Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mummy is fed up

My younger sister and I got into a bit of a tiff this weekend. Emerson and I made plans with her and my nephew to go to the egg hunt on Saturday. On Saturday morning, I texted and asked if she wanted to go to a later hunt in hopes that it would warm up a bit. The first hunt was at 10am, which meant we’d all have to be up and out of the house earlier. Emerson typically naps around that time. I know my sis and nephew go to bed pretty late, so I thought the noon hunt would work better for them anyway. The birthday party we were all invited to started at noon too, so we could head up directly after, which would work out well. Anyway, she responded that my nephew no longer wanted to go to the egg hunt. The weekend prior, he blew Emerson and I off too because he didn’t “feel like” going to Giggles and Smiles. I was pretty annoyed. If he wasn’t going that meant we wouldn’t get to spend time with her either. I told her she lets him dictate these things, therefore it ruins us spending time together. She didn’t like that at all and proceeded to tell me that “we don’t have to go somewhere we don’t want to go” My response was “why make the plans then if you didn’t really want to go?!” It wasn’t about the egg hunt. It’s just about hardly seeing them and wanting to hang out with them. Of course, she stepped it up a level and told me to not go there and that I barely spent time with my nephew as a baby. I won’t disagree with her there. I was 19 years old when he was born. I was in college and working a full-time job, so no, I didn’t’ spend UBER amounts of time with him.  I wish I had. It was a different time back then. I try to spend time with him now, but she always lets him blow us off, which is starting to really piss me off.


It’s called keeping a commitment. She shouldn’t teach him to be flakey like this. Family is important and I want Emerson growing up with his aunt and cousin. We shouldn’t only be seeing each other for holidays. That’s ridiculous. We only see my other sister for holidays, which I disagree with too, but you can’t make someone want to come around. Anyway, they didn’t go to the hunt, or the birthday party, but I saw that my nephew went to his dad’s sister’s house on Saturday and spent the night, which meant my sister had the night without him again. He’s been spending the night at his other aunt’s house with all of his cousins. I get that it’s fun because there are a ton of kids over there, but it pisses me off. She could have spent time with us before he went to his aunt’s house. The fact that she didn’t try to make plans with us later on in the day is what really ticked me off, but she makes sure he can go sleep over at his other aunt’s house.


 It’s a battle that I am done fighting. On Sunday, I didn’t ask her to go with us to Seabase. Typically, I’d ask her if she and my nephew would want to come, or meet us later for lunch, but I didn’t ask this time. She didn’t go to my parent’s house either. She told me she is tired of doing stuff because she feels guilt tripped into doing it. Seeing your family shouldn’t be a damn guilt trip. It should be a fucking priority. A couple of Sundays ago, she posted on Facebook that she was hungover. My nephew slept at his other aunt’s house, therefore she went out with her fiancé and drank too much. I responded that she better still be coming to mum and dads. We hadn’t seen them in a week and she had already made the commitment to come! Don’t flake on us over a fucking hangover. She said if I am sick there is no question why I’m not at mum and dads. Um, because I am sick from an actual sickness, not alcohol. Prior to Emerson’s existence, even if I went out with friends. I still came to my parent’s house EVERY Sunday. I used to make a weekend of it and I’d go sleep at their house from Friday to Sunday as a damn adult! I’d pack the dog up after work on Fridays and we’d head to their house just to stay and spend time with them, so I really don’t want to hear any shit from anyone. I had a social life and I still saw my fucking family too. I expect the same out of everyone. I am just sick of it.  You can’t tell anyone anything though because they don’t see the damn logic behind it. Have your life, but actually include your family in it too. It’s just so fucked up to me. I don’t get it. I spent time with my parents on Friday and Saturday, then saw them yesterday too. I get not everyone is like me. Fine, but why can’t we all at least stick to Sunday like we were doing especially if you’re not doing anything, but nursing a hangover. Drink a little less, so you can see your family too.


She disagrees with me and doesn’t see my perspective. In her mind, it’s her life and she can do “whatever the fuck I want” Yes, I agree. Do whatever you want, but you can’t constantly dick people over like that. It isn’t right. Who do you go to when you need someone, or something, or someone to just be there for you? Obviously I will always be there regardless, but it’s just hard when it isn’t reciprocated.


On Saturday, she’s dying Easter eggs with her fiancé’s kids and my nephew. Typically, this is a family event. We do this together. Emerson and I weren’t invited. Her fiancé does NOT like me. I don’t think he likes anyone in our family. There are times when I’ll talk directly to him, and he ignores me right to my face. He makes it apparent that he doesn’t care for any of us, so I’m guessing that’s why she didn’t invite us to dye eggs with them. I don’t feel like being disrespected, so I’m not even asking. Emerson and I are just going to do it by ourselves. I invited my friend and her kids, but she isn’t sure they can make it yet. I hope they can. I guess I just need to accept that things are different now even though I don’t like it. I just feel like Emerson and I are always alone. That isn’t anyone else’s problem, but mine, so I should stop trying to force everyone to spend time with us.


My mom mentioned lending out some of Emerson’s baby stuff to a friend who is expecting. My dad nixed the idea. Apparently he thinks that I’m going to get married and have more kids because I’m really good at this whole mom business. That made me feel REALLY good that he thinks that highly of me J Sigh. Okay, I’m ending this rant for the day!






Monday, March 30, 2015

Mummy and Emmie's busy weekend!

This weekend was jam packed. Friday was my ME day. After I was done working a half day, I headed to Once upon A Child. I got Emerson some spring clothes and a sit and spin toy for his play room. I couldn’t believe how cheap everything was. I also got him a new pair of shoes. Afterwards, I went to the mall and ended up getting myself a few things. I was able to get blouses for $2 and a couple of dresses for $5!! After that, I stopped by my parent’s house for a bit, then headed to Walmart to finish getting Emerson’s Easter basket stuff. I had just enough time afterwards to sit down for a few minutes at home before picking Em up from daycare. It was a crazy busy day, but very productive.
Saturday was so busy. Em and I headed to an Easter event at noon. It was so cold out though! I wish it would have been warmer, but we still had a good time. Emerson got to see some live bunnies and he met the Easter bunny too. Afterwards, we headed up the street to a birthday party. Emerson had a great time! We stayed at the party for about three hours. Em was so beat from playing with the kids, that he crashed on the way home, then continued to nap after we got home for a few hours. It was a really great day. We had so much fun.
Sunday, we randomly decided to go to a kid zone called Seabase. It was a lot like giggles and smiles, just on a larger scale. It took me about 35 minutes just to drive to the place, but it was worth it. Emerson had a great time running around and playing. He even made a few new friends! Afterwards, I took him to lunch, then we went home for a nap. He slept like crap last night though. I don’t think he was tired when I tried putting him down though. He napped kind of late, so I probably rushed it. I hope tonight is better.
This week, we don’t have much going on. I’m working and he’s going to daycare. I’m off on Friday though, so we’re going to head to the park on Thursday. It’s going to be 71 degrees! Of course, it’s going to get cold again for Easter, so I want to utilize the nice weather while it lasts. We’re dying eggs and other Easter activities on Saturday. Sunday, I’m going to set up a big bunny breakfast for Emerson from the Easter bunny, set out some bunny prints, and his Easter basket. It’ll be cute. I know he doesn’t totally understand it yet, but it’ll be fun for me!
Tomorrow is Emerson’s spring party at daycare. I made some cute treats and gifts for everyone.  Too bad he doesn’t have an Easter shirt to wear. Walmart had absolutely nothing and I wasn’t running around trying to find something either. Alright, I have to finish up some stuff before I run to the store for milk, then grab Emmie. I hope you all have a super week!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Mummy is weaning!

