I’m going to try to make this quick, but it might end up being very long! The weekend was QUITE eventful. Friday, I came home from work, picked the baby up from daycare, and we headed to get him an exersaucer. You guys have no idea how happy I was that I could buy him one! He is so adorable. He fell asleep on the way to the store and slept all the way until we hit the checkout. When we got home, I set out to build the exersaucer, which was no easy feat! In the mist of building, the dog was in and out of the yard a bunch of times. I picked up an additional baby gate, so that I could block her from going underneath of the shed. I wasn’t sure if there were still lingering skunks after we found a dead one, so I didn’t want to take my chances...
This is where things became very interesting…I built the exersaucer and plopped Emerson into it. Oh man! He loved it! This kid is just absolutely adorable. I cannot brag enough about him. He’s such a sweetheart and gave me the perfect reaction. He played in his exersaucer for at least an hour. Right before bathtime, I asked Kodie if she had to pee. Thank GOD I looked out the screen door first. THERE WERE A TON OF BABY SKUNKS OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I freaked the hell out and immediately called my landlord. He told me he’d be over shortly to check out the situation. I was absolutely baffled. Apparently the dead skunk was their mother. I obviously felt TERRIBLE. They were wandering around looking for their mama I can’t have them living in my yard though. It isn’t safe with the dog and baby. The landlord came over and let me know he’d be contacting animal control to trap the skunks. I was paranoid all night thinking the skunks would find a way into my house. They didn’t, but I was still afraid!
On Saturday, the baby and I woke up and started to get ready for our very first playdate! I was so excited. I bought a ton of capri suns for the kids and I made an adorable snack: Fish n Rods! I bought gold fish crackers and pretzel rods, put them into a zip lock baggie, and wrote “Goin Fishin?” on them. Too cute! The baby skunks were still out and about, so I had to take the dog out on the leash to pee. After we were all ready, the baby and I set off to my parent’s house to pick up his stroller. On the way, I noticed there was a huge bike race, which closed all entrances to the park. Great! My first playdate was going to be ruined!!!!!!!!!!! I immediately posted in my mommy group to let everyone know, so they could prepare accordingly. It didn’t ruin anything. We all made it there and had a great time. There ended up being 10 adults and 12 kids! I cannot wait for the next one!
After the playdate, Emerson and I headed back to my parent’s house. My mom was taking us shopping, so that she could buy Emerson a few things. He ended up getting some toys and clothes, which he really needed. We really appreciated this! On the way home, my mom stopped at my house, so that I could grab Kodie. With the skunks running around, she hasn’t been able to play in the yard. We brought her back to my parent’s house, so that she could burn off some energy. I ate dinner and hung out for a while, before we all headed back home. It was a great day!
Sunday…Oh Sunday. Sunday is the day I broke. I cried. I was just so overwhelmed and reached my breaking point. I woke up well before the baby, took care of the dog, and checked for the skunks. I saw none, but that didn’t mean they weren’t out there. After I finished eating breakfast, cleaning, and making brownies for a work function today, I took a shower and started to blow dry my hair. The neighbor started to knock on my door. I answered and she immediately started to complain about the skunks. Well, I didn’t bring them here. I notified the landlord. I want them gone just as much, if not more, than anyone else! I can’t use my yard and it makes my life 10 times harder. She wouldn’t leave until I ASSURED her that the landlord was sending someone out to take care of the problem. She did compliment my house and décor though, so I can’t say it was an entirely BAD visit. It’s always nice to hear that your creativity and hard work is appreciated. LOL
After that, the baby needed fed. The dog, baby, and I ended up falling asleep until 3pm Whoops! We woke and immediately set out to my parent’s house. Once there, we just hung around for a couple of hours. The dog was able to utilize the yard once again. Shit really hit the fan when we were ready to leave. I put Kodie on the leash, so that Britt could take her out to the car. I was grabbing Emerson and the diaper bag. Kodie was so panicked that I wasn’t coming with her, that she busted out of her collar/leash and took off. I FREAKED. I saw Britt run, so I knew something happened. All I could envision was Kodie being pancaked by a car. I ran outside screaming “Open the car door, Open the car door now, just open the car door!!!!!!!!!!!” I REALLY SCREAMED. Like freaking out screaming. My dad yelled at me for yelling! Britt started to cry. I felt awful. Once she opened the car door, Kodie jumped right in though. I was just so panicked and worried if she ran past the car, we’d lose our shot! I know she just wanted to make sure I wasn’t leaving her, but damn! I had just had it at that point. All of this because of these fucking skunks in my yard!!!!!!!!!!!! After all of the commotion, we went home. I texted Britt immediately, apologized, and explained that I knew it wasn’t her fault. She was still mad at me though. I still feel bad. I know she didn’t do it on purpose. The dog is honestly like my second baby. It drives me absolutely insane though! Sometimes she makes my life so much harder, but I wouldn’t ever want anything to happen to her.
