Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Today is picture day! Emerson looks so cute-black eye and all! I asked the staff to try to keep him clean until after he has his photos taken. They said they’d just take his shirt off and put it back on when it’s his turn. Sounds good to me! I hope these photos come out just as well as the winter ones did. The winter one was so adorable. It’ll be hard to top, but Em looked so darn cute this morning. I’m sure they’ll be just as adorable.


We had the most random dinner last night. I made fish sandwiches, fries, and garlic bread. Emerson loves garlic bread, so I know he didn’t mind. We’re getting down to the bare bottom of our groceries, so it’ll be random dinners the rest of the week. I’ve got no idea what I’m making tonight. I’ll just wing it later.


So, something happened yesterday that is really bothering me. I don’t know if I’m reading too far into it, or what, but let me just relay what happened and then I can get your opinions. My landlord texted me. Now, we all know I’ve had some wacky landlords in the past. This one has been pretty normal thus far, which is much appreciated. The last thing I want is to start feeling uncomfortable like I did with my last one. Anyway, he texted me a picture of my rent check and said that he knows I didn’t meant to write 3/11/2015 on it, but I did. No, I actually did not. I wrote 3/1/2015 on the check. Looking at it, it was pretty apparent to me that it said March 1st. I guess it could be because I wrote it and I know what I wrote, or meant to write. Obviously I apologized to him and offered to give him a new check. It was a bit concerning to me considering he owns a few rental properties, so my measly $600 shouldn’t make, or break him in my mind. He asked if he could come over for a new check. I was at work and not home, so I indicated that yes, he could come over, but not until around 5:30pm when I got home. After a few moments of thinking, I suggested that he just write a zero in front of the 1 to truly show that it was a March 1st check. He wrote back and said that I was pretty slick. Well, I had one check left and needed to write it out to the photographer for daycare today, so I didn’t want to have to use it on another rent check. He said he was swing past another PNC and would see if they’d take it. A few minutes later, he wrote back and said the check was deposited. It seemed a little too quick to me. He just happened to be going past another bank and he had it deposited that quickly? I don’t know. So, I just let it go and said that next time I’d be more careful writing my check out. He made a joke and said “Well if you’d just buy the house we wouldn’t have this problem” Over the weekend, he texted and asked me if I wanted to purchase the house and that he’d sell it to me at a fair price. He even came back at an estimate of the mortgage after taxes and insurance. Obviously, if I wanted to buy a home, I’d buy a different home that had everything I wanted. I wouldn’t purchase that house, though I do love living there. If I’m making that big of a commitment, then I’m going to have the open floor plan I want, more than 2 attic bedrooms, and a larger kitchen and bath. We basically live in a shoe box right now. Yes, it works for us, but it isn’t necessarily something that I’d want to purchase. Anyway, after he made that comment, he said “Have a good week, Beautiful” THAT’S THE PART THAT IS BOTHERING ME! WHAT?! Why did he have to say that and cross a line? I’m his tenant and this is strictly a professional relationship. Though I’m friendly and I joke around, I don’t do it in a flirtatious manner and I never hint that it would be okay to say things like that. He is also married and I’ve met his wife several times. I mean, I am a single mother and I live alone. This man has access to my home. I just don’t want to have to feel uncomfortable. I don’t want to say anything either and open an unnecessary can of worms, so I guess I’ll just sit back and see if it happens again before I do anything. It just bothers me. I don’t know if this is his game plan to get me to buy the house, but he’s going about it the WRONG way!



What do you guys think?? Should I be creeped out??

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