I don’t think I’ve really blogged too much about me weaning Emerson, but that’s definitely happening. With sleep training, weaning has followed suit. I’m no longer using nursing as a means to get Emerson to sleep. I’ve been able to change his bedtime routine to not include any nursing. With that, weaning has resulted. Throughout the day, Emerson receives a cocktail of breast and whole milk in his cups at daycare. I was pumping three times a day, but now have dropped that down to twice a day. Sometimes only once a day if I don’t have time. My supply has adjusted to his needs, but I am still able to pump out about 10oz if I stick to a good schedule.  After daycare, Emerson receives a cup of milk mid-dinner. I like to make sure he consumes enough food before he slurps down his milk. He loves his milk and have found that he will choose the cup over the food if presented with the option. Anyway, at bedtime, he gets a bath, jammies, rocked for a few minutes, then I lay him down in his pack n play. We haven’t transitioned to the crib yet. We’re on Day # 12 of sleep training. When I feel like we’ve gotten this down, I’ll start transitioning again. Baby steps. Anyway, on Day #1, I’d rub his back until he fell asleep. I realized I was probably starting a bad habit. I slowly decreased the amount of back rubbing and am now almost at a point where I can just lay him down and sit there until he falls asleep. He flips out if I leave the room prior to him falling asleep, but I’m okay with that. If all it takes if me sitting next to the pack n play for him to sleep, I’ll take it. Eventually, we will work on me just laying him down and exiting the room. Again, baby steps. I do feel as though we’ve bad TREMENDOUS progress all without the cry it out method. I’m extremely proud of the headway we’re making. Anyway, on weekends when I’m with Emerson all day, I’m not nursing. For naps, I follow the same routine as I would at bedtime minus bath. No nursing at all. The only time I’m nursing now is in the middle of the night. I try to keep him down, but after a few minutes of fussiness and realizing he obviously is needing to nurse, I pull him into bed with me. This is where the sleep training needs to be a bit stronger. I feel like once we rid this night nursing session, he’ll sleep through the night. I just don’t want to deny him nursing if he’s truly hungry. I’m thinking he may need a snack after dinner. We’ve been eating dinner a bit earlier than usual. He’s hungry after daycare and so am I. Instead of eating around 6:30, we’ve been eating around 5:45pm. He typically has bath at 7:30 and is snoozing by 8pm. We play after dinner and he runs around like a wild man. I’m thinking he probably works up quite the appetite by 11pm, which is when he usually requests a nursing session. Maybe a snack before bath is the way to go. The only way to figure this out is to try. Trial and error. Being honest, I’m usually hungry after dinner too. If I’m hungry, he’s probably hungry. Yesterday after I picked Em up from daycare, I took him to the park. The weather was gorgeous. It’s supposed to get cold again, so I decided to take advantage of the weather even though I felt awful. We stopped by my parent’s house afterwards and had dinner with them. Em was completely exhausted by the time we got home. He fell asleep in the car, which hardly happens at all anymore. We followed our usual routine when we got home: Bath then Bed. I’m wondering if he slept so long last night because he ate later at my parent’s house. They always fill him up before we head out, so he probably was fuller longer. Something to think about.



I realize people probably think I’m nuts with how much I stick to a schedule and routine, but I stand by my conviction that both work for us. If I stray, I see a definite repercussion. Last night, Emerson conked out around 8pm. I had three hours to myself, which is something that had never occurred prior to sleep training. I would be in bed with him, which meant I had absolutely no time to myself after working all day and then caring for him. It just wasn’t a sustainable way to live. I need to be able to mentally unwind after a long day. I need to be able to clean-up, prepare for the next day, do a crafting project, or just hang out with the dog. My sanity level has increased ten-fold. It’s really, really nice to have a break every evening. Anyway, last night after Em went to bed, I cleaned up the house, packed both of our bags for today, then laid on the couch with Kodie watching television. I ended up falling asleep too. Around 10pm, I went upstairs, turned the humidifier on, and crawled into bed. It was nice. Em woke around 11pm. I pulled him into bed, nursed him, then we both went back to sleep. He stayed asleep until I woke him at 5:45am. That’s a huge stretch. Almost 6 hours uninterrupted. If we could rid that 11pm nursing session, that would be incredible. I’m working on it though. Sometimes he wakes more frequently to nurse, but he’s been teething lately, so I’m attributing it to that.


I realized today that I need to stop calling Emerson “the baby”. He’s not really a baby anymore. Though it makes me sad, I’ve got a full-fledged toddler on my hands and he’s not slowing down anytime soon. He will always be my baby even if he isn’t “the baby” anymore. Alright, I guess I should end this now. I have some things to do before I head out. Have a super Thursday, all!



Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mummy's scare

Ugh. I almost made it all the way through March without being sick. I have some kind of head cold/flu. It’s dreadful!!  I ended up taking a half day from work today, so that I can rest and try to get better. Now, instead of taking all of Friday off, I’m only taking a half day. I’ll still get my ME day, but resting today is more important than anything else.  I hate being sick!! Mom’s do not get sick days, so I have to take free time to rest when I can get it. Emerson is at daycare, therefore  I have this opportunity to relax. I took two small power naps. It probably wasn’t enough, but it’s something that I ordinarily wouldn’t do, so I’ll take it. I have such a hard time just laying around! I feel so unproductive. Hopefully this is the worst of how I’ll feel and tomorrow is a much better day. I don’t want Emerson getting sick!!!!


Last night was so bizarre. After Emerson’s bath, I put him to bed. I came downstairs, lathered up in Vick’s vapor rub, and sat down on the couch. About an hour later, Emerson started stirring. I wasn’t feeling well, so I decided to just call it a night. After I went upstairs to nurse Emerson, I heard crazy, loud pounding coming from downstairs. It sounded like someone was trying to break down my damn door. I hear a lot of shit every night, but nothing that alarms me enough to take action. This banging was unreal. It didn’t sound like a knock at the door either. It sounded like someone was breaking in. I hurried up and dialed 911. It was absolutely terrifying. All I kept thinking was “What the hell am I going to do if someone really gets in here?” My heart was freaking pounding. The cops came with k9 dogs and so many cars. They searched to make sure no one was lurking around. They found nothing. It was ridiculous. The cops informed me they had just been to my neighborhood a few days prior because my neighbors were fighting. Maybe the banging I heard was from next door? I have no idea, but if that is the case, then that’s ridiculous. The cops asked me if I thought an ex, or another neighbor would have motive to want to enter my home. I definitely don’t think that’s the case at all. I don’t think anyone has motive to do that to me at all. Maybe I’m being naïve, but I really don’t think it was a personal attack. I hope it was just the neighbors being absolutely absurd because I don’t want to have to be scared every damn night. This is my freaking home. I live here with a small child. I don’t want to have to feel uncomfortable, or scared. That’s beyond ridiculous. It does piss me off though. I don’t understand why people can’t just have respect for others and their property.


Emerson was so freaking upset too. He was crying and wigging the hell out. He was nursing and pretty much asleep when the cops came. I basically ripped him off my boob, so that I could let them in. I’m sure he was freaked out with strangers randomly being in our house after he was awoken from a sound sleep. Kodie tried biting one of the cops. Luckily, she didn’t attack and calmed down after a second. She’s feisty and tough for being so small. After everything calmed down and was all clear, Emerson and I went back to bed. I let Kodie and Emerson sleep in my bed last night. I felt a lot safer with Kodie upstairs with us. I wasn’t about to make Emerson sleep alone either in case something wild happened again.


