him up. This week, I have to shop for Christmas Eve dinner and make a wreath for my older sister’s Christmas gift. Apparently she bought all of us gifts. I bought her gifts last year and she never thanked me, nor got me anything in return even though I was pregnant and in desperate need of any baby items. I don’t know why the fuck I have to repay the favor this year, but I’ll do it. I already bought the stuff. I just need to put it together. Oh, the wreath that I couldn’t ship is now going to my dad. It’s a Steeler wreath, so they can put it on their front door during Steeler season. They love the pens more, but things happen. I’ll make a pens one at some point when I have extra money for supplies.

This week begins my 40 hour work shifts. Before, I was only required to work 37.5 hours a week. It’ll be nice to get a little extra money, but working 30 minutes longer a day will suck, especially when I’m in town. I’ll get used to it I’m sure. It’s so crazy that the year is already coming to an end. I better start working on my year end blog at some point. So much has happened this year that I don’t want to forget about! Alright! I have to wrap this up now. Have a super Monday, all!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Mummy's baby walked!

Emerson walked last night! I am still in shock! He took 3 steps and then another 4 steps!!!!!!!!!! It was the coolest thing ever! We were at my parent’s house playing and my mom and I were making him walk between the both of us! He is obviously still very shaky and not fully walking on his own, but seeing him take those steps was the neatest thing yet! We’ll be working on this more until he fully gets the hang of it. I was so proud of him though! I screamed so loudly!

Em fell asleep on the way home from my parent’s house and ended up conking out for the night. I was able to finish the oreo truffles for daycare and clean up the house. I was also able to finish the wreath that I sold on Etsy. Today, I’m working from home, but I have a half day. I have a full list of things to do when I’m done. I have to run up to get stocking stuffers for the baby and the dog. Afterwards, I’m heading to the UPS store to have this wreath shipped, then running to Walmart to get packaging paper and tape, so that I can wrap gifts after I get home. I also plan on cleaning the entire house, putting the laundry away, and going through all of the clothes that my best friend just gave me for the baby. If I have time I’m running up to the mall, but that’s definitely on the back burner of things. I just hope I can get everything done before I pick Emerson up at 5pm. This is my last free day before Christmas, so I really need to get it all done.

OOO So, I had another surprise when I got home last night! More packages! My friend, Johanna, sent the baby 2 onesies that are absolutely hilarious AND the most amazing toy drum set I’ve ever seen! I’m not giving it to Emerson until Christmas morning. I’m going to video him opening it up for her. She also sent me a gift card and make- up! Omg! I was speechless. We’ve been talking about contouring our faces, etc and how we want to try it. She sent me such a nice make- up palette, so that I can try contouring. I gave it a whirl this morning and I think I did a pretty good job! It was really nice of her. It made me feel special all over again today.

Okay guys, I have to wrap this up. I hope everyone enjoys their last weekend before Christmas! I’m sorry I’m so slow to responding to comments too! I’ll work on it!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mummy is busy as ever!

Today is absolutely insane! It’s 12:39 (it’s now 1pm and I am just picking this back up) and I am finally eating for the first time. I’ve only been able to pump once. I’m hoping to get in one more time. This time of year is absolutely bananas around this place. I have so many new clients that I’m trying to keep straight. Anyway, no more work talk. I like to keep that out of my blog!

Last night, I was able to get all of the ornaments done AND prepare the oreo truffles! They are chilling in my fridge at home ready to be dunked in chocolate and decorated. I plan on hauling ass after work to get it done before I pick up Emerson. I cannot wait to take the daycare staff their gifts and treat tomorrow! I hope they love everything. I am really happy with the end result of the ornaments and the cookies taste just like oreo cheesecake! Santa came to the daycare today on a fire truck! When I picked Emerson up yesterday, there was a note letting the parents know that Santa was visiting today. I sent him to school today with a Christmas outfit on! This will be his fourth time meeting the jolly, fat man. I hope he didn’t cry.

Tonight, Emerson and I are supposed to go to my parent’s house. My mom and dad are shopping for furniture for my sister’s house, so the only way we won’t go over is if they aren’t back by the time I pick Em up from daycare. After we get home at night during the week, I dislike going back out. Emerson has had a long day and so have I. It’s nice to just be at home for the evening. We won’t venture back out if they aren’t home. After daycare yesterday, Emerson took an hour nap, which is how I was able to get the ornaments done. I was so thankful. After dinner, I made the truffles while he played. It was a nice balance. Around 8:30pm. We headed for the tub. After bath, Emerson was so tired. He conked out around 9pm, which is so much later than we’re used to, but that seems like the trend this week. I’m not complaining. Honestly, a 9pm bedtime seems nice. When we were heading up around 7-730pm, it was just ridiculous. I think I was MORE tired because I had to rush to get everything together for the next day. Now, it seems like we have a little more time and it’s definitely easier for me. I just hope he continues on this trend. I don’t want him going down any later though. 830-9pm is nice. I can work with that. He did stir quite a bit in his sleep last night. I have no idea what was up with that, but we did sleep pretty well. A little too well. I woke up 45 minutes late! By the grace of God, I still made it out of the house on time. Don’t ask me how. It’s a miracle as if time stood still!

Regardless of what happens tonight, I HAVE to make the wreath that I sold on Etsy! I plan on shipping it out tomorrow. I’m done with work around 10am, so I plan on shipping the wreath, running errands, taking my laundry to my parents to wash, then running back home to clean up the house and wrap gifts. I just hope I have time to do everything. I took a half day because I swear I never have time to get much done! I’m desperately trying though. I just want to be able to get this darn wreath shipped at the presents wrapped. Alright guys, I am so busy I have to cut this short!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mummy is crafty!

I just got back from the most awkward Christmas luncheon in with my team and the parallel areas that we work with. Seriously, so weird. I sat there myself. Now, I typically think of myself as a pretty social person. I’m friendly, make conversation, and pretty outgoing. Ouch. Sitting there myself, while others were chatting sucked. I even tried to neb my way into some conversations. I wasn’t well received. People weren’t rude, or anything. They just didn’t really engage back. You could tell everyone felt awkward. We very rarely break out of our cubicles to come together, so I think no one really gets how to socialize with one another. At the end, it was better. A guy in our area is having a baby and his wife is due on Christmas Eve. We baby talked for a bit, but aside from that, it was freaking strange. Can we not do that again for a while? I think I’ll just skip the next social event! I’ll spare my feelings. It was so bad, I was actually texting my mom the entire time! She said “I’ll be your friend” Wow, that made me feel better. Not! LOL

So, after daycare last night, I made my Walmart run. I ended up picking up the most adorable supplies to make ornaments for the entire daycare staff. Wow! They came out amazing. I took a clear ornament ball and stuffed it with shredded notebook paper. Then, I made a cute bow from ribbon that has a ruler print on it. I bought school-themed bubble print stickers and stuck those on the front of the ornament. Wah-la! Adorable! What do you guys think? I absolutely love it! I hope the staff does too. They have Emerson for 11 hours a day. I feel like I could never ever say “Thank you” as much as they deserve it. Yes, they have ticked me off from time to time, but that’s because I hate the policy sometimes. They are a great group of people though and I really appreciate the way they take care of Emerson every single day. He loves them so much and I know they love him. I can tell that he means more to them than just one of the regular attendees. Teachers pet? Anyway, I have to make 13 more ornaments. I didn’t buy enough stuff last night, so back to Walmart it is. I bought all of the supplies for the wreath that I need to make. My mom wants us to come over tomorrow night, so I’m thinking I can put the wreath together, while she occupies Emerson. That way, I can have it ready to be shipped on Friday.

