I’ve really been slacking on blogging lately. I’m sorry, guys! Nothing too new is going on aside from the usual. Emerson is crawling all around and starting to climb. He turned 8 months last week, which is absolutely mind boggling to think about. He’s learning to use his sippy cup and beginning to use a fork and spoon. He’s on the go, which is exciting, but exhausting for me. Less naps, less milk, but more solid food seems to be the going trend with him lately. Lots of play time, but bumps and bruises come along with that. I have a near heart attack at least once a day now! We are doing very well though and just cruising right through our first year together. It’s going extremely fast, so I’m trying to suck in as much as I can and really enjoy all of the experiences, good and bad.
My new couch is slated for delivery this week. I can’t wait. I did see a small bit of water leaking in my basement last night. I need to call my landlord. It’s alarming because it makes me hesitant to push forward with the playroom. I’m not going to furnish it and have carpeting put down for it to all be ruined. It’s a bit disheartening though because I want this playroom so much. We need space to play. My small dining room is not cutting it. I don’t want to think we’ve outgrown this house already, but it’s starting to seem that way. On top of that, I hate clutter and I like things to be in order. It sucks having to set up the play yard and basically wreck my living/dining room every evening. If that’s what I need to do though, then that’s what’ll happen. I just need to think of a creative way to house the toys when they aren’t in use, so that my living/dining room can actually look put together when it isn’t play time. The good thing is I didn’t put too much time, or money into what I’ve done in the basement, so I’m not losing out. I still have high hopes for that area, so I’ll wait until I speak with my landlord before I cut it out altogether. I was thinking of getting a bench for near the front door to house our shoes when we come in the front door. I was also thinking of getting a nice buffet that I could use as toy storage, which would disguise the fact that the dining room is doubling as a play room. Setting up and breaking down the play yard is the biggest pain, but seeing it take up half of my downstairs space kills me. I guess that is just one of the cons I’ll have to deal with. Giving Emerson space to play and grow is more important than having my house look decorative and put together. I’m just not one of those people that can let my kid tear the hell out of my house and have it be destroyed all day. We’ll have to work out something in the meantime.
Alright, that’s about all I have for now. I just got my flu shot today, so I’m hoping I don’t start to feel sick at all! Have a good day, everyone!
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