I found a puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!! This morning after I took Emerson to daycare, I headed over to the Laundromat. On the way, I found a puppy roaming the street. I opened my car door and he jumped right into my lap! It was a miniature pincher and absolutely adorable and so sweet. So, I parked the car and walked around the neighborhood in search of its owner. The dog didn’t have tags on, but he looked well taken care of, so I knew he must have a home. I asked a man that was walking his dog if he knew who the cute pup belonged to. Just as he pointed me in the right direction, I heard “BAM! BAM!” The dog started to whimper. I knew it must be his mom calling his name! I took Bam over to his house. His mom was so happy to see him! The dog was so adorable though. I had a fleeting though of being able to keep him if I didn’t find his owner. Boy, Kodie would have hated that!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, after work yesterday, I rushed home, cleaned the house, put away all of the milk I pumped, and filled up Emerson’s pool. It was so hot outside. When I picked him up from daycare, you could tell he was exhausted. He hasn’t really been napping there, so the second we get home, he wants to go to bed. Obviously, this isn’t working out for me too well. I figured I’d let him swim for a bit, nap, then eat dinner/bath, play, bedtime. Things SORT OF went that way….
He swam for about 30 minutes before a storm rolled him. Afterwards, he played in his exersaucer for a bit, then went down for a 2 hour nap. I woke him up around 7:45pm. He was not happy. I wanted to make sure he got to eat dinner though. The night before, I let him sleep from 6-930 and he was up about 5-6 times to nurse during the night! I know it’s because he didn’t get to eat dinner. Anyway, I fed him dinner, then tried playing for a little, but he was not having it. I put him in the tub for a quick bath, jammie time, then nursed him to sleep. He slept from about 9pm-1130, woke up for a quick nursing session, then was back out until about 4am. I nursed him, then slept in until 5:45am. He slept until I woke him for daycare around 6:15am. Not too bad. A lot better than the night before. They wear him out so much at daycare that he wants to fall asleep the second we get home. I’m okay with a nap after daycare/work, but I don’t want him getting into the habit of sleeping until 10pm, then wanting to wake up. That isn’t going to work for me. So, we’ll see how it goes after daycare today.
The weather looks pretty grim for labor day, which makes me sad. I saw a high percentage of rain for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I’m hoping it changes. I don’t want to be rained out. I planned on swimming a lot, plus my nephew has a football game on Sunday that we plan on going to. I have a half day tomorrow at work, so Emerson isn’t going to daycare. Hopefully we get to swim afterwards. I’m done at 10:30am.
Okay, that’s about all I have for now. I hope everyone has a great Thursday!
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