So yesterday, while working, the daycare called me to let me know that Emerson had puked three times. I was actually in office and had no way to get to him before at least 415pm. They understood. They called me around 2 pm, so it wasn’t that bad. I emailed my boss to let her know that I probably wouldn’t be in today. Guess what? I worked today. I’m in office too. When I picked Em up, I was told “Sorry, it must have just been a fluke” He had no fever and he was up and running around in typical Emerson fashion. I asked if they fed him something different. They said “No” This is where things went left field. The director said she thinks maybe I missed some milk when I cleaned his cups and that maybe he ingested some sour milk. Oh, really? I think not. I just bought the cups the DAY before and he hadn’t even used them yet. I washed them out fresh from the package, so please. Do not try telling me that I didn’t wash his cups well enough. I was truly insulted too. I didn’t need an actual excuse as to why he puked. I mean, kids puke. Whatever, but to blame me for something so stupid? Keep it moving. That’s the shit that pisses me off at daycare. They are so quick to pass the buck on the parent. Em and I headed home. He wolfed down a nutria-grain bar like he hadn’t eaten all day. We played in the yard for a while, had dinner, then played inside until it was bath and bedtime. He was fine the entire time. I’m glad. I didn’t want him to be sick. This morning, he was fine too. He does have a slight cough, but nothing else. I’m starting to feel like I’m getting a little bit of a cold myself. Hopefully it’s just a fluke. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.
I ended up having to drive into town today though just in case Em did get sick again. I didn’t want to be stuck here waiting on the bus. It sucked driving in. I dread the drive home, but I’m trying to not think about it too much. Maybe it won’t suck that badly. The way that I go home has a major road closure. I had no idea, so I ended up having to go way out of my way this morning. It took me an hour just to drive in. I’m not trying to have the same thing happen when I go home. I guess we’ll see. I don’t feel like being stuck in tons of traffic either if I go home the normal way.
Someone just ordered a wreath off of me. Kind of random. I haven’t tried to sell any wreaths since last year around Christmas time. Maybe I should get back into that business. We’ll see what happens after I make and sell this one. It was nice just being randomly asked though.
Alright. I’m going to jump off of here now, so I can finish up before I head out. Happy Wednesday, All!
Oh and my mom is still not talking to me!!!!
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