Last night was world’ better. Emerson was still up more often than usual, but he also slept for some pretty long stretches too. He was up around 3am playing with the dog. I couldn’t even be mad because it was so freakin’ cute. He did go back to sleep about 30 minutes later and stayed asleep until I woke him for daycare. I feel good today. A lot more rested than the day before, so that’s a bonus. I hope tonight is even better!
So, I have $3 in my bank account until Friday, which slightly scares me, but I think we’ll be fine. I don’t think anything is going through that I’m not aware of, so it shouldn’t even be a big deal. As long as nothing wacky happens, it won’t really matter. I NEVER take us down to our last dollar like that, but it just ended up happening that way this week. Life likes to throw me little surprises sometimes, so I just like to be prepared in case. This week, I feel defenseless against life, so I’m hoping God has an eye out for me and those little surprises are pushed to the side!
I’m trying something new with my grocery shopping and menu planning this week. I hope it doesn’t bite me in the ass, but I do think it’ll give us a little more variety and a lot less waste. I’m going to make several different versions of cupcake dinners. You take ingredients and you mix them up, put them in a cupcake/muffin pan, bake and voila! I usually end up serving the baby way too much and we end up tossing what he doesn’t eat, or giving it to Kodie. There is no way I’m scraping food up off of the high chair tray to save it. Yuck! This way, I can watch the amount more closely and portion it out per muffin. Also, I won’t use that many ingredients, so I can mix and match every night. I can make a few different kinds in bulk, freeze, and thaw/microwave whatever we’re in the mood for that night.
Some examples are
Mini Chicken Pot Pie Muffins
Corn Dog Cupcakes
Turkey meatloaf and Mashed Potato Cupcakes
Meatball Sub Cupcakes
Pretty easy. Lots of bisquick, turkey ground meat, and vegetables. I won’t need too many different ingredients either, which is nice. I just have to break out the list and break everything down by price. I was making casseroles, but by the 4th day in a row of the same casserole, we were pretty bored. This way, I won’t feel so confined to eating the same thing several days in a row. We can mix and match a bit. I can pair each with a vegetable/fruit too. Not too bad. I’ll let you all know how this turns out. I’ll still be adding in my usual suspects to the grocery list too.
Pumping has been such a bitch lately. I need to send 15oz to daycare with Emerson, but am finding it very difficult to get more than 12oz. I’m trying to drink more liquid and eat more throughout the day to help me, but so far, I haven’t noticed a change. I’m pumping again in about 2 hours. I still need 12 more ounces for tomorrow. I just hope I can somehow get that today. It’s so hard to pump at home with the baby. I try to get all of my ounces between the three pumps that I do at work, but so far, I’m failing. I know with more solids it means less milk, but I’m not ready for that yet. It just feels like he’s growing way too fast. It makes me sad. My little baby is getting so big. He’s going to be a year old in three months!
Speaking of turning one, I’m doing a cookies and milk birthday party for him. I flip flopped back and forth so many times, but have finally made the decision. It’ll be a lot less costly because I’ll just serve a variety of cookies and milk (chocolate, strawberry, and plain) to the kids. It’ll be really adorable. I found some cute ideas and I’m ready to go full steam ahead with it. The plus side is it’s a complete do-it-yourself party theme, so I shouldn’t need to buy too much. I’ll update more about that as it gets closer. I do have some time
Well, I think that’s about all I have in me for today. I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday. I can’t say I’m sad either. Even though we don’t have big plans for the weekend, I’m still ready for it to get here.
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