It’s supposed to be really cold on Saturday, so I think we’re skipping the Easter Egg Hunt. I don’t feel like being out in 30 degree weather and I definitely don’t want to make Emerson be out either. We have a birthday party to go to the same day at noon, so I’m think we’ll just skip the egg hunt and only do the birthday party. On Monday, there is a community swim day at the high school that I want to take Emerson to. The only downfall is it starts at 7pm. That’s a little late for my liking, but it’s only $5 for Emerson and I and it sounds like fun.  I guess I’ll see how he is after daycare, then decide from there. Maybe I can get him to take a small nap afterwards before we head out.


Alright, that’s about all I have for today. I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday. Pray I get better and fast! I’m picking Emerson up in two hours. I’m due for some medicine, so hopefully that’ll carry me through the evening and I find the strength to chase him around!



Monday, March 23, 2015

Mummy's weekend

This weekend was amazing to say the least. Emerson and I had such a great time at Giggles and Smiles on Saturday. He played in the ball pit, bouncey house, etc. He had such a great time and so did I! Because he’s so young, I got to accompany him all around the gym, which meant I got to experience everything too! It was well worth the $6 I spent. My nephew ended up not coming with us. My sister, her fiancé, and his kids all ended up going to Chuck E Cheese instead. I’m glad they still did something fun. Afterwards, Emerson and I headed to lunch at Eat N Park. He peopled watched the entire time, while chowing down. He was so well behaved too. I know that sounds crazy, but imagine taking 14 month old to lunch. He doesn’t possess many table manners yet. I’m glad he didn’t throw any food! After we got home, Em took a big nap for almost 3 hours. I just laid on the couch and enjoyed my ME time. We just stayed home on Saturday night, played, and had dinner. Sunday, Emerson and I headed to breakfast with my mom. While we were out, my aunt and uncle randomly ended up at the same restaurant. It was so crazy! They were in visiting from Erie because my cousin is getting married. They were in to dress shop. Anyway, they had plans on Saturday night, so they couldn’t come visit us. I was bummed, but we decided to just meet up when they come back in next month. It was such an awesome coincidence. They were heading back to Erie, but stopping for breakfast first. While we were eating, my cousin (their daughter) came in on her way to church! How crazy is that?! It was all completely unplanned, but awesome. It was nice catching up and seeing everyone. Afterwards, Emerson and I headed home where he took a 2.5 hour nap. I laid on the couch again watching tv, which is just so bizarre because that’s something I never get to do. After he awoke from nap, we headed to my parent’s house. He wore himself out over there! My sister and nephew came over too. We all had such a great time, then had dinner together. Emerson crashed HARD on the way home. When we got in the house, I put him down in his playpen where he slept for another 1.5 hours. Again, I laid on the couch with the pup watching television. He slept until 7pm, so bedtime was much later than usual. Sleep training is going a little rougher than it was in the beginning. Emerson has 3 back teeth coming in. It looks absolutely PAINFUL. I feel so bad for him. They all three have poked through though, so hopefully it won’t be much longer. On Friday night, he slept for 4 hours alone before crying. I did bring him into bed with me. It was 1am and I was tired. Saturday night was awful. He lasted an hour. He wants to comfort nurse because of the teeth. Last night, he lasted for 2 hours. I’m going to keep doing it though. I hope after this round of teething, it gets a little easier and he doesn’t wake so frequently. I do put him down when he’s awake, so he isn’t nursing, or anything. It’s been such a crazy week with this transition, but the reward of him sleeping alone even for a few hours is incredible. It’s nice to get a break while he naps. I’ve never really had that until now. I get things done around the house and I get to recharge my batteries a bit too. This week, we don’t have much going on. Just work and daycare. Emerson threw up around 4am. I don’t know if it was from choking/coughing, or what. We are both EXTREMELY congested. It sucks so badly. It has to be because of this wacky ass weather. It’s spring, yet it’s like 24 degrees outside right now. I’m just ready for the nice weather to break through. I hear snow in the forecast too. Nothing insane, but come on! It’s almost April! I’m off on Friday for ME day. I’m getting Emerson’s Easter stuff together. It’ll be nice to just have a full day to myself to run errands. I’m going to try to give myself enough time to come home to relax before I pick him up from daycare. Saturday is the big Easter Egg Hunt! I Can’t wait to take Emerson! I hope it isn’t that cold out, but if it is, we’ll both just have to toughen up. Afterwards, I want to take him out to lunch again. That’s about all we’re going to be doing this upcoming weekend. We’ll visit my parents and hang out too. If the weather is a bit warmer, we’ll play at the park after the egg hunt. We didn’t go last year because Emerson was way too young, so this will be a first for us! Alright, I guess I’m going to wrap this up now. I have a lot of work to do. I hope everyone has an awesome Monday!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Mummy's weekend

Today is Friday and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve been waiting for this day all week. Today is payday, which means its grocery day! We were pretty much out of everything. I don’t know many people who are this excited over grocery shopping. I usually work from home on Fridays, so after I drop Emerson at daycare, I head to Wal*mart before I go home to log into work.  Because I don’t have an hour commute to and from work, I can log in later and work a bit longer to compensate for the time I’m at the grocery store. I really enjoy this. After getting all of our groceries, I just walk around and window shop. Today, I did just that. It was awesome. I got all of our groceries, household items, and diapers/wipes for $99.62! Every time I stock us up again, I always tell myself “good job” Being able to support a household is tough. I’m glad I pulled it off for another two weeks. I just paid our cable and gas bill too. I need to write April’s rent and daycare checks and pay the car insurance. That’s only another $1400! No complaining here though. I’m more than appreciative that I can pay the bills even if we don’t have loads left after. It’s always a good feeling knowing we made it through another month.
This weekend, I’ve decided what we’re doing. I’m taking Emerson and my nephew to Giggles and Smiles. It’s a cute kiddo gym in the mall that has bouncey houses, mats, tunnels, and slides to play on. It costs $6/hour for kids under 3 and $11/hour for kids 3-10. That seems fair to me. It’ll be nice to get out of the house, do something different, and allow Emerson to burn off some of his energy. I’m glad my nephew wants to come with us too. We haven’t seen him in a while. Afterwards, we’re going out for pizza, then to visit my parents until my sister picks my nephew up. The weather is crazy today. It’s snowing and raining. It’s supposed to warm up tomorrow, but it’ll be so damn muddy out. I’m not trying to deal with that by playing at the park. I’m excited to try out this place though. If we like it, it’ll be a nice alternative for rainy days if we want to get out of the house. I can justify $6 for that! Yes, I realize I could just let him play in the play place at the mall for free, but that place gets freaking WILD and over-crowded. I’d rather just pay $6 for a bit more structure and less chance of Emerson running out like he did when I took him two weeks ago. I had to chase him, which meant my wallet and diaper bag were hanging out alone with a bunch of strangers around. Uncool.
Last night, I put Emerson to bed around 7:30pm. He went right down and slept until about 9pm before he cried. It was nice watching tv and just hanging out by myself. When he cried, I did try to keep him down in the play pen, but he wasn’t having it. I was super tired anyway, so I just brought him into bed with me. I wouldn’t call last night a fail though. I was able to put him down without nursing initially and I got some time to myself. I’m lowering the crib at some point today, so that we can try to transition him to sleep in there. I’m thinking with a little more room, he’ll wake up less. I could be wrong, but it’s worth a shot. I’m still really, really happy that I can put him to bed without having to go to bed too. I’ll take any bit of time in the evenings to just have ME time at home without having to go to bed at 730pm too.
On Sunday, I plan on playing outside with Em as long as it isn’t too muddy or cold. I haven’t looked up the weather yet. We’re also going to go to my parent’s house to visit too. We haven’t seen them since last Sunday. It’s insane how quickly the weeks go by. That about sums up our weekend. We aren’t doing anything tonight. Just hanging out at home. Usually, he’s very crabby after daycare, so I may try to put him down for a small nap, while I cook dinner. That way, maybe he will sleep longer in the morning. I just don’t want to end up being awake until 11pm!
Alright, I hope everyone has a really nice weekend J

