Monday, March 9, 2015

Mummy Splurged!

Well, the last time I updated was on Wednesday. We got some pretty bad snow, so on Thursday, I worked from home and kept Em home from daycare. It was really hard pulling double duty. I ended up having to work extra hours on Friday to compensate for the time that I was away from my laptop. It all worked out though. The weather is absolutely beautiful for this week. No snow and in the 50’s! I couldn’t be happier with that even if it ends up raining! Just knowing that I can drive without a big threat of snow makes me feel so much better. We hopped in the car this morning without me even having to warm it up! It’s funny how you take some things for granted. It’s been awesome just getting in the car and being able to drive without worry over the snow. Hello Spring!


After I was done working on Friday, I went to the grocery store. I got everything we needed for the next two weeks down to enough diapers for home and daycare. It’s always a good feeling to be stocked up again. We were running pretty low. When I got home, I put everything away, then I rearranged and cleaned up the house. I took down the gate that was blocking my television stand. The living room looks so much better without that clunky gate! Emerson has been very well-behaved too and hasn’t tried knocking anything down yet outside of some picture frames. He does seem to be drawn to my lamp though. He’s knocked it over quite a few times. I continue to reiterate “No!”, so I’m hoping eventually it sticks. I get sick of repeating myself and pulling him away from it. I’d just take it out of the room, but it’s so nice to keep the lamp on in the evenings over having the big ceiling lights on.


Anyway, I picked Emerson up on Friday from daycare. We didn’t do anything special. We did have fish for dinner and mac and cheese. Yummy! Saturday was pretty boring too. We just hung out at home all day. By Sunday, I had a bit of cabin fever. We headed to my parent’s house for a bit, then went to the waterfront with my sister and nephew. I bought Emerson his Easter outfit. Adorable. It’s a one piece green romper that has a bow tie attached. I also bought him some sandals. Too freaking cute. For his Easter basket, I’m doing a sailor theme. Because he’s so small and won’t realize what’s really in his basket, I’m just being practical. He could use some new spring clothes, so I’m going to keep to the sailor theme and buy some shirts/shorts with anchors on them. I found some adorable “Mommy’s first mate” tees too. I’m checking Once Upon A Child first before I head to carters. They did have a great sale going on, but I’d rather see what I can get before I go that route. Outside of that, I’m just going to put some goldfish crackers in the basket too. Also, it isn’t going to be a basket. I’m going to do a metal pail and I’m making my own, mini life preserver to attach that says SS Emerson on it! You know I’m all about a good theme! It won’t be too expensive at all, but it’ll be adorable none-the-less. I’m sure my parents and sister will end up getting him some kind of toys. I do plan on getting him one of those mesh tubes to crawl through. They have one at daycare, which he loves. The best part is it breaks down and stores nicely, so I won’t have it littering my living room when not in use. I’m all about having balance. Speaking of…


Begin rant-Someone made a comment in response to my comment on a friend’s Facebook status the other day. I said I didn’t want my living room looking like a toy box. Wow, Pandora’s box burst right open! I wasn’t meaning that in a negative way AT ALL. There has to be a balance. Yes, I agree. It’s great to have a kiddo and toys all around. They won’t be little for long and I’ll miss the joy of having the toys littering my home. A house full of toys is a happy house, right? I don’t disagree, but come on! I don’t think I have to step on legos all day and have my ENTIRE living room filled to the brim with toys to appreciate having a little one around. I like to have a clean home. I like to have nice décor. I’m proud of a nice, clean home, so I should be able to enjoy that too, right? My house isn’t just for Emerson to throw his toys all over. I should be able to sit on my couch and enjoy a nicely decorated home too. When he is in bed, napping, or at daycare, I like to sit back and appreciate all I’ve worked for. That means having a designated area for his toys, so that I can see my floor and appreciate all the decorating I’ve done. I was told how annoying it is when parents say they don’t want their kid’s toys strewn all around. Well, what the fuck? I don’t! His toys are in storage cubes that match to my décor too. You can have toys in the house, but it doesn’t have to be in a huge ass toy box that doesn’t match, or lined up against your walls. It doesn’t mean I’m not a good mom, or I don’t appreciate him being little. I absolutely love having a crazy toddler running around, but I want him to run around a nicely decorated house that has corresponding toy storage to go with the rest of my living room. I don’t think that’s such a bad thing! I definitely took the comments personally. I don’t really care what anyone thinks. If they want to live that way, that’s fine. I just know how I am and it makes me happy to be able to admire a pretty house after Em goes down for the night! BALANCE! Not everything has to be about your kiddo all of the time, especially your home. I do very little for myself. Decorating my home is one of the leisurely things that I actually allow myself to have. Okay-end rant!


For the last two nights, I haven’t let Kodie sleep was us at bedtime. She stirs so much and makes it really hard for me to fall asleep at times. Sometimes, she even wakes the baby up. So, I decided that she cannot come to bed with us at bedtime. The first night, I woke up around 2am. I went downstairs, let her out to pee, then brought her upstairs with us. She went right to sleep and caused no disturbance. Last night, I woke up around 1230am. I went downstairs, let her out to pee, then upstairs with us. Again, she went right to sleep with no disturbance. Emerson goes to bed so early. Kodie isn’t always ready to go to bed, so she walks around the bed, jumps up and down, and keeps me awake after Em falls asleep. It’s really irritating. I feel bad to not have her in bed with us because it’s always been that way, but she drives me nuts when she can’t settle herself.  I end up doing the silent mom yell, which further annoys me. After a few more nights, she’ll be used to this new routine. It’s been working out a lot better for me though.


The time change wasn’t too bad for us. I was worried Emerson would go to bed too early, or too late, but he was right on schedule yesterday. He ended up falling asleep around 9pm last night, which really was 8pm to our biological clocks. The only bad thing is he got an hour less sleep, but hopefully that’ll work in my favor tonight and he’ll be extra tired at bedtime. It’s been nice not fighting with him to sleep. We have such a solid routine. I know any small thing could throw that off course, but I’ve been enjoying this for the last month. I hope it continues.  He has been waking more than usual during the night, but he’s teething, so I’m going to just blame it on that.


This week, we don’t have much going on. Just more of the same. Work and daycare. I want to make an Easter wreath though. I plan on posting it to facebook and if anyone likes it, selling a few before Easter. We’ll see though. I haven’t been selling any wreaths lately, but I haven’t really posted to show that I’m still doing that either. This could be a good jumpstart back into it. I need to adjust prices though, so that it’s actually worth it this time around. We’ll see how it goes.  I’m not doing a traditional wreath either. I’m not sure how people will take to this, but I’ll post a picture when it’s done. Outside of that, we aren’t doing much. I’m thinking we’ll head out somewhere on Saturday to break the weekend up and just visit my parent’s on Sunday. I’m not sure what we’ll do. Maybe just head to dinner. Maybe the park if this snow melts and the weather holds up.


I bought myself a romper over the weekend. I never buy anything, especially clothes. I’m really frugal with my money and I budget every cent. You guys already know this though. I’ve been scoping out a boutique online for months and am obsessed with their clothing. I decided to just bite the bullet and by myself something. $50 later, and I had such shopper’s remorse. I almost called to cancel the order, but decided against it. I hope I like it when it comes in the mail. I’ll post a picture when I get it. It’s really adorable though. When you guys see it, you’ll see why I bought it!


Alright, that’s about all I have for now. I have to finish up some things. I can’t believe it’s already 11am! Happy Monday, all!





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