Thursday, August 7, 2014

Mummy's Big Boy!

My wittle baby is getting so big! He went from 15lbs 10oz to 18lbs 3oz. He grew from 25 inches to 26.5 inches tall. The shots weren’t fun, but he stopped crying after a minute, or so. I felt really bad. That part never seems to get any easier. We have to go back next month for a flu shot. They didn’t have any available. I actually think the doctor was lying though. She mentioned a couple of times that she won’t be seeing Emerson again until he’s 9 months old. If I bring him in between well visits, I get charged a $30 co-pay because it isn’t required, or covered under my plan. I think she wants to see him within the next three months, so she is having us come back for the flu shot separately. As long as I don’t have to pay, then I don’t care! She also said that I can give him 1-2oz of water in a sippy cup after he eats solids. I tried last night, but he’s not quite ready for the cup. I’m not going to push it on him. I’ll offer it, but if he doesn’t want it, then that’s fine. She said he’s ahead of the game with solids, so I can start to try some table food as long as its cut up very small. I’m not sure what I’ll try. I did try to give him a small piece of pancake last weekend, but he wasn’t chewing it up well enough. The piece was as small as a crumb though, but he still gagged. Maybe he just didn’t like it?? My mum thinks eggs would be a good thing to try because they kind of melt in your mouth, but still give him a little bit of something to chew. Does anyone have any suggestions? It would be fun to actually eat WITH him, so what can I make for dinner that we’d both be able to eat? I’d post this to my facebook, but I’m afraid of the backlash. I’m sure I’d be told that I A. shouldn’t give solids B. water is bad C. I am a bad mother for not exclusively breastfeeding. I’m still a little upset over the messages I received after Emerson was sick on Monday. I never seem to get any bad judgment here, so I am all for suggestions! As weird as it sounds, I’ve been waiting for the moment when we can sit down together to have “dinnertime”. When I was pregnant, I honestly cried so many nights knowing I had to eat dinner alone. Maybe it was the hormones, but dinnertime always made me acutely aware of how alone I really was. I lived so far from my parents then, so heading over for dinner wasn’t even an option. It’s nice having that family feeling, especially at dinnertime. I’m sure it seems silly to most, but it really is important to me. I grew up having to sit down to dinner every night with my family, so I want to have the same tradition in my house.

After the doctor’s, we went back to my parent’s house for dinner. Emerson slept on the way home and for about 30 minutes after we got back. I fed him some squash when he woke up. I figured that would hold him over, so we could at least do bath when we got home. When we got home, I put Emerson in his walker. He chased the dog and me around for about an hour, while I did dishes and bottles. He is so funny in the walker! I can’t turn my back for a second though. He tried pulling my curtains down one day. I just play it by ear. If I’m cleaning and running around, I’ll put him in the exersaucer. That way, he can’t go anywhere. If I’m just doing bottles and dishes, then the walker is fine. Most of the time, he chases me around anyway. After some playtime, He was in bed by 8:45. Not too bad. I hung out on the couch with the pup until a little after 10. It’s nice to give Kodie some me-time. I’m so glad the dog and baby get along so well. Kodie is still a little asshole though. She always steals our clothes out of the dirty and clean baskets and she always steals Em’s toys, but she gets along with the baby and he adores her. She isn’t too rough with him either. I always say “go see your brother” and she goes right up to him. It’s hilarious. Emerson screams at the top of his lungs at her. She just looks at him like “what the hell is your problem, dude?” Kodie will be 2 years old on August 24th! I can’t believe I’ve almost had her for 2 years (in November). We’ll most definitely be celebrating with some Frosty Paws! Yum, her favorite!

I ALMOST sent Emerson’s dad the two pictures and stats from the doctor’s appointment yesterday, but refrained. If he wanted to know something, or see pictures, he’d ask. I still firmly believe that he stalks me via the internet. I hate the way facebook is. You can’t make your cover photos private. I like having my cover photo of the baby though. It isn’t like I’m hiding Emerson anyway, but I don’t want someone stealing my photos and passing them along like they took them. I don’t think he’s above doing this either. I can totally see him shopping photos around that I took and pretending like he has a relationship with the baby, which he doesn’t. Even with blocking, anyone can make up a new facebook, search you, and see your cover photo/profile pictures. The only TRUE way to be invisible is to have nothing at all, which I don’t think is fair. I’m not really that concerned about it, but I seriously would be PISSED if someone stole my photos. The only reason I even had the fleeting thought to send something is because I got a paper at the doctors asking me all of these questions about myself and Emerson’s dad. I had to fill out all of this information down to “Is the patient living with his biological mother and father?” “Are the patient’s biological mother and father married?” There were a ton of background health and family history that I couldn’t answer either. I had no problem with leaving the paternal side blank, but sometimes I wonder the importance of that stuff. Genetics, etc. I don’t worry enough to actually ask though. He seems perfect though, so I won’t worry myself.

I think I’m going to change the way Emerson’s bottles are sent to daycare. It’ll make things a little easier on me. Now that he’s eating solids, I should pull back SOME milk. 4 5oz bottles was the norm before he started to eat solids. I still send that amount. Daycare says he isn’t eat many solids because he has this big bottle first. I’m going to change the bottles and reduce them down to 5 4oz bottles. This way, I’m still sending 20oz, but it’s just being sent a different way. He’s having solids at 8am and 11am, so having a 4oz bottle and solids should satisfy him plenty. They’ll have a 5th bottle if he seems a bit hungrier. When I pick him up later on, I’m going to talk to the daycare about this. I don’t mean for them to feed all 5 bottles either. They should work with the 4oz and solids before trying to ram a 5th bottle down his throat. It’ll be nice for me if he starts to eat 16oz of milk with the solids. I’ll still pump the same amount, but having a small stock would be nice. The solids should be relieving me a little bit. I haven’t had that luxury yet. The only reason I’m even worrying about it is because the other day I couldn’t even pump what I usually send. I ended up being short 2oz, so I sent 3 6oz bottles instead of 4 5oz bottles. My body is slowly started to produce a little less, but that’s because of the solids. You produce what you need. I’m hoping if I reduce the bottles to 4oz, then it’ll be a little easier on me when I’m short. If he seems to hate it, then I’ll go right back to the way we are doing it now. Whew. Okay, I’ll update after I’ve tried this out for a few days.

This weekend, I’m painting my basement where I’m setting up Emerson’s playroom. I can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s all done. I’m anxious to complete it now before winter time. I remember it being really cold down there when we moved in. I can’t remember if it only felt that way because I didn’t have my heat blasting, or what. There is a heater vent right above the area I’m setting up, but I’m sure the insulation isn’t the best down there either. A space heater will probably be sufficient while we are down there. Obviously I wouldn’t leave it on unattended, or on without my supervision. I always feel like I have to defend myself because the first thing I’ll hear is “You do know you shouldn’t leave that on unsupervised,right?” Sorry, I just am really over being talked down to like I’m a completely fucking moron. Okay, I have to go pump now!! Happy Thursday!

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