Monday, December 15, 2014

Mummy and Baby's weekend!

This weekend was really nice. I spent absolutely NO money either, but it felt like we did a lot, which is always a nice surprise. On Friday, I picked Emerson up from daycare, then headed to my parent’s house where we decorated their Christmas tree. They buy a real one every year. The tree turned out beautifully and we had a good time decorating it. My sister and nephew were there along with my sister’s fiancé and his daughter. After everyone left, Emerson and I hung around and ate dinner with my parents. It’s always nice spending time with them. My dad walked us out when Emerson and I left and asked me to order a mug for my mom for Christmas with Emerson and Isaiah’s pictures on it. I ordered it this morning. Before my dad got home, my mom asked me to call and order her 2 tickets to this Pittsburgh Penguins charity hockey game for my dad. I just did that today as well. It’s hilarious that they both conspire with me to order each other’s Christmas gifts. If they didn’t, they’d definitely guess their gifts by looking at the bank statement! I know my dad will be so excited over those tickets. He keeps talking about wanting to go.

Around 7am on Saturday morning, my dad showed up with coffee and breakfast for us! It was such a nice surprise! I didn’t have to cook at all! I love when that happens. We had pancakes, sausage, and eggs. Yummy! I also had the biggest coffee ever! Saturday afternoon was so much fun. Dunkin Donuts had a kid’s event. The kids all got to decorate a donut and they even had the donut mascot there. It was so much fun! Emerson was so cute and by the time the event was over, he was absolutely covered in frosting. Afterwards, we headed over to my parent’s house. We hung out there for a while and ate dinner with them again. Emerson was such a bear to get to sleep on Saturday night. It took an hour and 45 minutes before he finally conked out. He was beyond exhausted and so was I. He did sleep VERY well once he went down, so I guess I can’t complain too badly, but man. I’m ready for this phase to be over!

Anyway, on Sunday, we hung around the house all day. Emerson was a bear to get down for a nap, but when he finally did, we snuggled on the couch for TWO hours. It was Heaven. I even dozed off for a bit in between watching Fixer Upper, one of my favorite HGTV shows. It was nice and peaceful. I had all of the lights out, but our Christmas trees were lit up. Emerson was so adorable all snuggled up with me and Kodie was at our feet. I love moments like that. I don’t get to sit and appreciate them as much as I’d like. My best friend dropped by with our Christmas card and three boxes of clothes for Emerson. We are all stocked up on clothing for a while, which I couldn’t be happier about. We have so many 12-18 month clothes! I figure at the point I need to worry about clothes again, he’ll need spring and summertime items. We have a ton of shorts though from another friend. I think we’ll be okay for a while. Em was kinda hard to get to bed last night too. He was BEYOND exhausted. I actually let him cry it out for 10 minutes. You all know how I freaking HATE doing that, but sometimes it’s just necessary. When the ten minutes were up, I nursed him through whimpers and he went right down. I feel so bad doing that! I HATE CIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After a point though, it just becomes ridiculous and I need to let him just tire himself out.

I ended up waking up at 230am in a panic. I thought I heard a noise and it freaked me the hell out. I didn’t get back to sleep until 4am. I ended up sleeping in until 530am. Whoops. We still left the house on time though. I hope that doesn’t happen tonight. I have no idea what I heard, or if I even really heard something. Maybe I was dreaming? When I woke up, the dog was sound asleep. I know she would have freaked out if there really was a nose. Needless to say, I’m pretty tired today. Coffee is my best friend!

This week, we have nothing planned. Just work and daycare. I have to make a Steeler wreath. I made my first Etsy sale yesterday, so I need to make this wreath and ship it out this week. I hope this customer doesn’t expect to have this for Christmas. There is no way that’s happening. They didn’t mention it, but considering they live in California and I live in Pennsylvania, unless they pay extra for shipping, it’s a no go. I’m so appreciative and excited though! My first online sale! Woohoo! I’ve had my Etsy store for about a month and a half though. It’s taken me this long just to get an order! Maybe this is just the start of something more!

I have a half day of work on Friday. The daycare is having their holiday party that day, which is also a pajama party. I can’t wait to send Emerson in his jammies! When I’m done working, I’m going to pop in with oreo truffles for the staff and a Christmas card. Although the more I think about it, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. Maybe I should aim to just send them in the morning. I don’t know that I’ll be able to just pop in and right back out after seeing Emerson. I’ve never done that before and it’s because I think I’ll be too sad to leave him. I’m also afraid he’ll freak out if he seems me, then I leave. Okay, well I think I’ll aim to get them done on Thursday night! After I’m done working, my mom and I are going Christmas shopping together. That will be nice. I’m not picking Emerson up from daycare until 5pm, so I plan on wrapping all of my gifts when we’re done shopping. I just don’t want to wait until the last second. If I do that, I know I’ll end up doing it in front of Emerson. Even though I know he doesn’t understand, I’d like keep the secret of Santa in the shadows. It just doesn’t seem right to wrap his gifts with him in the room!

Emerson had his first taste of apple juice on Saturday. He’s never had anything outside of water and milk. I’m still not sure how I feel about it. There is really no point in giving juice when water and breast milk are available. I don’t see that being a regular thing. We were at the donut even though, so I did it as a treat. He seemed to really like it, but again, I don’t really see the point in filling him up with a sugary beverage when he likes water.

So, our department is moving buildings and there isn’t a lactation room. Instead, there is a conference room that is all glass. I don’t care. I’m not going to quit pumping because of that. I’ll bring a blanket and cover myself that way. I plan on pumping and nursing well after a year, so I’m not going to let a hang up like lack of a proper room to dictate for me. We’re moving at the beginning of February, right after Emerson turns 1 year old. What a coincidence, right?

Speaking of Emerson turning 1, I have his entire party planned out. I changed his theme to a Cookie Monster theme. I need to start preparing things. It’s going to take me a really long time because I’m pretty much making all of the décor myself. My mom is making the cake and cupcakes for me. I hope they come out nicely. His birthday party is going to be on January 31st. I’m going to send an invite out via facebook at the end of this month. I just hope it doesn’t snow. If it does, the party is at my house, so we can just move it. We’re only having cookies, so those will keep for a few days. Anyway, I’ll actually post pictures of the party. I know I’m so bad posting pictures in my blog! I have some cute ideas up my sleeve! Alright, I have so much work to do. Have a great day, all!

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