Tonight, I want to prep my Oreo truffles. I figure if I can get the cookies crushed and mixed in with the cream cheese, I can roll into balls and just let them set in the fridge. On Thursday night, I can dunk them into chocolate and decorate to be ready for daycare on Friday. I really hope I didn’t bite off more than I can chew. I need the ornaments, truffles, and wreath done by Friday! I know it doesn’t seem like a lot to do, but it is when the baby needs my attention. After daycare, if he doesn’t nap, he is usually cranky and wants held. I can’t hold him and do all of the things on my list. Even if he does occupy himself, by the time we do dinner and bath, it’s bedtime. We’ve been getting to bed around 830-9pm lately, which I like. That gives me a little more time, but not enough to do all of this stuff. I’ll really be banking on my mom to help me out with him on Thursday night. I usually don’t ask for help at all, but desperate times, people. LOL

Alright, I am going to wrap this up now. I have to finish up some things, pump, and then try to reconcile my budget sheet before I head out. I don’t want to buy more clear ornaments tonight if things are too tight. I’m pretty sure I’m okay thought. I hope you all have a fantastic evening 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Mummy's surprise day!

I’ve been super swamped today, but wanted to be able to blog. Yesterday was just so crazy. I’m still processing how I feel about it. I guess I’ll begin with work. I won’t get into too much detail, but we had a pretty big meeting yesterday with our entire division. Hundreds of people crowded into the auditorium. No one really wanted to go to the meeting because we’re all busy, but by the end of it, I think we were all glad we did go. Our VP raffled off a ton of $50 gift cards and a $500 gift card. No, I didn’t win, but he did announce that we were all getting a little extra in our last check of the year. I almost cried. I’ve been so worried about Christmas and Emerson’s birthday party. Both are so close together. We didn’t get THAT much, but we did get enough that I think I’ll be able to squeeze by now. Things were looking pretty tight. Of course, there were people who were unappreciative, but I was so happy. It took all of my might not to start bawling over the sincere gratitude I felt in that moment.

After work, I headed to the craft store to pick up a few items for the wreath I have to make for my Etsy sale. Afterwards, I headed to daycare to scoop Emerson. Boy, was I surprised when I walked in the door. The school pictures were in! I cannot even begin to describe how absolutely adorable Emerson looked in his picture! WOW! I’m SO MAD at myself that I didn’t get the bigger package. The pictures are gorgeous! I wish I had more to hand out to more friends and family, so now, I am struggling with who to give the few pictures to that I did receive. My parents and younger sister are definitely getting the bigger photographs. I took the biggest one. My dad wants a wallet for himself and a few to put inside Christmas cards that he’s sending out. He’s a proud pap and wants to show off his boy! I can’t blame him! My friend, Carina, definitely wants a picture, so I’m going to mail hers out this week. I’d also like to insert a photo in the Christmas card that I give daycare too. I guess I’ll just hang onto the rest and worry about how to divvy them up later. I cannot stop staring at the pictures though. They came out so adorably! My boy is such a ham!

When we got home, I was a little concerned when we pulled up to the house. I saw two packages sitting on our porch. I knew one was definitely for me because I ordered an adorable stone for Chloe. The second package was a mystery and led me into a panic. Did I accidentally order something while I was browsing online? I have a habit of browsing A LOT. I window shop because I can’t afford to do the real thing. I was having a cow. The baby was passed out in his seat, so I got him in the house, let the dog out, and ran back outside to grab both packages. The mystery package had my name on it, so the mailman didn’t make a mistake. I opened the package, ignored the contents inside, and went straight for the receipt. Whew. My name was NOT the payee. A friend of mine must have sent me a gift! I was really upset at first. I don’t want people to think that I NEED them to send me gifts, or anything. I especially don’t want anyone to feel that I ask for such things, or I am using anyone. That is not how I roll. I opened up the package and found two adorable dresses inside. Wow. I was blown away. Still upset, but blown away at the generosity. I texted my friend with a mix of emotions. Thankfulness, appreciation, but anger for spending on me when I didn’t necessarily NEED these items. I was told that it was just a nice gesture and to have a good Christmas. Wow. I am still blown away. The fact that nothing was asked of me in return baffles me. Are people really just this nice? Am I even deserving of such generosity? I am still trying to wrap my mind around this. After a few minutes, I went to the mailbox to grab my actual mail. To my surprise, there were two small packages tucked inside. My stomach dropped. Not more. I can’t take more! I hoped both up to find a phone and car charger. Remember me saying my charger broke and my phone took 8+ hours to charge? Wow. Someone was listening. Back to the phone I went. I still do not fully understand how I have people in my life who actually care about me and want to make me smile. It does make me feel happy, but sad at the same time. I don’t want anyone to go out of their way for me. It’s one thing to send the baby a gift, but not me. I hope that’s the last of the surprise Christmas gifts for the year. I am truly so thankful, but I want everyone to save their money. I sent my friend a Christmas card. A card in return would have been more than enough. What an absolute sweetheart.

Emerson ended up napping until 645pm, which was a welcomed change. I knew he’d stay up later and maybe it would be easier to put him to bed. It’s strange going to bed at 7pm. I was hopeful that because we’d have a late start on dinner and bath, Em would stay up until closer to 9 and go to bed easier. God really answered my prayers because that’s exactly what happened. When he woke up, we ate dinner together. He scarfed down so much tuna noodle casserole. It was unreal! I guess I make a good tuna casserole, huh?! After dinner, we played for a long time. I was able to do the dishes though, which is always nice. Around 830, Emerson started to get a bit fussy and tired, so we headed to the tub. He played in the bath for a while, then it was jammie time. He played a little longer, then it was bed time. I was sort of dreading bedtime just because the past few days have been rough, but he went down so easily. It was nice. He slept pretty much all night too. I woke up engorged! My first pump of the day resulted in a big output of 8oz of milk! I pumped a second time this morning and got the last 4oz I needed. I’m due to pump one more time, which means it’s all extra! I love having extra. It just means I can take a bottle with us if we have anywhere to go. I love when that happens.

After work tonight, I have to run to Walmart to get the last of the wreath supplies, so that I can get this thing made and shipped by the end of the week. I plan on sending it out on Friday. I have a half day. My mom works 12pm-6pm on Friday, so we’re not hanging out now. I’ll run errands, clean, and wrap my gifts though, so it won’t be a total bust of a half day. We’re also celebrating my dad’s 55th birthday this weekend, so I need to pick up a card for him!

Alright, I am going to finish up the stuff I need to do! Have a great Tuesday, all!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Mummy and Baby's weekend!

