Thursday, March 12, 2015

Just another Mumday

I know I haven’t updated in a few days, but there honestly wasn’t much to say outside of the norm. Work, daycare, dinner, clean up, play, bed, repeat. I’m pretty tired today. We went to bed at our normal time last night, but I woke from a nightmare around 10:50pm, then couldn’t get myself back to sleep. I ended up waking around 330am, letting the dog out, then letting her sleep in bed with us. I overslept by about 45 minutes, which ruined my workout this morning. I’ve been working out in the mornings before I wake Emerson. Luckily, I checked my calendar and it’s rest day, so it didn’t even matter! I’m so glad because my legs and butt are sore! I’m not really sure what my goal is. It feels good to work out and do something for myself though, especially because it’s free! I guess I’ll see how it goes after these two challenges are up on the 30th, then decide where to go from there. My abs are killing me. I feel like they hurt bad enough that I should have a six pack! (wishful thinking)
Last night, we had hot dogs, mac and cheese, and baked beans for dinner. It was pretty good. Nothing special, fancy, or even healthy, but to save sanity, I have to throw in an easy meal every once in a while. According to my meal planner, we’re having barbeque chicken, mashed potatoes, and vegetables tonight. Sounds good to me! I’m sure Emerson won’t put up a fight over that either. After work, I have to run to the store to buy some more milk and dish liquid, or I won’t be washing any dishes tonight. I’m still pumping, but I have to supplement some whole milk with my breast milk. On average, I pump around 10oz a day. If I’d add in another pump, I’m sure I’d get more, but I’m happy with my output now. Emerson gets 3 5oz cups of milk at daycare, so I’m supplementing around 5oz. Not bad. He likes whole milk, so it’s pretty much a win-win. When I’m fully done pumping, I know he won’t have an aversion to switching over. He gets a cup of regular milk with dinner too, so I know he doesn’t mind if he isn’t getting a breast/whole milk cocktail either. I don’t mind pumping at all. I’m still nursing him at night too. A lot of people cannot wait to be done nursing and pumping. It honestly doesn’t bother me. Maybe one day it will, but right now, I’m okay with it.
Next week, we’re on the snack calendar for Wednesday. St Patrick’s day is on Tuesday, so I’ll end up sending two treats next week. For Tuesday, I’m going to make little treat bags with rainbow goldfish in them. I thought that would be really cute and festive. I’ll decorate the bags with shamrocks and a fun saying too. On Wednesday, I’m going to make a Leprechaun Munch, which is basically just trail mix with some green m&ms. Both snacks are fairly cheap too, so I won’t be breaking my bank. A month ago, I bought Emerson two St Patrick’s day tops, so he can wear one on Tuesday and Wednesday. The big St Patrick’s day parade is this Saturday. Back before I had Emerson, it was one of my favorite times to celebrate every year. My friends and I would dress up in all green and we’d head out really early in the morning to drink. How times have changed! It was a great time though hanging out with a huge crowd of people partying all day. I have a lot of good memories from over the years though. I’m not sad that I am not participating this year either. Emerson and I have some good things on our calendar. I’m hoping most people are in the city, so it isn’t crowded when we’re running around on Saturday!
On Sunday, we’re going to visit my parents. We haven’t seen them in about a week. I did call my mom last night, but we didn’t really have much to chat about. I guess that’s a good thing. Sometimes I hate rehashing my entire day to someone. I don’t think anyone really cares what we eat for dinner, or how late we sleep in either. I put it here because, well, this is my blog and I can. The one thing that irks me is she doesn’t call me, or really text me. The second I don’t text, or call her though, she has an attitude about it. “You can’t call your mother?” I make it a point to call her several times a week and to text her and my dad though. I love them dearly, so obviously I want to catch up, but I wish my mom put forth a little more effort when it comes to us. She’s absolutely wonderful with Emerson when we visit their house. Remember when he was smaller how she was very disconnected from him? I don’t know if it was just because he was so small and there wasn’t much to do with him, or what, but I’m so glad that things improved ten-fold. They still don’t see him unless I bring him to their house, but I’ve realized some things are never going to change. It at least gives us a reason to get out of our house, but it would be nice if they stopped by every once in a while to see us in our own environment.
I was considering asking if I could have Easter dinner at my house. My yard is amazing and the weather will hopefully be nice. It would be nice to have an egg hunt and to just hang outside if the weather permits. I know my younger sister and nephew wouldn’t mind, but I’m not sure how my parents would feel about it. They’re such homebodies and are so used to hosting all holidays. They might not like the idea. I’d be responsible for cooking dinner too, which wouldn’t be a problem for me. We always have ham. I’ve never cooked a ham before. I wouldn’t mind trying though. I guess I can float the idea around to my parents over the weekend and throw out some feelers. If they aren’t too opposed to it, then I wouldn’t mind at all. It would be really fun for me to be able to make a meal for everyone, dress the table, and decorate. We all know I absolutely live for things like this. I was going to host a small egg hunt at my house for Emerson, my nephew, and some friends, but I decided against it and to just save my pennies. There is no reason to unnecessarily throw an event.  I can make the holiday special in other ways outside of hosting a huge Easter egg hunt/brunch.
The portrait studio called me earlier to confirm our Saturday appointment. They let me know that we’ll be doing 35 poses, which I thought was pretty fair. I have a coupon that is actually pretty amazing. I pay $19.99 and I get 43 prints, 5 Easter cards, and a free 16x20 portrait. It isn’t a bad deal at all and If I really like them, then we’ll use it again. When I do home photo shoots, I usually end up spending anywhere from $10-$20 depending on props that I put together and printing out the photos. This isn’t running me much more, so I can justify it. Emerson has to send a family photo to daycare for their family wall. I made a photo collage of myself, Emerson, and Kodie. I just printed a 4x6 and a 5x7 to pick up tomorrow at Walmart. I spent $1.66. Not bad!
Alright, I’m going to wrap this up, so I can pump one more time before I head out. Happy Thursday, all!

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