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mummy overslept

On Sunday night, I decided to piggy back off of the weekend and put Emerson to bed in the playpen. I caved after five minutes. He wasn’t crying, or anything. He was just lying there, but he wasn’t falling asleep. I was extremely tired, so I aborted the plan, popped him in bed with me, and nursed him down. We slept like shit. On Monday night, I decided to give it a real try and to put him down in the playpen. It took me about 30 minutes of rubbing his back, but he did go to sleep around 730pm. I went downstairs and watched all of my shows. It was a nice three hour block of time to myself. I started to fall asleep on the couch, but then he started crying, so I went upstairs and put him in bed with me. I know, I caved, but putting him down at bedtime is my first goal. I’m trying to make this an easy transition. Last night, it took him awhile longer to go down. He didn’t sleep as long in the playpen before waking and crying. I put him in bed with me again. We slept amazing though. Tonight, I’m going to try to toughen up and when he wakes in the middle of the night, keep him in the playpen. I’m lowering the crib on Friday when I work from home, so we can start that over the weekend. I think he’ll be happier in the crib because there’s more room. We’ll see how that goes. I hope I’m right.  I know it’s a process, but the sheer fact that I can lay him down awake and put him to sleep without nursing is huge. I’m also glad that we’re doing it without tears and crying it out. I hate that and I am not tough enough to do that. Daycare has conditioned him to be able to sleep without a bottle/nursing. I just want to be able to follow through with what they’re doing because obviously it works!


Outside of that, nothing much is going on. I can’t wait to grocery shop on Friday. We are down to the bare minimum again and I’m struggling with making dinner every night. Last night, I made the most random meal. We only had a few pierogies and hot dogs left, so I cooked those along with some veggies and mashed potatoes. Tonight, I’m at a loss. I forgot to get  ground meat out to thaw, so I’m going to scrap that idea and just save it for another night. I’m thinking tonight will be another pasta and garlic bread night. Emerson loves garlic bread, so I’m sure he won’t be too disappointed. We’re going to do breakfast for dinner tomorrow night. Even though I meal plan, I have no idea how we end up running short before the two weeks is up.


I slept in this morning, which meant I was late to work. Now, I’ll have to work a half hour longer. The good thing is I don’t get off the bus too much later, so I’m not that much later picking Emerson up at daycare. Yesterday, I sent the most delicious Leprechaun munch into daycare for their St. Patrick’s Day Party. The mix itself didn’t look that appealing, but it tasted amazing and I put it in a really cute barrel jar. Today, Emerson was on the calendar to provide snack. I made an Easter trail mix. Yum! I have so much cereal and pretzels left over from snack the last two days, which is nice. Emerson can eat that at home.


We have nothing planned this weekend. I need to check out the weather. It would be great to head to the park, or something. Daycare has been taking the kids outside since the weather turned nice, so Emerson is getting some fresh air. I’m not though. It would be awesome to do something this weekend. I guess I should check around to see if anything is going on and make some plans for us. Alright, that’s about all I have for today. I hope you guys have a super Wednesday!








Monday, March 16, 2015

Mummy's baby slept alone!

This weekend was really nice. On Friday, we had nothing planned. I worked from home and ran some errands after work before I picked Emerson up. We just hung out at home. We had to be up early for Easter photos! I woke up around 6am on Saturday morning to get myself ready. We had to leave the house by 830am. I knew if I didn’t get up and get ready early, I’d lose my window of opportunity. I was not getting into any picture if I wasn’t ready! Anyway, Emerson slept until around 6:45am. I got him up, fed him breakfast, then got him dressed for pictures. He looked so adorable in his little bow tie! I was shocked that I was able to keep him clean before we left the house. It was raining pretty hard, but we managed to stay dry. 
The pictures turned out amazing. Emerson was such a good sport. He did start to cry towards the end, but I think he was just over the flash going off in his face. I got way too many prints. Mental note for next time. I really only needed one pose printed out. I let this woman talk me into far too many pictures. I’ll stand my ground now that I know their game! I have all of the picture divided out. I just need to get some stamps, so that I can mail them to family and friends. I’m really excited about the pictures. We finally have some nice ones together! I couldn’t be more thrilled. While we waited for the pictures to print, I took Emerson to the mall. He played in the play place for a long time. He had a blast with the other kids too. It was cute watching him run around. After grabbing the pictures, we headed home for lunch. Emerson was starving and so was I!
What happened next was kind of crazy. Em was really sleepy, so I followed our typical routine. I took him upstairs and prepared to nurse him to sleep. He didn’t sleep. He wasn’t fighting me though. Just lying there nursing, but very tired. I decided to try to lay him down in the playpen just for the hell of it. I laid him on his belly, rubbed his back for a minute, and he instantly fell asleep. What?!!!!!!!!!! I was beyond baffled! I know he naps this way at daycare, but he’s never done it for me. I’ve always been confined to nursing to get him down, which means I end up having to lay down with him for naps. I tip toed out of the room and headed back downstairs. I cleaned up and hung out while he napped for an hour. It was really, really nice. Most of the time, I can sneak away, but he’s always laying on my bed, which freaks me out. He is a big roller. Though I have the monitor on and I can hear everything, it still freaks me out to not be up there with him. I never truly relax. I run up and down the stairs with every little noise. It was nice to not have to do that! After he woke, I fed him lunch and we played for a few hours. He started to get tired again. I decided to just go for it and try the playpen again. I didn’t think he’d go for it, so imagine my surprise when it worked again! Another nap in the playpen! He napped for a little over an hour this time. I started a casserole for dinner, cleaned up again, and worked out. It was nice to have my own time without worrying about him rolling out of bed. That night, we followed our usual bedtime routine. I didn’t rock the boat by trying to put him down in the playpen.
Sunday was insane. We woke up, had breakfast, and played for a few hours. Emerson started to get really tired around 10am. Dare I try again? Why not! I took him up stairs, and laid him down in the playpen. I rubbed his back for a few minutes and he slowly drifted off to sleep.  Heavenly! I went back downstairs, took a shower, and got ready for the day. After cleaning up, I decided to fill out all of the pictures to distribute to friends and family. It was so nice having that time to myself. I love Emerson to pieces, but I never really get a break. If I’m not at work, then we are home together, or I’m running errands. I’m always doing something. It’s very rare that I sit down at home. Even when I am at home, I’m usually running around cleaning, or making something. Anyway, after Emerson woke from his nap, we had a snack and played some more. Nap #2 approached and I decided to try the playpen again. I wanted to make sure this wasn’t a fluke. I laid him down, rubbed his back, and he fell into a deep slumber. He slept for nearly 3 hours. We were due at my parent’s house for dinner, and I ended up having to wake him up. Who knows how long he would have slept. Anyway, that three hours was pure bliss. I worked out and laid on the couch watching television with the dog. That’s something I NEVER do! Is this how it’s really supposed to be? If so, then sign me up because it is amazing! Just getting a small break like that during the day makes such a difference. I felt like I had more energy too. On top of that, I got to get In an extra workout yesterday!
After I woke Em up, we headed to my parent’s house. I brought our dirty laundry with us. We had so much! I have no idea how. I just did laundry a week ago. Anyway, Emerson played HARD. He ran himself into the ground. By the time we got home, it was bath, then bed. I did try to put him in the playpen for bed. He’s very sick though. The poor thing has a cold, sore throat, and runny nose. He sounds like a frog when he tries to talk. His nose was bothering him so bad and the cough kept startling him, then waking him up. After about 15 minutes, I decided to just nurse him down and to let him sleep with me. We slept like absolute shit though. He kept waking and crying. I know he doesn’t feel well. I just hope it passes quickly. I’m so excited over him sleeping by himself that I want to give it my full effort, lower the crib, and to try to put him in there. I especially like that there isn’t a fight to accompany this transition. Well, at least not yet. I just wanted to take his cues and to go at his pace. I’m trying to go full steam with this and to seize the opportunity before it passes. I plan on trying the playpen again tonight for bedtime.  I just hope he feels better. We both sleep so much better when we are separated. He moves around too much and keeps me up!
Alright, I have to get some more work done before I call it a day. I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Just another Mumday

