We had a really nice, but busy weekend. On Friday, nothing too much happened. I ran around like a nut doing the grocery shopping before picking Emerson up from daycare. We hung at home that night and made pizza. My best friend stopped over with a book that I’m borrowing. I cannot wait to start reading “Gone Girl” although I’m sure it’ll creep me out! I don’t know why I read scary stuff. I’m such a frady cat.
We went to baby’s r us on Saturday morning for a cute Halloween parade. Emerson had his hand imprinted onto a bag, we heard a Halloween story, had a parade in costume, and then I bought some new bath accessories for the tub at home to keep him safe. He was a ninja turtle. It was pretty adorable. We had a good time. Afterwards, we went home for a quick nap, then went to visit my friend, Erin, and her new baby, Madison. Madison is so adorable. I’m so happy for Erin! After that, we stopped by my parent’s house for a quick visit before heading home.
Sunday. We lounged around all day. It was incredible. Emerson had two big naps. Around 4pm, we went to my parent’s house for dinner and ended up staying until after 7pm. On the drive home, I was so freaked out. Someone was behind me flashing me with their headlights. On and off, on and off they went. I was freaking out! I finally pulled into a busy gas station two blocks from my house. I was so afraid they’d follow us home. We live on a dead end street too. Luckily, they did not appear to be following us. Needless to say, we slept with all of the lights on last night! I was still creeped out this morning!
Emerson has been sleeping so amazingly. I cannot complain. I hope it stays this way. The only rough part is actually getting him to fall asleep. He seems to fight me at night. Last night, it took me over an hour to get him down. I ended up putting him in the play pen for 10 minutes to cry out some of his energy. After about 90 minutes of rocking and nursing with no results, I needed a break. It worked. I felt bad hearing him cry, but the second I picked him up, he snuggled up and fell right to sleep. It was cute.
This week, we have a birthday party on Tuesday night. I have a half day at work on Friday, so we’re going to visit Erin afterwards. Alrighty, I hope everyone has a really good week!
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