This weekend was really nice. I spent absolutely NO money either, but it felt like we did a lot, which is always a nice surprise. On Friday, I picked Emerson up from daycare, then headed to my parent’s house where we decorated their Christmas tree. They buy a real one every year. The tree turned out beautifully and we had a good time decorating it. My sister and nephew were there along with my sister’s fiancé and his daughter. After everyone left, Emerson and I hung around and ate dinner with my parents. It’s always nice spending time with them. My dad walked us out when Emerson and I left and asked me to order a mug for my mom for Christmas with Emerson and Isaiah’s pictures on it. I ordered it this morning. Before my dad got home, my mom asked me to call and order her 2 tickets to this Pittsburgh Penguins charity hockey game for my dad. I just did that today as well. It’s hilarious that they both conspire with me to order each other’s Christmas gifts. If they didn’t, they’d definitely guess their gifts by looking at the bank statement! I know my dad will be so excited over those tickets. He keeps talking about wanting to go.

Around 7am on Saturday morning, my dad showed up with coffee and breakfast for us! It was such a nice surprise! I didn’t have to cook at all! I love when that happens. We had pancakes, sausage, and eggs. Yummy! I also had the biggest coffee ever! Saturday afternoon was so much fun. Dunkin Donuts had a kid’s event. The kids all got to decorate a donut and they even had the donut mascot there. It was so much fun! Emerson was so cute and by the time the event was over, he was absolutely covered in frosting. Afterwards, we headed over to my parent’s house. We hung out there for a while and ate dinner with them again. Emerson was such a bear to get to sleep on Saturday night. It took an hour and 45 minutes before he finally conked out. He was beyond exhausted and so was I. He did sleep VERY well once he went down, so I guess I can’t complain too badly, but man. I’m ready for this phase to be over!

Anyway, on Sunday, we hung around the house all day. Emerson was a bear to get down for a nap, but when he finally did, we snuggled on the couch for TWO hours. It was Heaven. I even dozed off for a bit in between watching Fixer Upper, one of my favorite HGTV shows. It was nice and peaceful. I had all of the lights out, but our Christmas trees were lit up. Emerson was so adorable all snuggled up with me and Kodie was at our feet. I love moments like that. I don’t get to sit and appreciate them as much as I’d like. My best friend dropped by with our Christmas card and three boxes of clothes for Emerson. We are all stocked up on clothing for a while, which I couldn’t be happier about. We have so many 12-18 month clothes! I figure at the point I need to worry about clothes again, he’ll need spring and summertime items. We have a ton of shorts though from another friend. I think we’ll be okay for a while. Em was kinda hard to get to bed last night too. He was BEYOND exhausted. I actually let him cry it out for 10 minutes. You all know how I freaking HATE doing that, but sometimes it’s just necessary. When the ten minutes were up, I nursed him through whimpers and he went right down. I feel so bad doing that! I HATE CIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After a point though, it just becomes ridiculous and I need to let him just tire himself out.

I ended up waking up at 230am in a panic. I thought I heard a noise and it freaked me the hell out. I didn’t get back to sleep until 4am. I ended up sleeping in until 530am. Whoops. We still left the house on time though. I hope that doesn’t happen tonight. I have no idea what I heard, or if I even really heard something. Maybe I was dreaming? When I woke up, the dog was sound asleep. I know she would have freaked out if there really was a nose. Needless to say, I’m pretty tired today. Coffee is my best friend!

This week, we have nothing planned. Just work and daycare. I have to make a Steeler wreath. I made my first Etsy sale yesterday, so I need to make this wreath and ship it out this week. I hope this customer doesn’t expect to have this for Christmas. There is no way that’s happening. They didn’t mention it, but considering they live in California and I live in Pennsylvania, unless they pay extra for shipping, it’s a no go. I’m so appreciative and excited though! My first online sale! Woohoo! I’ve had my Etsy store for about a month and a half though. It’s taken me this long just to get an order! Maybe this is just the start of something more!

I have a half day of work on Friday. The daycare is having their holiday party that day, which is also a pajama party. I can’t wait to send Emerson in his jammies! When I’m done working, I’m going to pop in with oreo truffles for the staff and a Christmas card. Although the more I think about it, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. Maybe I should aim to just send them in the morning. I don’t know that I’ll be able to just pop in and right back out after seeing Emerson. I’ve never done that before and it’s because I think I’ll be too sad to leave him. I’m also afraid he’ll freak out if he seems me, then I leave. Okay, well I think I’ll aim to get them done on Thursday night! After I’m done working, my mom and I are going Christmas shopping together. That will be nice. I’m not picking Emerson up from daycare until 5pm, so I plan on wrapping all of my gifts when we’re done shopping. I just don’t want to wait until the last second. If I do that, I know I’ll end up doing it in front of Emerson. Even though I know he doesn’t understand, I’d like keep the secret of Santa in the shadows. It just doesn’t seem right to wrap his gifts with him in the room!

Emerson had his first taste of apple juice on Saturday. He’s never had anything outside of water and milk. I’m still not sure how I feel about it. There is really no point in giving juice when water and breast milk are available. I don’t see that being a regular thing. We were at the donut even though, so I did it as a treat. He seemed to really like it, but again, I don’t really see the point in filling him up with a sugary beverage when he likes water.

So, our department is moving buildings and there isn’t a lactation room. Instead, there is a conference room that is all glass. I don’t care. I’m not going to quit pumping because of that. I’ll bring a blanket and cover myself that way. I plan on pumping and nursing well after a year, so I’m not going to let a hang up like lack of a proper room to dictate for me. We’re moving at the beginning of February, right after Emerson turns 1 year old. What a coincidence, right?

Speaking of Emerson turning 1, I have his entire party planned out. I changed his theme to a Cookie Monster theme. I need to start preparing things. It’s going to take me a really long time because I’m pretty much making all of the décor myself. My mom is making the cake and cupcakes for me. I hope they come out nicely. His birthday party is going to be on January 31st. I’m going to send an invite out via facebook at the end of this month. I just hope it doesn’t snow. If it does, the party is at my house, so we can just move it. We’re only having cookies, so those will keep for a few days. Anyway, I’ll actually post pictures of the party. I know I’m so bad posting pictures in my blog! I have some cute ideas up my sleeve! Alright, I have so much work to do. Have a great day, all!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Mummy's Christmas Drama because people act like fucking assholes!

I know it's been a couple of days without an update from me, so I'll start with Wednesday. Emerson, my mom, and I all went to the mall to see Santa. It went well! No tears at all! Santa was great and so great with Emerson. We got the most adorable photo too. Afterwards, Emerson and I rode the train. He had a really good time. My mom paid for Santa and the train. I can't even express how much I appreciated that. I literally would have had $3 left after paying for both. I did get paid today though. I need to pay our bills, buy groceries, and diapers. I had no diapers this morning and ended up having to break open a size 5 pack to send Emerson to daycare. It didn't fit that horribly, but luckily I just sent daycare diapers, so they have his correct size. We'll be stocked up before I pick him up tonight.

After work, I'll be rushing around like a nut ball to run errands, drop our laundry off at my parent's house, and then head back home to put the groceries away before I scoop Emerson at daycare. We're heading to my parent's house tonight to decorate their Christmas tree. My dad is picking my nephew up from school. Their yearly tradition is going to pick out a live tree. it's cute. When Emerson is older, I'm sure he'll be added into that too. Anyway, I'm dropping the laundry off, so I can wash it while we're over there.

