Well, our meeting ended up being over about 10 minutes early, so I was able to get on the 405pm bus. I wasn’t that late picking Emerson up from daycare and he didn’t drink the extra bottle that I sent! Yay! Now, we have extra milk that I can take along with us tomorrow when we go to the mall to see Santa. It’s always nice to have the luxury of bringing a bottle. That way, I won’t have to nurse in public, or rush home to feed Em. He hates being covered anyway, so nursing in public hasn’t been an option for months. It’s just less stress knowing that we do have an extra bottle as back up. Whew.
I slept so shitty last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about the dog. My mom texted this morning and said it’s too quiet at their house now and she is considering getting another dog at some point. She has to talk it over with my dad first. Obviously, this dog is not meant to replace Chloe. That isn’t even possible, but a house isn’t a home without a dog. We’ve had a dog our entire lives, so I understand where she’s coming from. She was suggesting a puppy though. I don’t know about that. They had a well-trained dog for 15 years. I just don’t see them going from that to a puppy. They’ve always been able to train their dogs so well. I just can’t see them starting all over again, so we’ll see.
I have a half day tomorrow, so I’ll be working from home with Emerson. I hope he sleeps in, so that I can get most of my stuff done before he wakes up. My mom is going to the mall with us after she’s done working. I’m signing off around 10am, so I can get us ready to head to my parent’s house to meet up with mom. She’s going to drive us up to the mall. We also have to swing past the doctor’s office to get a paper signed for daycare. Apparently they need more than just the shot records that I provided last week.
Things are so tight this week. I’m so poor. I hate it. I can’t wait to get paid on Friday, but then, I’ll just be broke all over again. I just hate when things are THIS tight and down to the penny. Usually, I have a little extra to play with, but not this week. I have just enough to ride the bus and pay for these Santa pictures. Sorry, I don’t mean to poor mouth. I really am trying to work on that, but it is my blog and this is my reality. I write what I know and right now, I know I’m broke!
I don’t know if I mentioned this, but we’re moving to a 40 hour work week instead of 37.5 that we’re working now. This will certainly boost my checks, which I’m so happy about. Friends of mine have started this new schedule two months ago and said their paychecks have increased by at least $75. I’m looking forward to this. I don’t start the new schedule for another two weeks. My paychecks beginning in January should show a slight increase. I really hope so too. I have to plan and pay for Emerson’s first birthday party. I’m keeping it small, but obviously I want to make it special too. It sucks that his birthday is a month after Christmas, but come hell, or high water, I will make it work and give him the first birthday party that he deserves.
Emerson has been becoming so brave lately. He’s been taking steps barely holding onto anything. He fell pretty hard last night. It always scares me, but then I think it probably scares him which is half the reason he’s even crying more so than being hurt. I just hope he doesn’t scare himself out of taking more steps. I really do foresee him walking before Christmas. He’s so close! When I picked him up at daycare last night, we tried getting him to walk over to me. He gets so excited when I walk in the door that he almost does it, but then he gets so upset and he cries, or drops to his knees and races over to me. He’s probably like, “Stop playing with me, mom. Come pick me up! I waited all day to see you!” I’ll keep you all updated though!
I’m starving today. I brought my usual: Ramen noodles, oatmeal, 2 granola bars, and a pop tart. So far, I’ve had the pop tart and a cup of bad office coffee. I think I’ll nix the pop tarts when I grocery shop and put bagels back on the list. I’m sick of eating the same thing every day. It’s been this way for the last couple of months. Time to switch it up again. I haven’t been losing weight for a while. I’ve been at 107lbs for at least the last month. Maybe a bit longer. I think things are beginning to slow down a bit, which is a good thing. If I can maintain, or even gain a few lbs, I’ll be happy. I was starting to get really nervous when the scale was constantly going down. I do feel as though I’m starting to maintain and level out though.
Alright, I have a pounding headache, so I’m going to cut this now. I hope everyone has a super fabulous Tuesday. Remember, the Victoria’s Secret fashion is on tonight!!!!!!!!!! WooHoo!
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