Well, I seemed to have lost my cell phone between the time that I was in the car this morning waiting for the bus and actually getting onto the bus. I swear I put it into my laptop case before I started to collect my bags to exit the car because the bus was coming. The bag did sort of slide off of the seat, so it’s possible that my cell is laying on the floor of my car. I guess I’ll find out later when I get off of the bus. I had to log into my cell phone bill account to retrieve my sister’s number to call to let her and my parents know what happened. If they text/call me and I don’t answer, they’ll worry something happened to me. It’s so strange with no cell though! I feel naked! I haven’t thought too much about what I’ll do if it isn’t in my car. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there!
Anyway, Emerson was such a good boy last night. He slept from about 9pm-3am. Of course, I randomly woke up at 2:15am and ended up not falling back asleep until I fed him again. Then, I slept in until 5am. I was completely ready on time too and was even able to straighten my hair! I took a selfie in the car this morning, which is how I know I 100% had the darn thing with me when I left the house! Anyway, he had peas and some applesauce for dinner last night. He seemed to really like them. Tonight, he’s having sweet potatoes. I’m going to make real mashed potatoes for him over the weekend. I gave him some at my parent’s house one night and he absolutely loved them! It’ll be nice for us to eat dinner together. Well, sort of. I’ll have to feed him first.
Day 2 of the LBD Challenge wasn’t too bad. I have no idea what day 3 entails until I find my cellphone. My sister is also doing this challenge. It makes it a lot easier for me to feel motivated from another person. She’s already lost 11lbs since beginning a diet back in June. I’m so proud of her and absolutely baffled. She’s never been one to work out, or diet, so the fact that she is sticking to this AND lost weight is so amazing. I cannot wait to see her transformation. Her birthday is in 2 months. If she sticks with this, I’m betting she can lose at least another 10lbs by then. A 20lb weight loss before her birthday would be the best gift of all! She doesn’t have much to lose though. I’d say she’ll be pretty happy with about 20-30lbs. Her pants were extra saggy yesterday from the weight she’s already lost. I am so extremely proud of her though. I just want her to feel happy and good about herself again.
So last night, I decided to go through some boxes that I still had packed from our move. I went through them initially, but nothing sparked my interest at the time, until now! I found adorable sandals that will fit Emerson. They were way too big before, but are finally his size. I also found about 4-5 bibs packed away, which are definitely needed! I have to send at least 2 bibs to daycare every day. We go through bibs like crazy. I can’t get to the Laundromat more than 1 time a week, so having extra is so beneficial. I have a plastic one that I use for his dinner. I just wash it in the sink and hang dry every night. I love it though because it wipes right off. Anyway, I also found a ton of toys and books! When we moved, he wasn’t too interested in either, but he is now. We read one of the books last night and he played with all of the toys. I felt like we went shopping! On top of that, I had some glassware packed away that we used at my shower for the popcorn bar. Now, I can re-use those for the s’mores bar at Emerson’s half birthday! I also found a really cute tote that I can use to put my pump and bottles in when I’m going to and from work, and my white bikini bottoms! I honestly felt like I hit the lottery last night. I am such a goof!
Yesterday, I ordered my friend’s baby shower gift. It is REALLY adorable. For fear that she reads my blog, I’m not going to post what it is, but I will after the shower is over. It’s on August 16th. My mom is going to babysit for me, so that I can go and enjoy the day myself. I took Emerson to her reveal party though, so she was able to meet him. The baby shower is a different story though. It will be nice to go and hang out with the girls for the day. I have another baby shower on September 20th. Both of my friends are having girls, which is crazy to me. When I was pregnant, everyone was having boys. Now, it seems all anyone is having is girls. It’s fun to buy girly things though, so I don’t mind! I was talking to one of my pregnant friends yesterday. I told her it is so wild thinking that we have kids. Well, soon enough for her. We used to go out all of the time together. It’s so insane how things change, but I honestly think life is so much better now. I have an actual meaning and a purpose. I think people say that, but don’t really mean it. I think they think they HAVE to say that. I actually do mean that. I think back all of the time to things I’ve done and I realize how superficial my life was. I am nothing like the person I used to be and I think its honestly for the better. Sure, I am still goofy and silly, but I definitely am a lot less superficial, materialistic, and dramatic. I have that Timehop app on my phone (I have never blogged so much about my cellphone until I lost it!). I can barely stand to read the updates that I used to post. I annoy myself! I swear, I just sounded like I thought I was cooler than everyone, which I am not. Everything was so superficial, or over the top. I was always posting about going out, shopping, how cute I thought I was, etc. The worst were the passive aggressive, read between the line, posts. Now, all I post are pictures of Emerson, or something funny he did, or things he’s learning. No boy drama at all, which I cannot stress how much I do not miss that!
One of my best friends is dating now. She is divorced, has 2 school-aged children, but is ready to get back out there. Her oldest is 9. Her youngest is around 7. She’s ready to get back out there and she’s trying to take a different approach, which I think is good! She texted one day telling me she wishes I was ready to be out there with her and a sort of wing woman. I’m just not there yet. Aside from my priorities and main focus being on Emerson, I just don’t have it in me. I really do believe that most men are fucking assholes. Everything is a game and once they get bored, that’s it. It becomes one bullshit line after another and I honestly don’t feel like dealing with it. Perhaps that is my bitterness seeping through, but I have never been so happy in my life. I have always dated and had someone around. That person was typically a piece of shit who made me feel like a piece of shit. Who has time for that? Certainly not I. I should have never let myself be treated that way to begin with. I just won’t put up with, or stand for anyone disrespecting me. If someone would disrespect me, then they certainly would disrespect my son. So until I meet someone that I feel isn’t a complete piece of shit that wants to make my life miserable, I’ll just stay solo. The dream of meeting someone amazing, getting married, and having another baby is certainly there, but it doesn’t have to happen right now. I realize I probably sound like such a bitch, but honestly, I don’t care. I am finally living my life for ME and not letting someone dictate my emotions. I think I was put through quite enough during pregnancy. I will NEVER ever let someone treat me like that ever again. End Rant!
Our grass was cut yesterday. I’m so excited. It looks good. I swear I smelled skunk when I woke up around 2:15am, but it smelled like it was really far away, so it might have been out in the woods. I do NOT want that issue again! I’ve been letting Kodie out at night and even early in the morning when it’s still dark out. I started to get brave a few weeks after the baby skunks were removed. I don’t want that biting me in the ass! Also, I don’t want any issues before Emerson’s birthday party. We’re having it outside in the yard. No Skunks Allowed! In fact, no animals allowed period! Kodie won’t even be there. I’m taking her to my parent’s house that day. I’m just nervous one of the kids will accidentally let her out, so this is just the safer way to go. I won’t need to worry.
Okay, I am ending this. I hope everyone has a nice Thursday. I’m so glad the weekend is almost here. I can’t wait to sleep in a little bit!
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