Tomorrow, I'm taking Emerson to Dunkin Donuts in the afternoon. Their having a kid's donut decorating event. My cousin's wife is the manager, so I'm sure my cousins will be there too with their kids. It'll be cute. I'm excited to take him and it's free! Afterwards, we'll probably hang out with my parents for a bit. Sunday, I believe we're heading to my best friend's house to visit. Emerson hasn't seem Cameron in a while. The last time we saw Cam, he couldn't even sit up on his own. Now, he can stand, while holding onto random objects, so it'll be neat to see the kids interact.

The best part about this weekend is saving money! I'm sure I'll buy a coffee at Dunkin Donuts on Saturday, but outside of that, it should be a free weekend, which I like. I'm saving all of our pennies for Christmas. I don't get paid until the day after Christmas, so I need to finish up everything with this paycheck. I'm done shopping outside of Emerson's stocking stuffers and a few things for the dog. I just need to buy gift bags and gift wrap, which I'll get at the dollar store.

I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing for Christmas Eve dinner. Because everyone is coming over so early, I was thinking of scraping a full dinner for appetizers. Sausage cheese meatballs, Stuffing spinach balls, and mini mac and cheese cups sound pretty darn good to me. I was also going to make a cheese and cracker tray into the shape of a Christmas tree. Additionally, I'm going to make a Red Velvet Trifle. I just keep going back and forth. I want everyone to feel full enough, but have enough variety. Maybe I can buy mini rolls for the meatballs. We can make mini meatball sandwiches, which sounds pretty darn good. I definitely want to set everything up really cute too. It's my first year hosting a holiday and Emerson's first Christmas. I just want it to be really nice.

The only people coming to Christmas eve are my parents and younger sister. So, let's back track a bit. The last few years, Nicole (older sister) has hosted Christmas Eve, which we always had at her apartment. It was always really nice and something we looked forward to. We don't really visit anyone outside of my parents on Christmas, so switching it up was a nice change of pace. Last year, she wasn't speaking to my sister, or I, so she did not invite us to Christmas Eve. My parents and nephew went, which meant Britt and I had to fend for ourselves. I was 9 months pregnant too. It was my last Christmas before the baby. I was very pregnant, so not being with my family was really disappointing. Britt and I went out to dinner. It was nice, but even so, I'd rather be with my family.

In April, after I got my house, I decided that I wanted to take on a holiday because I actually lived close enough and had the space to do so. Nicole was still not talking to us and I didn't want a repeat of being alone like last year, but now with Emerson. He deserves to grow up with a sense of family, especially at the holidays, so I decided to do Christmas Eve at my home. Again, she was not speaking with us at this time, so I wasn't really taking anything away from her. Over the year, she has warmed up a bit, which I've blogged about previously.

Let's fast forward to Thanksgiving. Nicole told us repeatedly about her company's holiday policy and how she had to work on Christmas Eve night (230pm to 1230am) and on New Years Eve. She also had to work the entire night on Thanksgiving Eve night. She told us several times. She was quite upset about it and even went into detail regarding petitions, etc. At that point, I didn't mention my hosting Christmas eve because it was a moot point due to the fact that she worked all night and wouldn't be doing anything anyway. I felt a sigh of relief because now I didn't have to:

A. feel the disappointment when she declined my invitation

B. feel guilty about hosting Christmas Eve at my house if she intended on doing something at her house

C. feel bad about putting my parents in an awkward situation

After Thanksgiving, her and I had a conversation via text in which she stated AGAIN that she worked on Christmas Eve night. Now, the entire time she was telling us this, I thought it was strange. I doubted that her company was really making her work on Christmas Eve night because she never had to in prior years, but how would I know? Maybe the policy changed. I did think it was weird though. She always had a morning shift the night before Christmas. I let it go though and didn't mention my holiday plans because again, it was a moot point. After that conversation, I've sent her 6-7 text messages over the last two weeks that she's ignored. I have no idea why she isn't responding to my text messages, which mainly consist of pictures of Emerson, but I did find it strange. I also mailed her a Christmas card that she never thanked me for. Again, I did find this odd. I just figured she flopped back to not liking me again. Well, it all sorta seemed to make sense on Wednesday night...

My mom got a text message from her inviting just her and my dad to Christmas Eve at her house. What?! Not only was she not including everyone, but she was now inviting them over when she told ALL of us several times that she had to work all night! What the fuck? So, my mom writes back and tells her that they already have plans to come to my house and that she knows I was inviting Nikki, which those were always my intentions, but she seriously beat it into our heads over Thanksgiving that she worked all night, so I just dropped it. I have no idea why she all of a sudden flip flopped like this. My mom suggested that my parents come up another day and she responded that she had to work anyway. So which is it? Do you work, or do you not work? Were you initially lying and setting it up, so that you didn't feel obligated to have us over and you could spend it with your friends, or something? Did that fall through, so now you had to back peddle, so you could spend Christmas Eve with someone? I just don't get the games.

My dad was really annoyed too after my mom mentioned the whole fiasco to him. They are still mourning the death of the dog like you wouldn't believe. Wednesday was the first day I was there. My dad packed up all of the dog's food and bones for me to send home for Kodie. In the midst of that, my mom gets this bullshit text. I can see playing these games when you're 13, but not nearly 33. It's Emerson's first Christmas. These holidays are all about the kids now, not us. Of course my parents want to see the baby the night before Santa comes. On top of that, they aren't going to make me and the baby sit alone in our home with no one to spend it with. That's absurd. Brittany doesn't have Isaiah on Christmas eve, or Christmas morning. So what? She was going to leave Britt to spend Christmas Eve ALONE too? It's not right. I thought we were getting past all of this bullshit, but apparently I was wrong.

I texted her and reiterated the fact that she told us so many times that she worked all night on Christmas Eve and sent a screen shot of the text message of her saying so. I asked if her company changed her hours and said if so, that was nice of them. I also told her she is ALWAYS welcome at my house. She has yet to respond to my text message and I doubt she will. I'm just so tired of the fucking disrespect. I still have to get her a Christmas gift too. I bought her multiple gifts last year and had my parent's take them over to her. I never even got a fucking thank you. I know she bought us some things this year. I have no idea what, but it really makes me feel like I should buy Emerson another gift and not even waste my damn money. Clearly nothing has changed. I feel like she likes doing this shit to ruin the holidays. I refuse to let her do that though. I am just so fucking sick of it. BE NORMAL. Why is she so damn weird??

You know what else is sad? I don't even refer to her as Aunt Nikki to the baby. She isn't around enough and doesn't make effort with the baby at all, so why call her Aunt? It's like having a dad come in and out all of the time. They shouldn't get that privilege either. She never spends time with Emerson, or asks about him either. I should just quit sending pictures and shit. I did think things were starting to look up. That definitely isn't the case now. I don't even care anymore. Stay the away if you're going to ruin everything.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Mummy's still feeling down

Well, our meeting ended up being over about 10 minutes early, so I was able to get on the 405pm bus. I wasn’t that late picking Emerson up from daycare and he didn’t drink the extra bottle that I sent! Yay! Now, we have extra milk that I can take along with us tomorrow when we go to the mall to see Santa. It’s always nice to have the luxury of bringing a bottle. That way, I won’t have to nurse in public, or rush home to feed Em. He hates being covered anyway, so nursing in public hasn’t been an option for months. It’s just less stress knowing that we do have an extra bottle as back up. Whew.

