Today is my Friday and I couldn’t be happier! I’m so ready to get my mini staycation started! After work today, I have to go grocery shopping. I forgot my list when I left work yesterday. I didn’t want to wing it because my budget is so tight with very little wiggle room. I decided to just hold off until today. I did do the laundry yesterday morning though. It isn’t folded, or put away yet, but it’s all clean!
Emerson almost crawled last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adorable! He was able to pivot and turn himself completely in a circle. It was hilarious. He scooted a little bit. It won’t be long! We’ll continue to practice every night. I stretched bedtime out until about 8:30pm last night! He was due to eat around 6:30pm, but ended up taking a nap until almost 7. When he woke, I fed him just enough to satisfy him. We played until about 7:45, then did bath. By the time bath and jammies were done, it was a little after 8pm. He had some oatmeal mixed in with peas and carrots. Around 8:30, he got the boob and bed. After I put him down, I went downstairs, cleaned and sterilized all of the bottles, pumped, and cleaned up the house. Kodie was loving it. I let her in and out until we finally went back to bed around 10pm. I feel a little better letting her out in the dark now that I know the skunks are gone. The thought always crosses my mind anytime I open the door, but I’m trying to not be crazy about it. I went to fill her dog bowl this morning and all of the food was moldy. I have no idea why. Probably because it’s been so humid and the box felt a bit damp. I’ll have to add that to my list today. I only need groceries for the next week, so I can deduct some things off of it to make up the difference. Anyway, I think all of that scooting wore the baby out. He only woke once during the night. It was great!
My cousin messaged me on Facebook last night and let me know that she’s going shopping today. She gets WIC, so she’s given such a huge allowance for baby food and she never uses it all. Instead, she gives it to me. She gave me over 30 jars of baby food, plus 2 huge containers of cereal and then 2 smaller ones two weeks ago. I still haven’t gotten through all of the food she gave me. I am so appreciative though. I don’t qualify for any assistance. I’m so glad I’m being cut a break from her giving me some of her stuff. My mum was at her house last week and was shocked when she showed her the stock pile of baby food she has! Her daughter will be 9 months old. I think she’s eating some regular, table food too, so she isn’t using as much jarred baby food. On the flip side, I’m saving all of the empty baby food jars because I plan on making the most adorable DIY Christmas gifts for my department at work. Yes, I am aware that Christmas isn’t for months, but we all know what a planner I am. You take three baby food jars and you stack them like snowman. In the first jar, you put mini marshmallows. The second jar is powdered hot chocolate. The third jar is filled with peppermint. You put a face on the first jar and buttons going down and finish it off with a top hat and scarf! Adorable! I’ve seen another version of “adult hot chocolate”. You add a mini bottle of Kahlua, peppermint schnapps, or baileys and attach to the side of the snowman. I love this idea and I fully plan on running with it.
Speaking of Christmas, It’s going to be a complete DIY theme. I’ll be making everything. Some will be real gifts mixed in with homemade items, but I already have ideas reeling. I think everyone will love what I come up with. I’m trying to be money conscious though. I don’t want to blow all of this unnecessary money on Christmas gifts. It stresses me out. I know my family doesn’t care, but I want to at least still be able to do something nice for them. I’m compiling my list of ideas now.
Alright, that’s about all I have to offer today. I am REALLY busy and I need to do A LOT before I’m off for 5 days. I hope everyone enjoys their holiday. I probably won’t update for the next week!
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