I know I haven’t updated in a few days, but there honestly wasn’t much to say outside of the norm. Work, daycare, dinner, clean up, play, bed, repeat. I’m pretty tired today. We went to bed at our normal time last night, but I woke from a nightmare around 10:50pm, then couldn’t get myself back to sleep. I ended up waking around 330am, letting the dog out, then letting her sleep in bed with us. I overslept by about 45 minutes, which ruined my workout this morning. I’ve been working out in the mornings before I wake Emerson. Luckily, I checked my calendar and it’s rest day, so it didn’t even matter! I’m so glad because my legs and butt are sore! I’m not really sure what my goal is. It feels good to work out and do something for myself though, especially because it’s free! I guess I’ll see how it goes after these two challenges are up on the 30th, then decide where to go from there. My abs are killing me. I feel like they hurt bad enough that I should have a six pack! (wishful thinking)
Last night, we had hot dogs, mac and cheese, and baked beans for dinner. It was pretty good. Nothing special, fancy, or even healthy, but to save sanity, I have to throw in an easy meal every once in a while. According to my meal planner, we’re having barbeque chicken, mashed potatoes, and vegetables tonight. Sounds good to me! I’m sure Emerson won’t put up a fight over that either. After work, I have to run to the store to buy some more milk and dish liquid, or I won’t be washing any dishes tonight. I’m still pumping, but I have to supplement some whole milk with my breast milk. On average, I pump around 10oz a day. If I’d add in another pump, I’m sure I’d get more, but I’m happy with my output now. Emerson gets 3 5oz cups of milk at daycare, so I’m supplementing around 5oz. Not bad. He likes whole milk, so it’s pretty much a win-win. When I’m fully done pumping, I know he won’t have an aversion to switching over. He gets a cup of regular milk with dinner too, so I know he doesn’t mind if he isn’t getting a breast/whole milk cocktail either. I don’t mind pumping at all. I’m still nursing him at night too. A lot of people cannot wait to be done nursing and pumping. It honestly doesn’t bother me. Maybe one day it will, but right now, I’m okay with it.
Next week, we’re on the snack calendar for Wednesday. St Patrick’s day is on Tuesday, so I’ll end up sending two treats next week. For Tuesday, I’m going to make little treat bags with rainbow goldfish in them. I thought that would be really cute and festive. I’ll decorate the bags with shamrocks and a fun saying too. On Wednesday, I’m going to make a Leprechaun Munch, which is basically just trail mix with some green m&ms. Both snacks are fairly cheap too, so I won’t be breaking my bank. A month ago, I bought Emerson two St Patrick’s day tops, so he can wear one on Tuesday and Wednesday. The big St Patrick’s day parade is this Saturday. Back before I had Emerson, it was one of my favorite times to celebrate every year. My friends and I would dress up in all green and we’d head out really early in the morning to drink. How times have changed! It was a great time though hanging out with a huge crowd of people partying all day. I have a lot of good memories from over the years though. I’m not sad that I am not participating this year either. Emerson and I have some good things on our calendar. I’m hoping most people are in the city, so it isn’t crowded when we’re running around on Saturday!
On Sunday, we’re going to visit my parents. We haven’t seen them in about a week. I did call my mom last night, but we didn’t really have much to chat about. I guess that’s a good thing. Sometimes I hate rehashing my entire day to someone. I don’t think anyone really cares what we eat for dinner, or how late we sleep in either. I put it here because, well, this is my blog and I can. The one thing that irks me is she doesn’t call me, or really text me. The second I don’t text, or call her though, she has an attitude about it. “You can’t call your mother?” I make it a point to call her several times a week and to text her and my dad though. I love them dearly, so obviously I want to catch up, but I wish my mom put forth a little more effort when it comes to us. She’s absolutely wonderful with Emerson when we visit their house. Remember when he was smaller how she was very disconnected from him? I don’t know if it was just because he was so small and there wasn’t much to do with him, or what, but I’m so glad that things improved ten-fold. They still don’t see him unless I bring him to their house, but I’ve realized some things are never going to change. It at least gives us a reason to get out of our house, but it would be nice if they stopped by every once in a while to see us in our own environment.
I was considering asking if I could have Easter dinner at my house. My yard is amazing and the weather will hopefully be nice. It would be nice to have an egg hunt and to just hang outside if the weather permits. I know my younger sister and nephew wouldn’t mind, but I’m not sure how my parents would feel about it. They’re such homebodies and are so used to hosting all holidays. They might not like the idea. I’d be responsible for cooking dinner too, which wouldn’t be a problem for me. We always have ham. I’ve never cooked a ham before. I wouldn’t mind trying though. I guess I can float the idea around to my parents over the weekend and throw out some feelers. If they aren’t too opposed to it, then I wouldn’t mind at all. It would be really fun for me to be able to make a meal for everyone, dress the table, and decorate. We all know I absolutely live for things like this. I was going to host a small egg hunt at my house for Emerson, my nephew, and some friends, but I decided against it and to just save my pennies. There is no reason to unnecessarily throw an event.  I can make the holiday special in other ways outside of hosting a huge Easter egg hunt/brunch.
The portrait studio called me earlier to confirm our Saturday appointment. They let me know that we’ll be doing 35 poses, which I thought was pretty fair. I have a coupon that is actually pretty amazing. I pay $19.99 and I get 43 prints, 5 Easter cards, and a free 16x20 portrait. It isn’t a bad deal at all and If I really like them, then we’ll use it again. When I do home photo shoots, I usually end up spending anywhere from $10-$20 depending on props that I put together and printing out the photos. This isn’t running me much more, so I can justify it. Emerson has to send a family photo to daycare for their family wall. I made a photo collage of myself, Emerson, and Kodie. I just printed a 4x6 and a 5x7 to pick up tomorrow at Walmart. I spent $1.66. Not bad!
Alright, I’m going to wrap this up, so I can pump one more time before I head out. Happy Thursday, all!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mummy is cranky


 have no idea why, but I’m irritated today. I guess I’m just having one of those days. All the little things that typically don’t bother me are really pissing me off. I guess we all have those days sometimes. I hate this feeling though. I woke up early today, which was great. The baby and I slept really well too. He woke a few times, but nothing crazy. I was able to get ready this morning, pack our stuff, and get in a quick work out before I woke him for daycare. Those are the type of mornings I wish I had more often. It’s nice to not rush around and to be able to actually breathe and relax before heading to daycare and work. I think I’m just sick of being at work and I’m ready to go home. I’m sick of hearing people talk on conference calls, walking behind me and dragging their feet, or even sneezing. I sound so petty! I can’t help it. I’ll try to scratch my ass and get happy!