I slept so shitty last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about the dog. My mom texted this morning and said it’s too quiet at their house now and she is considering getting another dog at some point. She has to talk it over with my dad first. Obviously, this dog is not meant to replace Chloe. That isn’t even possible, but a house isn’t a home without a dog. We’ve had a dog our entire lives, so I understand where she’s coming from. She was suggesting a puppy though. I don’t know about that. They had a well-trained dog for 15 years. I just don’t see them going from that to a puppy. They’ve always been able to train their dogs so well. I just can’t see them starting all over again, so we’ll see.

I have a half day tomorrow, so I’ll be working from home with Emerson. I hope he sleeps in, so that I can get most of my stuff done before he wakes up. My mom is going to the mall with us after she’s done working. I’m signing off around 10am, so I can get us ready to head to my parent’s house to meet up with mom. She’s going to drive us up to the mall. We also have to swing past the doctor’s office to get a paper signed for daycare. Apparently they need more than just the shot records that I provided last week.

Things are so tight this week. I’m so poor. I hate it. I can’t wait to get paid on Friday, but then, I’ll just be broke all over again. I just hate when things are THIS tight and down to the penny. Usually, I have a little extra to play with, but not this week. I have just enough to ride the bus and pay for these Santa pictures. Sorry, I don’t mean to poor mouth. I really am trying to work on that, but it is my blog and this is my reality. I write what I know and right now, I know I’m broke!

I don’t know if I mentioned this, but we’re moving to a 40 hour work week instead of 37.5 that we’re working now. This will certainly boost my checks, which I’m so happy about. Friends of mine have started this new schedule two months ago and said their paychecks have increased by at least $75. I’m looking forward to this. I don’t start the new schedule for another two weeks. My paychecks beginning in January should show a slight increase. I really hope so too. I have to plan and pay for Emerson’s first birthday party. I’m keeping it small, but obviously I want to make it special too. It sucks that his birthday is a month after Christmas, but come hell, or high water, I will make it work and give him the first birthday party that he deserves.

Emerson has been becoming so brave lately. He’s been taking steps barely holding onto anything. He fell pretty hard last night. It always scares me, but then I think it probably scares him which is half the reason he’s even crying more so than being hurt. I just hope he doesn’t scare himself out of taking more steps. I really do foresee him walking before Christmas. He’s so close! When I picked him up at daycare last night, we tried getting him to walk over to me. He gets so excited when I walk in the door that he almost does it, but then he gets so upset and he cries, or drops to his knees and races over to me. He’s probably like, “Stop playing with me, mom. Come pick me up! I waited all day to see you!” I’ll keep you all updated though!

I’m starving today. I brought my usual: Ramen noodles, oatmeal, 2 granola bars, and a pop tart. So far, I’ve had the pop tart and a cup of bad office coffee. I think I’ll nix the pop tarts when I grocery shop and put bagels back on the list. I’m sick of eating the same thing every day. It’s been this way for the last couple of months. Time to switch it up again. I haven’t been losing weight for a while. I’ve been at 107lbs for at least the last month. Maybe a bit longer. I think things are beginning to slow down a bit, which is a good thing. If I can maintain, or even gain a few lbs, I’ll be happy. I was starting to get really nervous when the scale was constantly going down. I do feel as though I’m starting to maintain and level out though.

Alright, I have a pounding headache, so I’m going to cut this now. I hope everyone has a super fabulous Tuesday. Remember, the Victoria’s Secret fashion is on tonight!!!!!!!!!! WooHoo!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Mummy's real update (blah)

I honestly have no desire to blog right now, but I’ll do it anyway because I don’t want to forget these memories later on when Emerson is older considering it’s his first Christmas. I just still cannot shake the sadness of the dog passing. I found a really nice stone for her that I’m going to order on Friday. It isn’t overly expensive either. I found a reasonably priced one from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I just got a coupon from there in the mail too that I can use. The dog definitely deserves something. I keep randomly bursting into tears at work too. We have a meeting at 3pm. I hope I can compose myself by then.

Okay, onto the weekend update. On Friday, we didn’t do anything. Emerson fell asleep pretty early and ended up sleeping in until about 8:30am Saturday morning. That’s insane! Usually, he’s up so early. I wasn’t complaining though. I ended up waking up early anyway, so I didn’t get any extra sleep, but I did get to lay in bed longer than usual. Later that day, Emerson and I went over to my sister’s new house to check it out. Afterwards, we all went to the thrift store where I was able to get 2 Christmas sweaters for Emerson and a onesie. I spent $5.96. Not bad. Afterwards, we walked around the mall for a bit just because we had nothing else to do. After dropping my sister off at her house, we headed back home where we hung for the night.

On Sunday, I was up early again for no reason. I have no idea what is going on with me. Emerson slept until about 6:45am. I had no coffee at home, so I decided to take him down to Dunkin Donuts. I had a coffee and he had a donut. We hung out there for about 45 minutes. He had a great time people watching. It was nice to get out of the house for a bit without spending much money. We hung out at home all day, then went over to my parent’s house. My sister and I took the kids over to the festival of trees again. Emerson flipped when I put him on Santa’s lap. Full on crying/not breathing tantrum. I don’t know how Wednesday will go after last night’s fit. We still had a good time though and walked around to see the trees again. $2.00 well spent. Afterwards, we went back to my parent’s house to have dinner. It was hard being there with the dog. Sorry, I won’t rehash the memory again. I’m trying to back burner it until I get home. Then, I can cry as much as I want. After we got home from my parent’s house, Emerson caught a second wind and played until nearly 8pm. After that, he got a bath, then went to bed. It wasn’t a breeze getting him down either. He was such a bear this morning when I had to wake him for daycare. He ended up falling back asleep once we were in the car, waking when I dropped him off, but falling back asleep before I even left. I advised daycare that I’ll be almost an hour late tonight. Luckily, I pumped extra this weekend, so I could send an extra bottle. We have a later meeting at work today, so I won’t be able to get on the bus until 4:20pm. I just hope the bus isn’t late. I seriously have little to no room for error. I literally have no money until I get paid on Friday. Every dollar I have is accounted for between paying to ride the bus all week, putting $5 worth of gas into my car, and paying for Emerson to meet Santa Claus. Obviously if I have to cut something, it’ll be Santa, but I really hope I don’t have to unless its voluntarily. If Emerson is crying like he was last night, I will save my $22 and not purchase the pictures, but he’ll still get to sit on Santa’s lap regardless.

I’m hosting Christmas Eve dinner this year, so I really need to save all of our pennies to be able to pay for it. I planned a pretty good menu I think and it’s budget friendly. Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole, Roasted Parmesan Potatoes, French Bread, and a Red Velvet Trifle Dessert. Good enough? I guess I should throw in some kind of vegetable to go with that. Other than that, I think I’m all set. It’s just my mom, dad, and younger sister coming over. It doesn’t need to be over the top, or anything. I think there will definitely be a somber mood over the holidays now because of the dog’s passing. She really was a member of the family. Okay, sorry  I’m going to go cry again.

