Well, I didn’t get my tax return and today marks the 21st
day. I found out there are a lot of people having this issue. I spoke with a
friend who works at the IRS. She told me I am probably unpostable and I need to
call them. She said if they need additional information from me it’ll add
another 6-8 weeks onto me getting my refund. I’m sick over it, but quite
frankly, I don’t feel like being down, or stressing out over it. I’ll do what I
need to do to have it processed, but I am really going to try my hardest to not
dwell, or become obsessed with this. I don’t have the energy to put into being
sad over it either. I know we really needed that money, but there isn’t
anything I can do at this point to make it appear right now. I’m just going to
keep budgeting and doing what I’ve been doing.
When I picked Emerson up from daycare, he had a huge lump on
his forehead. He fell yesterday and bashed his poor face so hard. It looks
absolutely awful and had me so worried last night. He’s fine though and it
doesn’t seem to be bothering him too much. It looks awful. I scheduled pictures
for March 6th for him. If the bruise and cut aren’t mostly gone by next
Friday, I’m going to cancel it. Other deals will come around. I’m not going to
spend $20 to get pictures taken when his face looks like hell. School pictures
are next Tuesday. If his head still looks really bad, I’m going to get a
smaller package. The package I was going to get is $22. I’m not going to get
all of these 8x10’s of him with a huge lump and black and blue mark on his
forehead. We have so many pictures as it is. I’ll just be modest and get the
smaller package just to at least have a 5x7 for myself and some wallet-sized
ones for my family.
On Saturday, I’m still taking Emerson shoe shopping. His poor
feet are so crammed into his tennis shoes. We’re going to go to the waterfront.
The weather is supposed to right around 40 degrees. It’ll be nice to get out
for a bit. I’ve budgeted every single penny we have, so I’ll be able to take him
to get frozen yogurt afterwards. On Sunday, we’re just going to visit my
parents. My sister hasn’t seen Emerson since his 1st birthday party
almost a month ago. She will be over there with my nephew, so it’ll be nice to
see them for a bit. Plus, it doesn’t cost anything to go to their house!
Dr. Seuss week is next week at daycare. I need to go through
Emerson’s clothes. We need some really wacky outfits for him to wear. I’m going
to look around when we’re out on Saturday for a nicer shirt that he can wear to
have his pictures taken in for picture day. Everything he owns is hand me downs
and very worn. I’d like to get him a nice button up that he can wear again for
Easter. That way, I’m getting my money’s worth.
Other than that, not too much is going on. I can’t wait to
work from home on Friday. I’m sick of commuting into town. I shouldn’t complain
though. I worked from home three days last week. It’s just tough going from
doing that to being in the office four days in a row. Alright, I have to finish
up some things. I have a late meeting. I just hope I don’t miss the bus because
of it.
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