Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Mummy's 4th month old!

Emerson did so well at his 4 month check-up. Even with having shots, he only cried for a about 2 minutes. I was shocked. I still hated to see him in pain, but he handed it quite well. He is now 15lbs 10oz and 25 inches long! He’s such a big boy, but right on track with his growth. They expected him to grow 2 inches, but my little overachiever blew that by adding another ½ inch to his height. He is such a cutie pie and was all smiles and giggles in the doctor’s office. One of the most frequent comments I receive about him is that he is such a happy baby. It’s true. He really is! Another comment I receive more than any other is that he and I look so much alike. I see so much of myself in him. He truly is my little twin. It is absolutely hysterical too. It’s like looking at a mini mummy! I love my baby boy so much!!

After the doctor’s, we needed to get Tylenol. My sister (she came with me for moral support), baby, and I headed to the store. We ended up shopping around for about an hour. Emerson was so pleasant and content even after having shots. He hadn’t eaten for about 4 hours either, so I was very shocked he wasn’t freaking from hunger. He was such a good boy! He got a new outfit and a new pair of jammies. Last week, he blew through 5 diapers at daycare and ruined 5 outfits. Ugh. I absolutely cannot get enough of those one piece short romper outfits. There is no guess work in finding matching pants and a shirt. It’s just one piece. I was upset knowing 5 of those were ruined. I ended up getting him a really adorable one for $6 yesterday. He still needs a few more. By the time I can get anymore, he’ll probably have ruined another 5!

Afterwards, we hurried to drop my sister off, so we could let the dog out before dark. I am not messing around with these skunks! I bought some moth balls to put around my property. I scattered them where Kodie does not have access because they are toxic to dogs. I put them inside of my fire pit too. I plan on hiding them inside of my solar yard lights as well. Let’s hope this works. Someone told me to sprinkle vinegar. I like that idea because it won’t bother Kodie. Once I let her out to pee, that was it for the night. I turned on all of the outside lights, shut all of the windows, and put towels at the base of the doors just in case a skunk decided to spray. That would at least contain it, so that the house wasn’t compromised for a third time. It makes for a longer bedtime routine, but I don’t want issues. After I prepared the house, I gave the baby some Tylenol, then a bath. At that point, he was getting very hungry. Kodie has been left alone a lot lately, so I brought her a big bone to chew on last night. After Emerson’s bath and jammie time, Kodie got her bone and Em got the boob! Kodie chewed on that bone pretty much all night. Emerson was passed out, arms over his head, and in a deep slumber for hours. It was very nice. I got some great sleep!

This morning was busy. It was garbage day. Because of the skunks, I can’t do this the night before. I have to put it out in the morning. I got all of the garbage together and took it out to the curb. Of course, I was petrified a skunk would sneak me on the way! All was clear though. I had to wash and sterilize bottles this morning too because I didn’t have a chance the night before. That’s a pretty time consuming thing. I had to wash the bottles I pump into as well. Afterwards, I had to get all of the laundry ready and taken out to the car to head to the Laundromat after I took Emerson to daycare. An additional task was walking Kodie because I was afraid to let her in the backyard. I could smell a small hint of skunk! These skunks are running and ruining my life! In between of all of that, I got ready and got Emerson ready, then we were off to daycare!

After daycare, I did the laundry, but I took it home to dry in the dryer. I do have a dryer, but no washer, which I honestly don’t even mind. My water bill was so small! I am so happy about that. It only cost me $1.25 to do the laundry today. We only had one load between the two of us. After the laundry, I logged onto work. It was a very busy day. I’ll leave it at that. The last thing on the list today is grocery shopping. My dad is using my car today and is picking my sister and nephew up around 3:30. As long as they are back by 3:45pm, I’ll do my shopping. I want to be able to shop, then take everything back to the house to put away before I grab the baby from daycare. Whew.

Sometimes I reread my blogs and I can’t believe I do all of these tasks in one day. I leave out A LOT. Trying to cook and eat are crazy tasks sometimes. The dog and baby both want my attention at the end of the day too, so splitting my time is sometimes hard. Now, I have an extra task of walking the dog (well sorta walking her. I only take her out in the front of my house) because I can’t let her into the yard. I have a high suspicion that the skunks burrowed underneath of my shed. I want to get something to block her from going near it/digging, but I haven’t had time to actually look for a solution yet. My landlord has yet to get back to me either. If they did burrow underneath of the shed, it should be his financial responsibility to pay to have them trapped and removed.

I bought Emerson an iron on transfer today from Etsy for $5.00. It’s his father’s day gift to my dad! It’s an adorable blonde headed baby with “I love my pap” and Father’s day 2014 around it. I’ll post pictures when I get it in the mail. I’m going to iron it onto a onesie for him to wear on Father’s day! Too cute! Okay, that is about all I have today folks. I’m hoping we have a nice evening. I’m actually pretty tired!

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