Mummy lost a family member :(

Today is such a sad day. Our family dog, Chloe, passed away early this morning. She has been sick for quite some time and it has really become the focus of our family. It’s going to be so weird without her being at my parent’s house. I know I haven’t written about the situation before, but I guess I always thought if I did then it would jinx the situation and she wouldn’t get better. Wishful thinking. I’m glad that she was with my parents when she passed. I feel so sick today. We’ve had her about 15 years give, or take a little. The baby and I went over last night to visit. Chloe was whimpering. It was really scary and sad. On Friday, I laid with her for a while, petted, her and told her it was okay if she didn’t want to hold on anymore. I have been a mess all day. I’m trying to think positively and tell myself that she is no longer suffering, so this is for the best. I guess I’m just being selfish because I still want her here on Earth with us. My sister didn’t tell my nephew yet. She’s waiting until after school. I found out right before I got on the bus, so I was a wreck the entire ride in. I’m trying to hold it together at work now. Easier said than done. I just went into the lactation room and had a cry fest. I do know that this is better for her though. I’m so happy she is no longer suffering and she’s reunited with her mama in doggy Heaven. Pets are just like people and a member of the family. It is not easy to lose one. RIP Chloe Jane. We love you…

Friday, December 5, 2014

Mummy's baby didn't like Santa!

Emerson and I had a BLAST last night at The Festival of Trees! We arrived right as the girl scouts were singing carols outside awaiting Santa’s arrival to light their Christmas tree. It was adorable! Santa rolled in on a fire truck, lit the tree, then greeted all of the girls. Emerson and I headed inside to see the trees right after. They were adorable. We took a couple of pictures and remembered the trees that we wanted to vote for on our way out. We ran into a few friends, so we chatted a bit, met the Nittany Penn State Lion, then ran into Santa Claus! Emerson was not happy! He didn’t cry, but he didn’t smile either! It was hilarious! Santa was such a good sport, scooped Emerson right up, and let me take several pictures of them together. Afterwards, we sang and danced to the live Christmas entertainment, cast our votes for our favorite trees, then headed back out to see the lights outside. It was so much fun!

Emerson conked out on the way home and ended up napping until about 7:30pm. When he woke up, we ate dinner, had bath, then he went right back to sleep. He slept pretty well. I woke up so early this morning though. I was up around 415am. I watched the news before getting ready for work. I worked from home today, which made things easier. I ran Emerson up to daycare, then came back and signed on early. It’s been much busier these past few days, so I’ve been trying to work a little bit longer to make sure everything gets done.

After work, I’m going to put the laundry away, clean up a bit, shower, and then run up to daycare to pick up Emerson. We have no plans for the evening. We’re just hanging out at home. Tomorrow, we have several errands to run. We’re going to head over to my sister’s to check out her house. She and my nephew ended up moving this week along with her fiancé. Yes, they are back on again. They painted and spruced their house up a bit, so I want to check it out. Other than that, we really have no plans at all this weekend. I want to save every single penny to make sure that I can take Emerson to see Santa on Wednesday. My mom is coming with us. I have a half day, so we’re going to head up to the mall around 1130am. I’m hoping there aren’t long lines considering the kids should be in school and parents at work! Let’s hope no one else has the same idea as me!

I mailed all of our Christmas cards on Wednesday. Everyone should start receiving them today. I can’t wait to hear everyone’s reactions. I think they came out very nice even though I took the pictures myself at home. I’ve heard how much my friends have spent on their pictures and cards. I was baffled. Even if I had more money, I wouldn’t be spending $200 on photos. I was looking up ideas today for first birthday pictures. I’m definitely going to attempt to do those ones myself too. I don’t think my photography is that horrible that I can’t do them myself. Sure, the Christmas photos weren’t your ordinary, run of the mill photos, but that’s what I liked most about them. They were more candid than posed and I think they turned out beautifully. I can’t stop staring at my cards, or the photos!

On Monday, our dept. has a later meeting, so I won’t make it to daycare until close to 6pm, which is the cut off time and when I start to be charged $15 for being late. I really hope that our meeting doesn’t run over and I can get to Emerson on time. If not, I’ll have to ask my mom to pick him up for me, which is such a pain in the butt. I hope I don’t have to do that. Between her remembering the code for the door, signing him in and out, remembering her driver’s license for them to release him to her, and the huge task of putting him in the car seat and car, I just don’t see her being able to do all of that. The car seat is REALLY annoying and hard to get in and out of the car. On top of that, he hates being in it and constantly puts up a screaming fight. Cross your fingers that I get there are time and nothing crazy happens with the bus! Speaking of the bus, it was EARLY yesterday! I was tickled pink! There was a protest going on downtown near my company too. I was sure the bus would be late, but it wasn’t. I hope it’s a trend that’s on going. We are all fed up with the inconsistencies!

Welp, that’s about all I have for today. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Mummy misses her baby today!

So, a few days ago, I realized that my cell phone was taking forever to charge. I’m not even over exaggerating either. Yesterday, it took my phone 8 hours to charge up to 100%. Of course, I was pretty concerned considering I cannot afford to get a new phone. This one is an upgrade. Yes, I have insurance, but the insurance still costs about $150 to replace the phone. Anyway, today I asked a co-worker to use her phone charger to see if it’s my charger, or phone that’s broken. I had to wiggle her charger just to get it to work in my phone, but it did charge a bit faster. So, I am still perplexed. I think it might be a combination of my phone and my charger. We’ll see. Right now, I turned my phone off to charge it up a bit with her charger. I don’t like doing that on the off chance that daycare tries to call me. I’d hope they’d leave a message if I didn’t answer. It does make me nervous doing that though.

I miss my Emmie Pie today. Of course, I miss him every day, but some days are worse than others. This is one of those days. He is so adorable! I can’t even help it. After work yesterday, he was so tired. He literally laid down on the floor on two pillows. It was adorable. Of course, he didn’t fall asleep like that. I rocked him and put him down for a nap around 6pm. He was so tired. He ended up skipping dinner and bath and going right to bed. He slept pretty well last night. The only downfall is that he woke up earlier than expected this morning. Typically, he’s asleep while I get ready for work and pack the work bag and diaper bag. It’s just easier for me to get ready and everything else ready without juggling him too. He was up with me this morning, but was an angel. I ended up getting to the bus a bit late, but that’s okay. Speaking of bus, it was late AGAIN yesterday afternoon. I won’t dwell on it, but this is going to be one very long winter if this keeps up. Thirty minutes on the sidewalk in the freezing cold was not fun. I don’t get it. We switched drivers about a week ago. Ever since, the bus is always late. I wish we had our old drivers back. They were much better.

Last night, Emerson almost walked alone. I posted a video of it to my G+ account if you guys are curious. Kodie was very excited though and knocked him down. She is so obsessed with giving him kisses. It drives me insane. I hope she gets that under control. No matter how many times I tell her to stop, she continues to kiss him. Anyway, I hope he takes his first real steps at home and not daycare. Even if he does though, I’ll still pretend LOL It isn’t official until the mama sees it anyway, right?!

