Last night was ridiculous. After I picked Em up from daycare, we went home. I put dinner in the oven, then we played for a while. Em wasn’t interested in playing in the yard at all. I keep telling him he’s going to regret passing up yard play when it’s too cold to go outside, but he’d rather play in the living room with his toys. Anyway, he played forever. He was so engrossed in his toys that I took it upon myself to do the dishes to get ahead of my chores before he went to bed instead of after. Anyway, I was minding my business and washing a glass, when the damn thing busted and cut my hand. Ouch! I didn’t panic though. I grabbed the nearest thing to me, which was one of Emerson’s old t-shirts that was in the laundry basket. Yep, shirt ruined. I applied as much pressure as I could to try to stop the bleeding, then called my mom. I wasn’t entirely sure if I needed stitches. The cut is in such an awkward spot on my hand. They’d probably just glue it shut. My dad ended up coming over with some first aid stuff, then patching me up. It’s sore as hell, but I’m okay. At that point, I was just done with the day. I fed Em dinner, gave him a bath, then put him to bed. I did a quick workout, cleaned, packed lunch, then laid on the couch until almost 11pm.
This morning, I was running so late. I slept in until 5:27am. Ugh. Luckily, I had packed lunch the night before, and got the diaper bag ready. I’ve been showering at night, then blow drying my hair, but I didn’t do it the night before, so I knew we were going to be even later. By the time we left the house, it was nearly 615am. 17 minutes late, which meant I missed TWO buses. I decided to just drive in today. If I didn’t, I would have been about 35-40 minutes late to work because I would have had to wait on a later bus. I ended up getting here on time, but that means I have to pay to park, which sucks. Anyway, I am trying so hard to not let it dictate my day. It’s my own fault we were so late this morning. I’ve been running behind all week. I know it’s because I’ve been staying up later too. I just need to take my butt to bed earlier. I haven’t been able to work out at lunch for the last couple of days, so that’s throwing me off too. I’m now using some of my evenings to work out at home, which sucks. I like getting it done and over with, so I can do other things at night. I’m hoping I can work out during the day today, so I can have my evenings back!
Today is the best my mouth has felt since I had my root canal last Tuesday. It’s crazy how long it took to feel better. A week! It sucks because I have to go back on the 16th to have the permanent crown put on AND some fillings. I know that I’ll probably be all messed up again after that. I’m dreading it. I really, really am. I’m still not eating on that side, but it doesn’t really bother me as much now. I haven’t taken any Motrin for a couple of days either. I know he wants to do some other things to me after my next appointment. He said we’d start on the other side of my mouth. Ugh. I know I need some fillings on that side, and he mentioned wanting to put a crown on a tooth that the filling broke in. After that, I think I’ll be good to go. I just don’t look forward to being all banged up afterwards. He definitely wants me to get my wisdom teeth taken out, but I’m putting that one on the back burner for now! He can do the fillings, and then we’ll go from there. I need a break though. I’ve been to the dentist 3 times in the last three weeks. I know it’s necessary though. Once I am all caught up, I should be good to go. Em is getting his teeth cleaned and a fluoride treatment today at daycare. The health department makes periodic visits. I had to give consent, but it’s nice that they offer that free service to the kids. I didn’t put Em on my dental insurance for 2015. I didn’t think I would need to take him before 2. I’m mad at myself now. I wish I had because I would have taken him already to get his teeth cleaned, and to just expose him to the dentist. Open enrollment is this month, so I’ll be adding him for 2016, then making an appointment for the beginning of the year. In the meantime, I fight with him twice a day to brush his teeth. It’s REALLY annoying. I’m appreciative that the dentist will see him today though. Hopefully he doesn’t freak out, and I also hope they don’t have anything bad to report. I stay on his teeth! Okay, enough teeth talk. Sorry, this has just been the center of my life for the past couple of weeks. Next up, an eye appointment on the 15th. I don’t think they’ll screw me up too badly, or that’ll be a double whammy. Eye appointment, then a dentist appointment the next day. After that, I need to find a NEW gyno to have a yearly done because with the whole healthcare feud going on here, I can no longer go to my obgyn. At least I don’t think I can. I’ll have to check. If I can still go there, that would be amazing. I haven’t had a yearly appointment yet, so I need to scratch that off of the list too. Next year, I’ll schedule all of this stuff spaced apart, so I don’t feel like I’m constantly going to appointments! I also need a regular physical too, but I did have a health screening back in June. That came out fine, so I think I’m okay on that front.
Being healthy isn’t just about eating well and exercising. It’s about the upkeep, which means having regular check-ups for EVERYTHING. This is something that I’ve fallen behind on, but now that I have Emerson, perspective has really come into play. As much as I need to keep him healthy, I need to worry about myself too. That’s one thing didn’t see growing up. My parents never kept regular maintenance of themselves. My dad actually does now. He has regular doctor visits, but my mom doesn’t do anything unless she has a problem. Preventative care, people! Does it suck, yes, but in the long run it could make such a big difference. For years, I’ve paid for amazing insurance, but never used it. Why? I have no reason outside of sheer laziness. I have amazing healthcare coverage, so why the hell am I not using it for preventative services? I am now though, which is why I’m making all of these appointments to get myself back to a clean bill of health.
Alright, guys. I am going to wrap this up. I hope you all have a healthy day!
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