I’ve been so busy that I’ve barely had time to really blog at all. Sorry, guys! You aren’t missing out on too much. Just more of the same! Emerson and I taking over the world..muahahahaha Jk (sorta)
Let’s see, Emerson’s half birthday party planning is in full swing. The entire party is only going to cost $88! This is absolutely KILLING me, but I don’t want to miss out on celebrating because of money. I’m able to divide the $88 up between the next three paychecks though, so that helps. I put together an amazing party with an even more amazing budget. I’m so excited. August 2nd will be here before I know it. I can’t believe my little man is going to be ½ a year already. Today, he turned 5 months old. Crazy! I am working on picking out pictures from the last 5 months to have printed. I plan on creating something really adorable for the party to show his growth. It’s so hard picking out pictures! I want to print EVERYTHING! I’m trying to hold back though. It makes me a little teary looking back though. He was so tiny. He’s growing way too fast! I know everyone says that about their kids, but it really is true. It’s like you blink and they are grown! He is so beautiful though! I can’t help, but to brag!!
Daycare asked me today if they could start feeding him solids throughout the day. I gave the go ahead for breakfast and lunch. I’d rather not have him eat solids later in the day because I usually feed him when we get home. I don’t want to mess up our routine. Plus, I still want his main source of food to be from my milk. I hope it doesn’t start to decrease. I want to add in a few more pumps to compensate for the loss from what he’s eating in solids now. I still can’t believe he’s already five months old! Okay, okay, I’ll shut up about it now!
Last night, I put together my cousin’s wedding gift. I made some art for her. Her wedding is on Friday. Considering I’m always on such a tight budget, I couldn’t afford to do more than make something. It turned out so well though. I took adorable wedding paper that I bought at Michaels for 79 cents and framed it into two 4x6 frames. I bought brown, textured paper from Michaels for $1.00 and made a tree that extends into both frames. I extended a tree branch and cut out a sparkly heart from paper that was also purchased from Michaels. I connected both frames with adorable pink ribbon that I purchased as well. I was VERY shocked at the outcome. I think it looks beautiful! I guess I should thank Pinterest for the idea!
In other news, I still haven’t been sleeping very well. I hope tonight is different. It’s making me feel sick throughout the day. Let’s hope things turn around tonight and I get a ton of sleep. I let myself sleep in until 5am today because I was so absolutely exhausted. The baby is sleeping very well though. That’s what I care about most. Let’s hope that trend continues! Tonight, we have no errands to run, which is nice. We went to Michaels after daycare yesterday. Emerson slept the entire drive up there, but was wide awake to shop. (Side bar, that wedding gift only cost me $9.17 to make) Anyway, he cried at the check –out, but ended up fall back asleep during the drive home. He slept until after 6. We played for a bit afterwards, but he got a bath, some guava, and the boob all before bedtime, which ended up being around 7:45pm. After he was asleep, I headed downstairs to put together the wedding gift, have a snack, and let the dog run around outside. I didn’t make it to bed until about 9:30pm. I didn’t fall asleep until sometime after 11. That doesn’t seem so late, but when your alarm is set to ring at 4am, it seems insane going to sleep that late!
I have to do laundry on Friday, which is going to SUCK! It’s been almost two weeks since I was able to get to the Laundromat. I have so much laundry to do. Usually I only have ONE load.. Doing 4 loads is going to suck! Luckily, no one is ever in the Laundromat that early, so I can load everything all up at once and hog all of the washing machines. I’ve been thinking lately about getting a washer. Obviously, it would take me awhile to save up for one, but the luxury would be nice. I know we need other things though outside of a washer. Going to the Laundromat is fine for now, but later on I really do hope that I can get one though. After this half birthday, we have two baby showers. I have some cute, crafty gift ideas for those, so that shouldn’t be too bad. Alright, That’s about all I have for now. Happy Hump Day, All!
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