Tonight, we’re going to The Festival of Trees. I’m not taking the stroller. It’s so crammed in there as it is. I hate when people bring their bulky strollers. The baby’s want to be out and seeing everything anyway. I’ll just hold Emerson. We won’t be there very long anyway. You can only look at the trees for so long. I just hope the line to meet Santa isn’t crazy! He rides in on a fire truck tonight because it’s the first night of the festival. I know, that sounds really weird, but it’s exciting for the kids. I plan on taking him up to the festival at least another time. They have a sleigh ride. I just have to check the weather. It would be awesome to take him on that one night as long as it isn’t too cold. After work, I’m going to run home to let the dog out, change my clothes, get clothes out for Emerson, pick him up from daycare, run back home, change him, pack up the diaper bag, and head over to the festival. I am praying that I am able to pump AT LEAST 3 extra ounces of milk today, so that I can bring a bottle with us. So far, I have 6 ounces and I’m pumping at least 3 more times. It’ll be so much less stressful on me if I can take a bottle with us. That way, we won’t need to rush to make it home for dinner, and I won’t have to nurse in public. Emerson doesn’t like to be covered and the entire world would definitely get a show. I’m not comfortable with that! Did I mention the festival and everything is free? We just have to donate a canned good for each of us. I have plenty of those at home, so it’s such a nice thing that we can do and it won’t blow our budget.

Emerson has no Christmas clothes at all. I really need to get on that. We need to make a trip up to once upon a child to grab some jammies and things. It’s so cheap and makes sense. I’m not going to buy new Christmas items for him to wear for three weeks. That seems stupid. I know I can get Christmas jammies for $2.00 and some Christmas shirts and such too. It sucks I don’t have a Christmas shirt to put on him tonight. #momfail. Hopefully we can remedy that pretty quickly. I took a half day next Wednesday and I plan on taking Emerson to see Santa Claus. I’m hoping because we’re going so early in the day, there won’t be a line. This way, if the picture isn’t good, maybe the people there will re-take it. I just need to make sure he has a Christmas shirt, or something to wear when he meets Santa!

Alright, I have so much work today. I hope you guys all have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mummy's real update!

Okay, I feel better. Now, onto the real blog. So, when I picked Emerson up from daycare, he was in the one year old room! It made me so sad! His teacher told me that he is fully ready to be over there aside from not walking yet. I told her I might cry! I don’t want him to leave the baby room. I love his teachers and I just love it over there. She said the parents typically have a harder time with the transition than the kids. I guess they are easing him into it. I can see him being moved over well before 1 year though, especially when he begins walking. I am so upset about it though. I know, it sounds silly to those of you not in this situation, but it’s just a hard change. It was difficult for me to become comfortable with the idea of daycare and his teachers. I am so accustomed to the way it is now. Change is going to be difficult. It also symbolizes that he’s not a baby anymore. It’s breaking my heart!

Afterwards, we did pick up the Christmas cards. They turned out BEAUTIFULLY! I’ve written them all out. I just need to finish addressing the envelopes, stamping them, and then sending them off into the mailbox! I only ordered 20 cards to start. They’re just going to close friends and family. The cards were very cheap, so I may end up ordering a few more for co-workers for Christmas and a few to have handy in case we see friends over the holidays. This way, I can design a different card too! I didn’t save a card for myself either, which I need too. Someday, it would be great to scrapbook Emerson’s first year. I have a few art projects that were sent home from daycare too. It would be awesome to get those into an album. That’s something I’d like to start working on immediately before his first birthday. There are not enough hours in the day!

When we got home, Emerson had an explosive poop, so I changed him and we played awhile. I was starving and so was he, so I made dinner pretty early. We had fish sticks, pierogies, and corn. Yummy! After dinner, Emerson was a bit tired. It was so early though! He started to become pretty tired and cranky around 6:45pm, so we went to bath early. Afterwards, he was in bed and down by 7:30pm! I was pretty tired and fell asleep fairly early myself. I woke up around 10:45pm and couldn’t get back to sleep until after midnight. Ugh. I hate when that happens. Emerson was a doll though and slept pretty much all night until this morning.

I just received an email that our work from home days are being cut in December and January. I’m not really happy about this because I work from home to save money on the bus. It sucks so badly to try to find that extra money to come into town. I’m going to go cry in a corner right now.

Mummy says FUCK you! (sorry for the language, but people are so stupid!)

Yesterday was ridiculous. Let me start off by saying the bus was really late when I left work. The bus is scheduled to pick up at 3:15pm. I am out there a little bit early because the drivers are either massively early or massively late. There is usually no middle ground, which is quite annoying considering I pay an astronomical amount to ride the bus each month. At 3:15pm, the bus never showed up. I stand outside with a group of women who work within my company and neighboring companies. We’re all disgruntled. It’s a daily battle riding the bus. I can’t really make plans for after work because I just never know if the bus is going to be on time. It’s really annoying and I am sick of paying $7.50 a day for an unreliable service. I had planned on driving to pick up our Christmas cards before I picked Emerson up from daycare. I had just enough time to do so if the bus was on time. 15 minutes later, I was still standing on the sidewalk. I was ticked! Not only was it cold and rainy, but I knew the bus that finally came would be packed! It is even more annoying to have to stand for a ride that is over an hour long with a laptop and pump bag. Who wants to do that? Not me! The bus came a little after 3:30pm. I ride the first bus out of town for a reason. I have to compensate for the unreliability of Port Authority because if I tried to ride later and the bus was late, I could potentially be late picking Emerson up, which means I pay $15 for every minute that I am not there. I cannot afford that! I absolutely hate that they can’t get their shit together. Yes, things happen, but daily? That is ridiculous. That company owns the city by the balls. They know everyone needs the bus, especially if you have no other mode of transportation. If they’re late, it is what it is because people are still going to pay and ride because most have NO choice. I hate it! I pay for a service. They should be adhering to the schedules that they set. Some just blow right by bus stops without even picking people up! It’s unreal. These drivers want respect, but they certainly do not give it. If the bus is THAT late, I feel my ride should be compensated. I wouldn’t expect a driver to go into a restaurant, receive a badly made meal, and have to pay for it. No, that restaurant would probably comp that meal. It’s a service you are paying for. That service should be provided at the highest standard, or even somewhere towards the middle!

As I was waiting in the cold, I realized I’d be very late picking up Emerson. He’s been drinking his last bottle somewhere around 3pm. The bottles aren’t nearly as full as they used to be either. He gets 4oz now. I was worried I’d end up getting there so late that he’d be hungry. I posted on facebook that I was none too pleased with the late bus and that the driver should get a watch. A girl I WAS friends with commented because her husband is a driver. Of course, she had to jump in and say that I should feel remorseful for that driver because he should be home with his family, but he’s picking up people like me who put him down. What?! First off, I pay for a service, so I fucking expect them to AT LEAST come somewhat close to the schedule they’ve provided. I don’t care if that driver is not home with his family! Am I home with mine? NO! He was late, therefore we ALL were home later than usual to our families. If you go into a restaurant and you order a meal that is badly prepared, you’ll probably get that meal for free. The bus should be the same way. If the service provided is not up to par, then there should be some sort of compensation. These drivers do whatever the fuck they want because they can! This girl had the weakest argument. She responds that it isn’t the driver’s fault because too many people took time off for hunting season. Excuse me?! Who approved all of that time off? Did we not know that we had routes that needed to be covered? The bus company should always be properly staffed. I, as a consumer, should not be penalized because of bad business practices. Get your shit together, Port Authority! Her other arguments were that drivers are paid more because of the weird ass people they have to encounter daily. Um, hello?! I sit NEXT to those weird ass people on the bus! You don’t see my fare being reduced, do you? It was absolutely ludicrous.

