So, let’s get the skunk talk out of the way first. Yes, we are still having this issue. All of them were inside of the trap yesterday. Of course, the trap never tripped, so they had a free meal, and then were all back underneath of my shed! The landlord said he will work on this. I’m hoping he does because every day they are getting bigger and more brave. They started to venture out closer to the house yesterday. The last thing I want is to not be able to leave the house because I open the door and see a skunk in my front yard, or worse, on my porch. He needs to catch these fuckers, while they are still small and clumsy. I don’t think he realizes how quickly they are growing and developing. They looked almost twice the size as they were when I first noticed them on Friday! UPDATE: The landlord just texted and told me he caught ONE skunk last night, but none others were around! Let’s hope they were just full from their huge dinner and snoozing it off!
Last night, the baby skipped bath. I gave him bananas around 6:30pm. I guess that really filled him up because he conked out by 7pm and was down for the night! Bananas cause constipation pretty quickly, so I’m not giving him a lot. I’m also trying to space it out. He didn’t poop at all yesterday, so I’m hoping he does at daycare today. After this next round of bananas, I’ll rule out the possibility of him being allergic and we can move onto avocado. I don’t think avocado backs them up so much, so it’ll be one less thing to worry about! It’s really exciting introducing him to new foods though. He eats off of the spoon like a champ! It’s like he’s a natural!!
Today, I got a refund check for $24 in the mail from the pediatrician. I guess they overbilled me. I feel rich. When you only have $3.93 in your bank account, $24 feels like a million! As long as all of our bills are paid, that’s all that really matters. We have each other, food to eat, and a roof over our head, but $24 is so nice. I’ll sock that away for a rainy day!
While driving yesterday, my mom’s brakes gave out. So scary! They are having them replaced today, but I had to take my mom to work this morning. I’m working from home, so I didn’t mind. I’m just glad that everyone is safe! That is so horrific and absolutely terrifying. Before I took her to work, I went to the Laundromat. We didn’t have too many clothes. I had to wash the sheet from his crib at daycare and one of my throw rugs. I’m glad that’s done and over with for the week.
Alright, I won’t bore you guys anymore. I hope your Tuesday is great!
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