Where to even begin. I am just at a loss this week. Em has a pretty bad cold. Boogers, mucus, coughing, etc. He seems to still have the same illness from last week. We’ve been to the ped a couple of times already in the last week too. Co-pays, prescriptions, meds. It’s just insane. The doctor seems to think that he is fine though, has a viral infection, and it’ll work its way out. He did vomit twice during a coughing fit, so that obviously concerned me. Again though, I’m told that he just has a cold and it needs to work itself out. He also developed some kind of a crazy rash all over his face too. When I woke him up yesterday morning, there was some vomit on his pillow. The doctor seems to think the rash was caused from irritation from the vomit. Makes sense to me. We were given some Zofran in case he was experiencing any nausea, and a topical cream for his face. The rash cleared up a lot before he went to bed last night. I was finally able to break the fever before bedtime too.
This morning, he had a low grade fever, extreme boogers, but the rash has seem to reduce all the way down to just his chin. His chin doesn’t look great, but it looks like it’s healing up. I’ll take any progress at this point. No vomiting though, or hard coughing. That pesky fever is still hanging around though. Motrin seemed to kick it pretty quickly. I couldn’t go into work yesterday, so I logged in last night. I also couldn’t go in today, so I’m working from home with the boy. Not the easiest thing ever. He played in the yard for over an hour though, while I worked in the kitchen. He started to get extremely fussy, so I just put him down for a nap. When he wakes, it’s time for Tylenol. He’s eating and drinking just fine. He’s spending the afternoon with my mom, so I can work uninterrupted. I pray that tomorrow is normal and he can go to daycare. We’re going away this weekend too. I don’t want him to be sick.
This weekend, we’re going up to a cabin with my family. I’m pretty excited about it. My friend is going to come let Kodie in and out several times, so I won’t need to worry about that. We’re heading up late Friday afternoon, then coming back on Sunday morning. I’m crazy excited. I’m just worried it’ll turn into a nightmare because Em isn’t feeling 100%. We haven’t gone away all summer, or last summer for that matter. Say a prayer for us, guys. I just want everything to pan out, so that we can go and have a good time. I NEED this!
I don’t even know anymore. I swear, these past two weeks have been crazy. I just want normalcy back in our lives. I miss our schedule. It has been so interrupted lately. I just want health and wellness back in this house. I also hope I don’t catch this horrendous cold that he obviously has. The one thing that drives me so insane is that I’m all about health and wellness yet my kid keeps getting sick! Yes, I know. He is in daycare. This is just a normal part of having a kiddo. I. GET. IT. It doesn’t make it any easier though.
Being honest, these are the times when being a single mother sucks. I have no one to help me, or to take off work one day, so that I can still go to work. It is tough! It’s just hard as hell to not have someone going through this with me at times. I know a lot of people won’t understand because even if their kid is sick, they are still the one to care for the kiddo. I get it, but if something occurred, at least you’d have an option. That’s something I completely lack. Just having someone to talk to about this stuff would be nice. No one really CARES that much. I get the “Awe, poor em” but that’s about it. There is no IN HOME support. It drags me down so badly sometimes and just tears me apart. I try so hard to not dwell on this, but it is just extremely hard.
Okay, I’m going to go cry now.
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