She ended up deleting me as a friend. She said that I was ganging up on here. It is a facebook post. Anyone can comment. It wasn’t a private conversation either. Grow up. If a person pays for something, they have expectations. I’m not going to be sorry that I’ve had to endure years of a lackluster service from the bus company even if her husband works there. If her husband worked at McDonalds and I ordered a rotten cheeseburger, I wouldn’t feel bad for him as I’m shitting my brains out, would I? Her logic was completely skewed. She doesn’t have a job. (well, you don’t). She doesn’t have children at home that she is caring for either (Well, you don’t). She doesn’t have somewhere to be daily either. It’s hard for people to relate to that shit when they don’t have to do it. It sucks to have your whole day thrown off by someone else’s continual fuck up. Maybe her husband wouldn’t have to work 16 hour days if she got a fucking job. I don’t really care what her personal situation is. I shouldn’t have been attacked because I have expectations for a service that I spend more money on monthly than groceries. It’s honestly sickening. Do you want to hear the kicker too? The bus was LATE this morning, which meant I was late to work! I get on the bus at 6:20am. There is no traffic. What was the issue? Someone probably stopped to get a coffee at dunkin donuts first. Move your fucking ass and put your customers FIRST.

Sorry to rant on about this guys, but who really argues a point like this? There was no validity behind any of her arguments and then she retreated like a 5 year old. Just because someone works for a company that you are married to doesn’t mean that company is always right in their practices. If you interviewed 100 people who ride the bus, 100 people would tell you the bus sucks, but they have no choice! I wish we all had a choice and could boycott. Maybe then these drivers would start taking shit more seriously!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mummy's weekly Christmas plans!

Yesterday was so crazy. After work, I dropped off my rent, mailed my water bill, went grocery shopping (at 3 stores), hiked it back home to put everything away, then headed up to daycare to pay for the month of December and pick Emerson up! I was beat by the time we got home. Emerson was too. He napped from about 5:45pm-6:15pm. Afterwards, I made dinner (chicken nuggets, carrots, apple sauce, and macaroni and cheese), then we played for a while before bath and bed. I was knocked out before 9pm. We slept so well. I woke when my alarm went off at 4am, but hit snooze and ended up sleeping in until 5:30. Whoops.

After work, I’m running up to pick up our Christmas cards. I hope they came out nice. I’m so excited to see what they look like. I only ordered 20 cards. They were only 20 cents per card, but postage will kill me, so I tried to keep our Christmas card list small this year. I’ll also be hand delivering some to save on cost. I don’t care how ghetto that is either!

On Thursday, we’re going to the festival of trees. It’s a big festival that has hundreds of decorated Christmas trees submitted by local business, clubs, associations, teams, and schools. My nephew’s football team won the Christmas tree contest last year. It’s cool to walk around and see all of them, then to cast your vote. The girl scouts will be singing Christmas carols as Santa rolls in on a huge fire truck. All of the kids get to meet Santa afterwards. There is also a bake sale and sleigh ride. The festival lasts from Thursday through Monday, so if it’s too busy and Emerson doesn’t get to see Santa, I’ll take him back up over the weekend. I plan on taking him to the mall on Sunday to get his pictures taken with the mall Santa too. Because it’s his first Christmas, I’d like to get a nicer picture with Santa. For $22, they better take a few different shots to get a good one of him, or I’m not paying for it!

Outside of the festival of trees and Santa, we aren’t doing much this week. Funds are pretty low and I’ve reserved every dollar to try to make Christmas special for Emerson. I just don’t want him to have to miss out on everything because I can’t afford it. It would be amazing to take him to see the Christmas lights, but I don’t think we’ll be able to do that this year. I’ll have to see. My gas bill was $130. Thank you, winter. On top of that, I didn’t anticipate my water bill coming and that was another $50. Luckily, I am completely done with Christmas shopping. I just have to pick up some wrapping paper/gift bags. I want to get a few things for Emerson’s stocking and dog treats for Kodie. It took me two months, but I am finally done and I was able to shop for 6 people and 1 dog for $245! Incredible. Usually, I spend well over $800 every year on Christmas and I get everyone so many things. Things were obviously different this year, but I put a lot of thought and time into what I bought and I hope everyone is really happy. I can’t wait to see Emerson’s face on Christmas morning though. I know he doesn’t understand the concept, but just spending it together and experiencing his first Christmas is gift enough for me.

Alright, that’s about all I have for now. It’s the end of the day and about time for me to turn into a pumpkin  Enjoy your Tuesday, everyone!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Mummy's Thanksgiving

I don’t even know where to begin. Having the last 4.5 days off was incredible. I had no idea how we’d fill all of that time though, but now that it’s done and over with, we had no problem whatsoever. I for sure thought I’d have the worst case of cabin fever by the time Monday rolled around, but that didn’t happen at all. I guess I’ll go day by day. I hope I don’t forget anything!

Wednesday: I had a half of day at work and Emerson stayed home from daycare. He was so well behaved the entire time I worked. I was stressed about it. I’m glad it was okay though! Afterwards, we went home and just hung out for the night. I made some milky way chocolate bark for Thanksgiving, while Emerson napped. Other than that, there wasn’t too much to report.

Thursday: Emerson’s first Thanksgiving! It was great! We went to my parent’s house around 12:30pm and ended up staying over there until around 6pm. We came home and went to bed by 7pm! We were stuffed and tired. It was a nice Thanksgiving though. Nothing too crazy. Just dinner with the family. Emerson loved turkey and all of the fixings. He ate everything and even some pie!

Friday: We were up pretty early because we went to bed too early, but that’s okay. We ran some errands to grab some Christmas ornaments for our tree. My parents and nephew came over to help us decorate the house, tree, and string lights outside. It was so fun! I was grateful for their help. My nephew occupied the baby, so that my mum and I could decorate around the house. Dad made a little Christmas Tree out of lights on the front porch. It looks really festive and cute! That night, we just hung out at home and enjoyed our decorations.

Saturday: We hung around the house all day until about 3pm. We went over to my parent’s house and then headed to the mall with my sister. We were there from about 4:45 until about 7:30pm. We had a great time though! I had to exchange a dress for a Christmas gift for my sister. I’m officially done with her now. I’m pretty much done shopping now, which is great. I’m waiting for some things to come in the mail and then I’ll tackle wrapping.

Sunday: This was a very busy day. My old roommate, her husband, and two little girls came over in the morning. They brought us a huge Christmas tree and decorations. I cannot wait to set up the tree! Our tree is so tiny. It is only 3ft tall and a perfect fit for a table top. Amy brought me a 7.5 foot tree! I can’t wait to set it up! It’s going to look awesome in my livingroom. I’m going to work on that throughout the week. After Amy left, we got ready and went to visit Erin and Madison. We were there for a bit. It was nice hanging out and seeing Madison. She was born in October. After we left Erin’s house, we headed over to Daria’s house. She gave us a ton of her 20 month old son’s clothes, which was so nice. Emerson was in desperate need of clothing. It was great to sit and hang out with her and her family. Afterwards, we went to my parent’s house for dinner and then back home! It was a full few days, but it was great!

I’m working from home today and going grocery shopping afterwards. We are in desperate need of just about everything. I need to do my budgeting, pay some bills, and drop my rent check off too. It’ll be a busy day for me. The festival of trees starts on Thursday, so I think we’ll go to that. Santa will be there, so I plan on having Emerson meet him  I hope we get a good picture! Alright, I have so much to catch up on work-wise. I hope you guys all had a great holiday!