Monday, November 23, 2015

Still nothing

I have been avoiding updating this thing until I had some news to give you guys. After 10 days, I finally had a meeting with HR. 10 days of pure agony and stress. Guess what? I still get to continue having this agony and stress! On Friday, I met with my boss and HR. They called our session “Fact checking” where they asked me a ton of questions. What I did when I came into work, did I get coffee, take my coat off, do I take the bus, how long is my commute? It was all very odd questions, so I have no idea where they are going with that. After 40 minutes of interrogation, the HR woman had one final question for me. “Why did you ask if you’d be fired? That is a very odd reaction to have?” The way she made me feel was that I was admitting some kind of guilt by asking. I told her I was by no means admitting any guilt, or fault. I am a single mother, therefore I rely on my job. My mind is obviously going to go to the worst case scenario. She said nothing. She didn’t try to put my mind at ease, or anything. She said they’d follow up this week with next steps. It’s all very sickening, guys. I cannot believe it has been almost two weeks of this.

The worst part is the person who told on me is so annoying. She does nothing all day, but stand in other people’s cubes and talk. She goes out for breakfast, lunch, and random errands. I know because she shouts it from the rooftop. We can all hear her because she feels that it’s necessary to announce anytime she does anything. It is so frustrating. I don’t want to start playing this game where I report other people either. I know that’s what a lot of people said I should do, but I just don’t want to start getting into this battle. It isn’t right though that she does NOTHING, but mess around ALL day, then she wants to complain about me. I bust my BLEEP every single day. I do not need this crap. What a way to start the holidays too. I hate this girl so bad, guys. I cannot believe what a jerk she is.

I feel bad only updating about this, but I can’t even let my mind go to anywhere else until I know this is okay. I do hope you guys are all doing well and you have nice Thanksgiving holidays. Despite all of this, I am still chugging along. Smiling, and just enjoying life with Emerson. It isn’t easy at all knowing what’s looming over my head, but I am TRYING. As a result though, I am completely exhausted. More exhausted than normal. Alright, I will hopefully have a better update later in the week.

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