After work yesterday, I ran some errands. I was 25 minutes later than usual to daycare, but it doesn’t happen often and I’m sure Emerson didn’t even notice. I need to pick up some peeps and a foam wreath to make an Easter peep’s wreath for my front door. So far, it’s turning out nicely. I was using toothpicks to hold the peeps in place, but I’m aborting that plan and heading to my glue gun instead. The toothpicks were killing my fingers. I need more security to hold them into place anyway. Plus, I don’t like that it puts a hole in the Peep. I’ll post a photo when it’s done. I probably won’t finish it until later in the week, but it’s starting out really cute. I’m excited about it!


Anyway, when we got home, I opened up the back and front door. I locked the front door’s screen just in case Kodie decided to push on it hard if someone walked, or drove by. She’s very high energy. If anyone even drives down our street she goes nuts. It was nice to open the windows and to get some fresh air in the house. The weather was so beautiful. I made chicken ranch quesadillas, sweet potato fries, and corn for dinner. It was so yummy!! Tonight, my meal planner says we’re having grilled chicken, pasta, and garlic bread. Sounds good to me. I’ve been meal planning prior to grocery shopping and then looking at the meal planner that I made every day to know what I’m making for dinner. It has been really nice to not have to think about what we’re having.  Dinner time is really important to me. I want Emerson to feel a sense of family and structure. Cooking and having dinner on the table every night makes me happy. Plus, we get to sit down together. I know he mostly just babbles now, but I’m hoping when he can talk he wants to tell me all about his day. Anyway, I’ve been looking on Pinterest for some different recipes too. It’s always nice to switch it up and to give Emerson a little variety. I think I’m doing fairly well!


After I was done eating, I let Emerson finish up. I did the dishes, wiped the table down, and cleaned up the house a bit. I feel bad doing that sometimes. He’s still eating and I’m running around, but if I don’t do it, it won’t get done. I hate going to bed with dirty dishes in the sink. It just creates more work for me the next day. Anyway, after I cleaned up and Emerson was done with dinner, I wiped him off and we played for about an hour. Usually, he chases me around the house and I hide in various spots. He always finds me though. It’s REALLY funny! He walks up really quiet, then bursts out laughing as I scream “AHHHH” from beside the couch, or behind a door. It’s hilarious. Em started to get fussy around 7:30pm, so we headed for bath. I let him play in there a bit. Lately, he’s been drinking the water and getting it in his nose. He freaks out and cries. I don’t know how else to get him to stop aside from letting him learn from his mistakes. Water in the nose is no fun! He went to bed fairly quickly too, which meant I could watch my shows. Vander Pump Rules Reunion and Shahs of Sunset. I love the Bravo network! I stayed up until nearly 10pm. That’s definitely out of the ordinary for me.


Alright, I have to go over some financial stuff and train someone at work. Have a super Tuesday, all!








Monday, March 9, 2015

Mummy Splurged!

Well, the last time I updated was on Wednesday. We got some pretty bad snow, so on Thursday, I worked from home and kept Em home from daycare. It was really hard pulling double duty. I ended up having to work extra hours on Friday to compensate for the time that I was away from my laptop. It all worked out though. The weather is absolutely beautiful for this week. No snow and in the 50’s! I couldn’t be happier with that even if it ends up raining! Just knowing that I can drive without a big threat of snow makes me feel so much better. We hopped in the car this morning without me even having to warm it up! It’s funny how you take some things for granted. It’s been awesome just getting in the car and being able to drive without worry over the snow. Hello Spring!


After I was done working on Friday, I went to the grocery store. I got everything we needed for the next two weeks down to enough diapers for home and daycare. It’s always a good feeling to be stocked up again. We were running pretty low. When I got home, I put everything away, then I rearranged and cleaned up the house. I took down the gate that was blocking my television stand. The living room looks so much better without that clunky gate! Emerson has been very well-behaved too and hasn’t tried knocking anything down yet outside of some picture frames. He does seem to be drawn to my lamp though. He’s knocked it over quite a few times. I continue to reiterate “No!”, so I’m hoping eventually it sticks. I get sick of repeating myself and pulling him away from it. I’d just take it out of the room, but it’s so nice to keep the lamp on in the evenings over having the big ceiling lights on.


Anyway, I picked Emerson up on Friday from daycare. We didn’t do anything special. We did have fish for dinner and mac and cheese. Yummy! Saturday was pretty boring too. We just hung out at home all day. By Sunday, I had a bit of cabin fever. We headed to my parent’s house for a bit, then went to the waterfront with my sister and nephew. I bought Emerson his Easter outfit. Adorable. It’s a one piece green romper that has a bow tie attached. I also bought him some sandals. Too freaking cute. For his Easter basket, I’m doing a sailor theme. Because he’s so small and won’t realize what’s really in his basket, I’m just being practical. He could use some new spring clothes, so I’m going to keep to the sailor theme and buy some shirts/shorts with anchors on them. I found some adorable “Mommy’s first mate” tees too. I’m checking Once Upon A Child first before I head to carters. They did have a great sale going on, but I’d rather see what I can get before I go that route. Outside of that, I’m just going to put some goldfish crackers in the basket too. Also, it isn’t going to be a basket. I’m going to do a metal pail and I’m making my own, mini life preserver to attach that says SS Emerson on it! You know I’m all about a good theme! It won’t be too expensive at all, but it’ll be adorable none-the-less. I’m sure my parents and sister will end up getting him some kind of toys. I do plan on getting him one of those mesh tubes to crawl through. They have one at daycare, which he loves. The best part is it breaks down and stores nicely, so I won’t have it littering my living room when not in use. I’m all about having balance. Speaking of…


Begin rant-Someone made a comment in response to my comment on a friend’s Facebook status the other day. I said I didn’t want my living room looking like a toy box. Wow, Pandora’s box burst right open! I wasn’t meaning that in a negative way AT ALL. There has to be a balance. Yes, I agree. It’s great to have a kiddo and toys all around. They won’t be little for long and I’ll miss the joy of having the toys littering my home. A house full of toys is a happy house, right? I don’t disagree, but come on! I don’t think I have to step on legos all day and have my ENTIRE living room filled to the brim with toys to appreciate having a little one around. I like to have a clean home. I like to have nice décor. I’m proud of a nice, clean home, so I should be able to enjoy that too, right? My house isn’t just for Emerson to throw his toys all over. I should be able to sit on my couch and enjoy a nicely decorated home too. When he is in bed, napping, or at daycare, I like to sit back and appreciate all I’ve worked for. That means having a designated area for his toys, so that I can see my floor and appreciate all the decorating I’ve done. I was told how annoying it is when parents say they don’t want their kid’s toys strewn all around. Well, what the fuck? I don’t! His toys are in storage cubes that match to my décor too. You can have toys in the house, but it doesn’t have to be in a huge ass toy box that doesn’t match, or lined up against your walls. It doesn’t mean I’m not a good mom, or I don’t appreciate him being little. I absolutely love having a crazy toddler running around, but I want him to run around a nicely decorated house that has corresponding toy storage to go with the rest of my living room. I don’t think that’s such a bad thing! I definitely took the comments personally. I don’t really care what anyone thinks. If they want to live that way, that’s fine. I just know how I am and it makes me happy to be able to admire a pretty house after Em goes down for the night! BALANCE! Not everything has to be about your kiddo all of the time, especially your home. I do very little for myself. Decorating my home is one of the leisurely things that I actually allow myself to have. Okay-end rant!


