I haven’t updated in a week. So much has happened. A lot
more illness. I guess I’ll start where I left off. Last Wednesday, I decided to
take a random day off of work and to keep Emerson home from daycare. I thought it
would be nice to have a mom/son day in the middle of the week. We went to lunch
with my mom and sister. It was nice.
Emerson appeared to be fine and ate a boatload. That night, right at bedtime,
he projectile vomited so much. It was unreal. I had to change all of the
bedding because he blew chunks so badly. The next day, I decided to work from
home, but still send Em to daycare. My plan was to get as much work done in the
morning as possible, then pick him up early before he could be sent home. I
called to check on him around 11am and was told he was perfectly fine. No
puking or runny diapers. I decided to leave him there and just work a full day.
That plan blew up when I got a call around 1pm that Emerson was vomiting and
needed picked up. Ugh. I knew what this meant. He wouldn’t be allowed back for
24 hours, which resulted in him missing the Valentine’s Day Party. I was
extremely bummed. I made so much cute stuff for the teachers and kids. I also
didn’t want Emerson missing out even though I know he doesn’t understand
anyway. When I picked him up, I could tell he was very sick. We went home and
he literally slept the entire rest of the day and all night. He was still vomiting
and having runny diapers in between naps. On top of that, he was pulling at his
On Friday, my mom came to the rescue. I worked until 1pm,
while she watched Emerson. He was still feeling under the weather and slept for
most of the day. She was able to get him to keep some food down, but he kept
playing with his ear. I took him to the doctors right after I was done working.
I wanted to make sure he wasn’t having another ear infection that was causing
him to vomit and be so sick. Luckily, he had no ear infection. His ear was
completely filled with wax, so the doctor had to scrape it out. He didn’t fuss
at all and let her dig everything out. Afterwards, he perked up so much! It
must have really gave him a lot of relief. I was told he probably had a tummy
bug though. We just needed to let it work itself out.
Saturday was Valentine’s day. I made an entire Valentine’s
Day inspired menu for Emerson to eat. He was still feeling under the weather
though and having random bouts of diarrhea and vomiting. Luckily, he completely
stopped vomiting by Saturday afternoon. The diarrhea tapered off by Sunday.
Valentine’s Day was very nice though. I made heart shaped pancakes and sausage
for breakfast, heart shaped grilled cheese for lunch, and heart shaped pizza
for dinner. Emerson and I both wore a Valentine’s Day shirts too! The weather was pretty grim, so we
didn’t make it over to my parent’s house. Emerson made my parents adorable valentines
using his hand and foot print! During one of Emerson’s naps, I was just getting
out of the shower when I heard a knock at the door. It was a florist delivering
a gorgeous bouquet of flowers to me! My friend is such a sweetheart and always
does random things to surprise me. I very much appreciated it and the flowers
still smell and look beautiful!
On Sunday, we were FINALLY able to get out of the house. We
headed to my parent’s house for a bit. When we got there, we were handed
adorable Valentines from my parents. They loved what Emerson made them. We hung
out for a bit, but didn’t linger too long. The roads weren’t that great and I
didn’t want to drive home in the dark. I am just so beyond fed up with this
damn weather. I can’t even find the words that are fitting enough to describe
my absolute disgust. I have terrible anxiety every single time I have to drive.
Yesterday, we slid off of my street right into a major highway. It was so scary
and I panicked a little. The roads are fine right now, but we are getting more
snow today. I haven’t figured out how I’m getting Emerson home from daycare yet
if it’s that bad. It’s supposed to be the suckiest around the time I pick him
up. Go figure. If I have to, I’ll walk up to daycare. I just worry about
walking home with him. It’s bitter cold out there. I don’t think he could
handle a 10 to 15 minute walk in this weather. We will see though.
Anyway, on Monday, daycare was closed. I scheduled Emerson’s
1 year shots and took the day off of work. He wasn’t able to get the shots back
when he had his one year appointment because of his ear infection. Luckily, he
was able to get them on Monday. He’s all vaccinated and up to date now. He does
have tiny bruises where the shots were given in his arms. Poor guy. Other than
that, he seems fine outside of teething a bit. He’s been very restless at
bedtime and tosses and turns a lot. We slept perfectly for about a month
straight. I hope this is just a small hiccup and we go back to getting great
sleep. I’m tired!
Yesterday, I took the teacher and kid Valentines into the
daycare. The teachers LOVED the mugs. It made me feel good to hear so many
compliments because I worked so hard on those gifts. It’s nice to hear that
someone appreciates the effort that you make. Though I do not do these things
for the compliments, it’s definitely an added bonus. I’ve been looking on
Pinterest for ideas for St Patrick’s day and Easter. You know I’m always
thinking ahead!
Next week, the daycare is having an open house, so that the
parents can come in and talk to the teachers to see how the kids are
developing. I received Emerson’s 12 month assessment yesterday. I didn’t think it was that great to be honest.
I felt like there was a lot of negative remarks on the sheet. Maybe I’m just
taking it too personally, but it did feel that way. There was a comment that he’s
having difficulty transitioning between the bottle and cup. I call bullshit. I give
Emerson a cup at home and he does fine with it. On rare occasions, I do give
him a bottle, but that’s only if I don’t have a cup clean, or if he isn’t feeling
well. I actually send the breastmilk in sippy cups. I do send one clean, empty
bottle, but that’s more for when he’s in the baby room, extremely tired, and
they want to try to get him down for a nap. They don’t HAVE to give him that
bottle though. I more do it as a nicety for him and them and I don’t fill it
with milk. He no longer freaks out either when he’s given the cup. I just spent
6 days straight with him. He had a cup the entire time with the exception of
once in the car and one night at dinner. There were other remarks on the
assessment that he tantrums when he doesn’t get his way. I’m not offended by
that. The category was EMOTIONS. What bothers me is they didn’t put any
positive comments in there. It was all negative about how he becomes upset when
a stranger enters the room and how he tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.
Though those are true, I don’t understand why there aren’t positive comments to
go along with the negative. (well, not really negative, but you know what I
mean) Other comments were about how he interacts with the other kids. They mentioned
that he takes toys off of kids, sometimes tries to head butt them, etc. I just
feel like they should offset those with positive comments that show that he
does play and interact well too. It just felt very negative. The good comments
(if you can even call them good) are that he is walking and doing very well
physically. Okay? Well, I’d still like to have a well-adjusted child that plays
great with other kids. Anyway, I cannot wait to go in and talk to his teacher.
I’d like her to elaborate on some of the things that she wrote down.
Picture day is on March 3rd. I’m so excited. I’m
just nervous because it’s an added cost. I got the payment envelope yesterday. I
just need to figure out what I want to do. The pictures were so good last time
and I was bummed that I didn’t get bigger prints. It’s going to cost me at
least $25. I know, that doesn’t sound like a lot of money, but my gas bill is
over $200 and due next week. That’s sucking up most of my extra money. I’ll
figure it out, but I hope I’m not poor the second I get paid. Being cooped up
in the house is great on the wallet, but it would be nice to venture out if the
weather ever decides to warm up. I think it’s going to end up being around -30
at some point this week. I can’t even wrap my mind around that.
Other than that, we are just chugging along. I haven’t
gotten my tax return yet. Today marks 2 weeks that I filed. I’m crazy nervous
and very anxious over it, but trying to not dwell too much. The irs won’t even
help me until I exceed 21 days of processing. Please say a prayer, guys. I
really need to get a car. Alright, I am going to end this now. I hope everyone
has a warm week!
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