When we got home, I just felt so overwhelmed. I started to cry. The baby isn’t even what is hard! It’s the house, the issue with the yard, the dog. I just wonder all the time how the hell I keep my head above water and handle everything. I make it work and I’m damn proud of that too, but sometimes I just want a break! I swear, I take 1 step forward to take 95 steps back. In the midst of crying, my landlord texted me and said he was coming over with traps. Finally, the clouds parted and I felt I was being helped. He came over, tried to wrangle in a couple of skunks, but they got away. He left the traps out there. They were empty this morning, but we’ll see if we get anything later. I’m so glad he took initiative though and is handling the situation. I have just about had it! I have such a sunny disposition and outlook on life. It’s incredible how much one little baby can change you. I just had such a shitty day yesterday. I’ve been so positive throughout this skunk thing, but after an entire month, I can’t take it anymore. I’ve had it and I want my damn yard back and some normalcy! Let’s hope this is the solution I’ve been waiting for with these traps.
Completely unrelated though, I was on the radio this morning! A girl called in for advice. She is 9 months pregnant and the baby’s father just dumped her! Right up my alley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I called in, shared my story, and gave her some advice. I said to focus on the baby and forget about him. I said that’s what I do and my baby and I are happy and better off! I also said it’s a lot less stressful when you don’t worry about trying to reel someone in who doesn’t give a shit. Accepting it and moving on is the best thing you can do!! The djs were absolutely baffled at Emerson’s father though and they ripped him apart. The word they used was “coward” I liked that. Hahahaha Too bad he doesn’t listen to country music. That should have been my first tip off! Never date a man that doesn’t like country music because something must be wrong with him-ha! I did send Chris some updated pictures of the baby, which he ignored. I also told him that I know he doesn’t give a shit about the baby. I’m sick of always being the nice guy and pretending that he isn’t a lame ass mother fucker skipping out on his child. I want him to know that I KNOW he is a piece of shit mother fucker. He knows that now and I feel a lot better that he does. I didn’t say it exactly in those words, but it was implied. He’s kind of stupid though, so I’m not sure if he entirely got the message, but I’ll pretend he did for my own sake! I hope he shits the bed and rolls in it twice…BOOM!
Alright, it has taken forever to write this because I’ve had to start and stop so many times. Sorry that it’s so long guys! I did leave out a few things. Emerson had bananas for the first time yesterday, which he loved. We have to do a few more days of those to ensure he isn’t allergic, but then we’re moving onto avocado, then sweet potatoes. I’m making my own baby food too! More healthy and definitely cheaper! I’ll let you guys know how this goes! I do know that is dad is allergic to cinnamon. I wonder if those kind of things are genetic. I guess I’ll ask the doctor. I have no food allergies. I’m not sure if his dad has any other food allergies. It sucks that I can’t ask him, so I’ll just have to be VERY careful, especially with cinnamon because I 100% know he’s allergic to that. My luck, Emerson will have inherited his fucked up allergies. Gah. I’ll just be VERY, VERY careful. Okay, I am done with this today!
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