For the last two nights, I haven’t let Kodie sleep was us at bedtime. She stirs so much and makes it really hard for me to fall asleep at times. Sometimes, she even wakes the baby up. So, I decided that she cannot come to bed with us at bedtime. The first night, I woke up around 2am. I went downstairs, let her out to pee, then brought her upstairs with us. She went right to sleep and caused no disturbance. Last night, I woke up around 1230am. I went downstairs, let her out to pee, then upstairs with us. Again, she went right to sleep with no disturbance. Emerson goes to bed so early. Kodie isn’t always ready to go to bed, so she walks around the bed, jumps up and down, and keeps me awake after Em falls asleep. It’s really irritating. I feel bad to not have her in bed with us because it’s always been that way, but she drives me nuts when she can’t settle herself.  I end up doing the silent mom yell, which further annoys me. After a few more nights, she’ll be used to this new routine. It’s been working out a lot better for me though.


The time change wasn’t too bad for us. I was worried Emerson would go to bed too early, or too late, but he was right on schedule yesterday. He ended up falling asleep around 9pm last night, which really was 8pm to our biological clocks. The only bad thing is he got an hour less sleep, but hopefully that’ll work in my favor tonight and he’ll be extra tired at bedtime. It’s been nice not fighting with him to sleep. We have such a solid routine. I know any small thing could throw that off course, but I’ve been enjoying this for the last month. I hope it continues.  He has been waking more than usual during the night, but he’s teething, so I’m going to just blame it on that.


This week, we don’t have much going on. Just more of the same. Work and daycare. I want to make an Easter wreath though. I plan on posting it to facebook and if anyone likes it, selling a few before Easter. We’ll see though. I haven’t been selling any wreaths lately, but I haven’t really posted to show that I’m still doing that either. This could be a good jumpstart back into it. I need to adjust prices though, so that it’s actually worth it this time around. We’ll see how it goes.  I’m not doing a traditional wreath either. I’m not sure how people will take to this, but I’ll post a picture when it’s done. Outside of that, we aren’t doing much. I’m thinking we’ll head out somewhere on Saturday to break the weekend up and just visit my parent’s on Sunday. I’m not sure what we’ll do. Maybe just head to dinner. Maybe the park if this snow melts and the weather holds up.


I bought myself a romper over the weekend. I never buy anything, especially clothes. I’m really frugal with my money and I budget every cent. You guys already know this though. I’ve been scoping out a boutique online for months and am obsessed with their clothing. I decided to just bite the bullet and by myself something. $50 later, and I had such shopper’s remorse. I almost called to cancel the order, but decided against it. I hope I like it when it comes in the mail. I’ll post a picture when I get it. It’s really adorable though. When you guys see it, you’ll see why I bought it!


Alright, that’s about all I have for now. I have to finish up some things. I can’t believe it’s already 11am! Happy Monday, all!





Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mummy is really silly

Today is mismatch day at daycare. Emerson is wearing a striped button down shirt, camo pants, and plaid shoes. I was cracking up dressing him this morning. He still looks so cute even though he’s dressed all wacky. Tomorrow is stripes and polka dots. We don’t have any polka dotted clothing, so I’ll just dress him in stripes. It’s been a really fun week dressing him up goofy. It makes it more fun taking him into daycare and spices things up a bit. I want to make some Dr. Seuss “soup” to send in on Friday. It’s just a mix of Trix, cheerios, and goldfish crackers. I have all of the ingredients already.
I’m canceling Emerson’s pictures that I had scheduled on Friday. His eye is still black. I’m not spending another $20 this week on pictures of him with a black eye. I don’t know that I’ll even reschedule now. I think I’ll just do Easter photos myself. I enjoy doing it and it’s a lot cheaper, so I might as well just continue on that trend. It’ll give us something to do. I think I’ll wait until the weather is a little nicer to see if we can do some outside. I have a month to get them done, so I have some time.
The weather is supposed to be frightful today. I hope it just rains and no snow accumulates. Apparently it’s supposed to start snowing early evening. I hope it waits until I get Emerson from daycare. I’m already having anxiety over driving. The forecast looks great after we get through tonight and tomorrow. When I say great, I mean no snow, which makes me happy.  I went and bought wipes on my break, so that I don’t have to go anywhere after work aside from daycare. The power went out in the middle of the night last night. It freaked me out. It was thundering and lightening outside, so I’m sure that had everything to do with it, but I was nervous for a second. I leave lights on at night and I have a nightlight as well. It’s creepy living alone. My mind starts making up all of these crazy ass scenarios. Luckily I made it another night without being rape, or murdered. Okay, I’ll stop now!
I’ve been doing a squat and push up challenge the last three days. Today is the first rest day, then it starts back up for another three days. I don’t really have a goal in mind, but with the way I eat, I really need to do something. I’m afraid my body is going to backfire on me one day and randomly gain 15lbs. That would be my luck right before summertime. I made a meal plan and grocery list that revolves around better eating that doesn’t include hot dogs and French fries. I’m still pumping and breastfeeding, but not as much. I’m pumping about 8-10oz a day and only nursing Emerson to sleep. On the weekends, I nurse a little more because of naps, but during the week it’s strictly at bedtime. I can’t rely on that to burn off the extra calories anymore. I’m going to start out with these challenges, work in some healthier eating, and then pick a program and stick to it. I’ve always been very dedicated to healthy eating and exercising. I’ve had the luxury of taking a break since right before I had Emerson. I know what to do. I just need to start doing it. I miss working out and everything that comes along with it. The older Emerson gets, the more freedom I gain back to do extra things like working out at home. Heck, I’m glad I get to actually cook dinner now. He still wants held here and there, but for the most part, I can cook a full meal without too much interruption.
The last two mornings he’s woken up early. It sucks because that means I have to get ready, while tending to him. He’s kind of needy in the morning, so just plopping him down isn’t always an option. Instead, I end up moving at a slower pace because I’m tinkering with him in between getting myself ready and our stuff packed. I missed garbage night this morning because of it. I just didn’t have time to take the garbage out. We left on time though. I need extra time in the mornings at daycare to drop him off now. I no longer carry him into his classroom. Instead, we go to his locker, hang up his coat, and then he walks into the classroom. He plays around though, so it takes us a little longer than when I used to just carry him in. The good thing is he doesn’t cry anymore and a teacher doesn’t have to hold him. I end up lingering longer than I used to though, so having a few extra minutes is nice. He’s been going to bed steadily between 7:30-8pm, so I can’t blame him for waking at 5:30am. That’s a lot of sleep. He hasn’t really been waking overnight either. Pros and cons, right? (I hope I didn’t just jinx myself)
I have no idea what we’re doing this weekend. I don’t have much money budgeted out for it either, but it would be nice to do something. I’m going to see what my sister and nephew have planned. Maybe they’d want to do something with us. I’m not sure what though.  Going out to dinner is okay sometimes, but I’m grocery shopping on Friday. I don’t’ want to pay for groceries AND go to dinner in the same weekend. There really isn’t that much to do though. Maybe we can go to the bookstore and get some frozen yogurt on Saturday. It’ll get us out of the house for a bit. Emerson has TONS of books, but it’s still fun to go browse and hang out. We can swing by my parent’s house afterwards to visit too. That should make for an exciting enough day, right?
Something REALLY silly happened this morning. I can’t believe I’m even going to blog about this, but what the hell, right? I was getting coffee at work this morning. There was a guy around my age walking in front of me. He was pretty cute. I don’t ever think about things like this. Ever. I hardly give dating a thought, or guys for that matter. I just don’t have the time to go there and I’m pretty much terrified from what happened to me the last time I dated (becoming a single pregnant woman, then turning into a single mother even though I’m the happiest I’ve ever been now). Anyway, I turned into the coffee room and nearly ran into another (cute) guy. I’ve never seen these guys on my floor before either. This guy is chatty with me and says good morning. After we exchange pleasantries, he meets up with the first guy I initially saw. I get my coffee and go back to my desk. About 5 or so minutes later, guy #1 appears at my desk! My initial thought is “wow, this guy scoped me out!” So, he asks me if I heard about the printer upgrade. I respond that yes, I knew about it. The secretary came around yesterday to let us know. The entire time I’m thinking “wow, he just wanted to talk to me, so he’s asking me about the stupid printer” He asks if he can check my default printer to make sure the new one is selected. So, after he checks, I think he’ll hang around and ask me my name, anything. WOW, could I be more wrong. He goes to the next cubicle and recites the same damn line about the printer. He was going around to everyone to make sure we all had the new printer default on our computers. Face palm. I felt really silly afterwards. I never go there in my mind about men at all. I just have no faith in the male population. Sorry guys. Here, the one time I do, I read the situation completely wrong. I’m glad I didn’t embarrass myself by trying to chat this guy up. I guess I don’t have “it” anymore. LOL
Alright, I have tons of things that I need to finish up before I leave. I can’t believe it’s already 1:00pm. Have a great Wednesday, all!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Today is picture day! Emerson looks so cute-black eye and all! I asked the staff to try to keep him clean until after he has his photos taken. They said they’d just take his shirt off and put it back on when it’s his turn. Sounds good to me! I hope these photos come out just as well as the winter ones did. The winter one was so adorable. It’ll be hard to top, but Em looked so darn cute this morning. I’m sure they’ll be just as adorable.


