Okay, now that I got the last blog out of the way, let me talk about our weekend. On Friday, I had a dentist appointment. I had my permanent crown put on and also had two fillings. I have one more appointment scheduled for November 6th. I need two more fillings, and then the dentist is going to fix a broken tooth that I have in the back. He can do that all in one appointment. He said after that, I’ll be all set! Thank God! On Thursday, I had an eye appointment. I walked in thinking I had 20/20 vision, then walked out with a new pair of specs. I’m farsighted in my right eye. I forgot my glasses today. It sucks because I’ve been spoiled being able to see clear. Ignorance is bliss. I didn’t realize how bad it was before I had the glasses. I’m sure by the end of the day I’ll be feeling this.
On Saturday, we took the kids up to Kerber’s dairy for a hayride, pumpkins, and ice cream. We had a good time. Em freaked out when he saw the goats and lambs. Freaked out in a good way. He just kept yelling “Dog!” I guess he thinks anything on four legs is a dog. LOL It cracked me up. He freaked in a bad way on the hayride though. We didn’t realize it was a 30 minute deal. Try asking a toddler to sit for 30 minutes. Ha! Fat chance. Anyway, we decorated pumpkins on Sunday. Em had a good time until he started to eat the stickers. LOL I also rearranged the living room on Sunday. I’m trying to make a more functional space with the toys. Now, Em can actually see the toys he has. I think he likes it better. He played for hours by himself. It was nice. I was able to clean the entire house, and fold all of the laundry. It was a nice weekend. We need more of those. It was nice being home so much. Next week…wow…
Saturday is going to be absolutely insane. We have a Halloween parade on Saturday morning, then a birthday party in the afternoon, then a Halloween party that night. I hope Em is ready for all of this! I’m hoping he naps after the parade before we go to the Halloween party. On Friday night, we’re having some friends come over for a fire and smores. My sister and nephew are sleeping over because they are attending all of the same things as we are on Saturday. Sunday, it’ll be a chill day for us. We’ll probably swing past my parent’s house for a little bit in the morning, but other than that, we are staying home. I know I’ll be exhausted after all of that!
Today was picture day. I hope Em smiled nicely. I dressed him up so adorably though. He wore a red plaid button down shirt, jeans, and nice shoes. Perfect for fall pictures. I hope they come back before Thanksgiving. I swear they always take forever. Other than that, I hope it’s a pretty chill week. I hope you guys have a good one too!
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