Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mummy's busting out!

I have no idea what the last thing I wrote about was, so I’ll just start from yesterday. I had the day off to take Brittany to her driver’s test…again. The baby and I woke up so early and headed over to my parent’s house. We got there around 6:30am. Her test wasn’t until 8:30am, but we needed to take my mum to work, plus the DMV isn’t exactly close. We had my nephew and Emerson with us too. 45 minutes in the car at 7:30am is no joke. The baby was an absolute angel though! I pumped him full of a yummy breakfast before we left, so that I wouldn’t have to feed him until we got back. He slept most of the way up there and most of the way back. He was awake and watched Brittany PASS her test. YES, I SAID PASS!!!!!!! I am so happy. You guys have no freaking idea!!!!!!!! I could have cried when she parked the car, put her hands in the air, and started smiling. We gave her a big hug and congratulated her. It’s about damn time! Afterwards, I drove us to Walmart, so that I could pick up the last set of prints that I ordered for Emerson’s party. I didn’t let Britt drive. The road we were on is much too aggressive and we had the kids in the car. She was okay with it though. After that, we stopped to get lunch, then headed to her boyfriend’s house, so that she could pick up his car. He is on the road for work, so she is using his car. I thought that was awfully nice of him. I was so nervous about leaving her alone to drive! She did fine though! I am so proud of her!

Emerson and I hung at my parent’s house the rest of the day. He napped quite a few times. I can’t tell if he’s spurting again. Throughout the night, he is now waking 3-4 times. I don’t mind too much because he goes right back down, but it is really out of the blue. I just pumped and got 6oz like it was nothing, so I am thinking I might need to increase his bottles from 5-6oz. We’ll see though. My supply seems to be up, which I am completely fine with. I do feed him solids right before bed. I’d assume that would keep him nice and full, but for some strange reason, he is waking up several times throughout the night. In addition to that, he’s now biting me A LOT. It hurts. I try to not make a reaction though. Instead, I tell him “No bites. That hurts mommy” I unlatch him at that point. I’m hoping he realizes the correlation between biting and being unlatched. If you bite, you cannot nurse. I know it’ll take a while, but I can see the cues that he is going to bite, so I have been able to stop it before he really chomps down. The other night, I wasn’t paying attention and he bit me so hard. I screamed and then literally cried! I startled him, which I do NOT want to do. I don’t want to scare him into a nursing strike, so now, I just fully focus on him while nursing. No TV, no cell phone. I know it’s just a phase and will pass. I’m hoping I can teach him that biting is no good in the process though. He did very well last night at bed time. He didn’t bite me at all. He did bite me 10-15 times earlier that day though! LOL

Aside from that, he is just moving and shaking right along. He is so mobile. It’s funny. He isn’t crawling yet, but he does get around with his arms. It won’t be long now! There is now a 40% chance of thunderstorms on Saturday, the day of his party. I hope it doesn’t happen though. Cramming 40 people into my house does not sound like a good time, especially when half of those people are kids! I know they will be running around all over the place. If it does rain, we’ll all just have to suck it up and deal with it, but I hope it doesn’t. I’ll be so sad! I pulled out some of the stuff for his party yesterday and started to set it up. Man, it is going to look so freaking adorable! I cannot wait! Brittany is driving over after work on Friday night and sleeping over. She’s going to help me cook and set things up. It’ll be a lot easier with an extra pair of hands. That way, one of us can do party stuff, while the other takes care of the baby. We can swap out depending on the task at hand. Obviously she can’t breastfeed! Tomorrow, I have to grab the last few items we need for the party at the grocery store. I also realized last night that I need another sleeve of cups and another pack of tiny bowls for the s’mores bar. I just have to make sure I add those to my list. I want to have everything ready to go on Saturday. I don’t want to be setting up, or having to do much of anything 5 minutes from party time. I hate rushing around!

Tonight, I am going to happy hour. This is my very first outing away from the baby aside from the day I moved since I had him. Yes, I take him to daycare, so that I can work, but I never do anything outside of work hours without him. This is going to be so strange. My friend, Johanna, is in town, so we are having a huge happy hour. I can’t wait to see all of our friends!! I am working from home today, so afterwards, I’m running home to let the dog out, picking Emerson up from daycare, then dropping him off at my parent’s house. My sister and mom are going to babysit him from about 3:30-7:45ish. I probably won’t make it downtown until about 4:30. I might only end up staying until 630-7ish. It just depends on how many people stay. I will probably try to have 1 beer. I cannot stand the taste of alcohol. That includes wine. I have no idea why. I think I brainwashed myself to not like it because I can’t really drink. I have to take care of the baby and I have to breastfeed, so it’s never really worth it. I try, but I always end up abandoning my drink, or dumping it out. I had a couple sips of a beer during our fire the other night. It wasn’t THAT bad. I figure I can just nurse it the entire time I’m there.

Alright, that is all I have today. I hope everyone has a great night! It’s almost the weekend. WOOHOO!

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