We had the most random dinner last night. I made fish sandwiches, fries, and garlic bread. Emerson loves garlic bread, so I know he didn’t mind. We’re getting down to the bare bottom of our groceries, so it’ll be random dinners the rest of the week. I’ve got no idea what I’m making tonight. I’ll just wing it later.


So, something happened yesterday that is really bothering me. I don’t know if I’m reading too far into it, or what, but let me just relay what happened and then I can get your opinions. My landlord texted me. Now, we all know I’ve had some wacky landlords in the past. This one has been pretty normal thus far, which is much appreciated. The last thing I want is to start feeling uncomfortable like I did with my last one. Anyway, he texted me a picture of my rent check and said that he knows I didn’t meant to write 3/11/2015 on it, but I did. No, I actually did not. I wrote 3/1/2015 on the check. Looking at it, it was pretty apparent to me that it said March 1st. I guess it could be because I wrote it and I know what I wrote, or meant to write. Obviously I apologized to him and offered to give him a new check. It was a bit concerning to me considering he owns a few rental properties, so my measly $600 shouldn’t make, or break him in my mind. He asked if he could come over for a new check. I was at work and not home, so I indicated that yes, he could come over, but not until around 5:30pm when I got home. After a few moments of thinking, I suggested that he just write a zero in front of the 1 to truly show that it was a March 1st check. He wrote back and said that I was pretty slick. Well, I had one check left and needed to write it out to the photographer for daycare today, so I didn’t want to have to use it on another rent check. He said he was swing past another PNC and would see if they’d take it. A few minutes later, he wrote back and said the check was deposited. It seemed a little too quick to me. He just happened to be going past another bank and he had it deposited that quickly? I don’t know. So, I just let it go and said that next time I’d be more careful writing my check out. He made a joke and said “Well if you’d just buy the house we wouldn’t have this problem” Over the weekend, he texted and asked me if I wanted to purchase the house and that he’d sell it to me at a fair price. He even came back at an estimate of the mortgage after taxes and insurance. Obviously, if I wanted to buy a home, I’d buy a different home that had everything I wanted. I wouldn’t purchase that house, though I do love living there. If I’m making that big of a commitment, then I’m going to have the open floor plan I want, more than 2 attic bedrooms, and a larger kitchen and bath. We basically live in a shoe box right now. Yes, it works for us, but it isn’t necessarily something that I’d want to purchase. Anyway, after he made that comment, he said “Have a good week, Beautiful” THAT’S THE PART THAT IS BOTHERING ME! WHAT?! Why did he have to say that and cross a line? I’m his tenant and this is strictly a professional relationship. Though I’m friendly and I joke around, I don’t do it in a flirtatious manner and I never hint that it would be okay to say things like that. He is also married and I’ve met his wife several times. I mean, I am a single mother and I live alone. This man has access to my home. I just don’t want to have to feel uncomfortable. I don’t want to say anything either and open an unnecessary can of worms, so I guess I’ll just sit back and see if it happens again before I do anything. It just bothers me. I don’t know if this is his game plan to get me to buy the house, but he’s going about it the WRONG way!



What do you guys think?? Should I be creeped out??

Monday, March 2, 2015

Mummy and Emmie's weekend

This weekend was really nice. I worked from home on Friday, so afterwards, I ran some errands, grocery shopped, went home, cleaned up, then picked Emerson up from daycare. We had no plans on Friday night. We just hung out at home. It was really nice. Emerson went to bed fairly early, which meant I went to bed early. He slept in until almost 9am too! That was a treat. Of course, I was up at 6:41am, but that was still sleeping in for me considering I wake around 5am daily.


Saturday was great. We woke up, had breakfast, and played most of the day. Emerson took a nice nap, which lasted about two hours. While he snoozed, I got all gussied up to take us shopping. It’s always nice getting that extra time to put into yourself. I don’t have much of that anymore. Anyway, we headed over to visit my parents before we picked my sister up from work. We headed to Once upon a child where I got Emerson a nice button up for picture day, pajamas, and a new toy. I ended up spending around $12.00. It was worth it. We’ve been waiting a long time to get out of the house! Afterwards, we took Emerson for shoes. The poor kid didn’t even have shoes on his feet as we shopped. We had a hard time getting something that fit, but settled on two pairs of slip on boat-like shoes that are adorable. It was buy one get one for $1, so I couldn’t pass it up. We kept a pair on his feet and just had the cashier scan him at the checkout. He got a kick out of being put on the register. Afterwards, we went out to dinner. The restaurant had no open high chairs. Emerson was a wild animal! He was crawling onto the table and just being outrageous. Luckily, they had one open up right after we got our food. He was an angel after he was restrained. Dinner was nice though and it was great to get out. After dinner, we drove my sister home and hung out at her house for about an hour. It was getting pretty late though. We didn’t get home until almost 9pm. Emerson slept most of the way, so when we got home, I let him stay up awhile. We did get in bed by 10 though. I thought he’d sleep in on Sunday, but he was up around 730am.  He ended up taking an early morning nap that spanned about two hours though, so that was nice. He took another late afternoon nap for about 45 minutes. We just played all day. It was a nice weekend.


This morning was a little hairy though. The roads were a bit icy. I was able to get Emerson to daycare and myself to the bus, but it was really scary. I hope the roads are better when I leave. Today is crazy hair/hat day at daycare. Emerson has a Mohawk! I geled his hair up this morning. He looks so cute and funny! Tomorrow is just picture day, so I’ll dress him up for that. I hope his black eye looks a little better. He had another incident at daycare on Friday. I was afraid to see the damage when I picked him up. It wasn’t too bad though. It’s healing pretty quickly, but it’ll still look awful tomorrow I’m sure.


This week, we have not much going on outside of work and daycare. Funds are pretty low. I think I have $4 after I pay for his pictures on Tuesday, which is okay. We have food, etc. I already made our meal plan for the next two weeks once I go grocery shopping on Friday. I’m trying to add some variety and healthier options. Hot dogs are great and quick, but I want him to have some healthier meals. Plus, I need to be eating better than hot dogs and French fries. We don’t have that more than once a week, but now that he gives me more time to cook, it’s nice to switch it up. I love to cook anyway, so it’s fun for me.


Alright, I have to go pump. Happy Monday, all!