Well, I was able to finish the blue painting in the cloud room last night. I’m having second thoughts about hanging the curtain panels on the second wall. The blue looks so amazing that I think I might just paint the other wall and put clouds all over it too. I’m going to make the decision after I’m done painting the clouds on the first wall. If it doesn’t seem that hard, or take that long, then I’ll definitely do the second wall. If I feel like it doesn’t look that, then I’ll get the panels and hang them on the second wall. It looks awesome though. I’m really shocked at my painting skills. Now, let’s pray I can paint some decent looking clouds! The good thing is if I mess up while painting the clouds, I can just paint over it. I have plenty of blue left. While I was painting, Kodie leaned against the wall and ended up getting ton of blue paint all over her. The paint washes off fairly easy though, so she’s now paint-free. I stepped in paint too and it didn’t wash off in the shower. I’m now walking around with blue paint on the bottom of my right foot! Stylin!
After we got home from daycare, I cleaned and sterilized bottles, then I made spaghetti for dinner. A friend of mine warned me about the acidic levels in spaghetti sauce. She said it gave her kiddos a pretty bad diaper rash. I took a chance and gave it to him anyway. I figure I’ll never know if he has a sensitivity to it unless I give it to him. He seems okay, but we’ll see how he is later. If I feel there is an issue, we’ll be nixing spaghetti sauce from our meal plan. I didn’t put too much sauce on his noodles though, so hopefully that helps. He absolutely loved it though. He was screaming and slamming his hand down for more. It was hilarious! He didn’t eat dinner until 8:30pm. I was starving, so I ate without him. I don’t like doing that. I want us to eat dinner together every night, but by 7pm, my belly was grumbling and he was sleeping!
During bath, I pulled out the laundry basket and put it in the tub. It worked perfectly! We’re now using that method until I feel that he isn’t going to pull any crazy tricks on me and lunge forward again. He looked a little confused at first, but then started to splash around. I felt a lot better about bath and less panicked too. What the hell did people do before Pinterest?? I would have never thought of that had my friends not posted their kids in a basket in the tub after finding it on Pinterest. Emerson looked pretty cute in the basket though. He ended up playing in the tub for about a half an hour. Luckily, he didn’t get too messy with spaghetti either. After all of that, it was bedtime. He went down pretty quickly too. He slept all night until about 1:30am. He ate quickly, then was back down until 6am. Not too bad. I feel rested today. A little tired just from running around last night and this morning, but good otherwise.
We’re having leftover spaghetti for dinner tonight. I didn’t make too much, but we do have enough for dinner tonight and probably lunch for me tomorrow. It’ll be nice to not have to cook tonight. Emerson plays so well on his own. It’s nice that I can cook dinner, clean, and do bottles without too much of a fuss. I put him in the exersaucer in the kitchen with me and he just plays and talks to me, while I do my thing. It’s insane thinking how much he’s grown. I remember moving into the house back in April and never being able to eat, or do anything while he was awake. He always wanted held, needed fed, or needed something. I could never leave him sitting by himself to play for too long before he’d fuss. Now, I can clean and make an entire meal without a hassle. I will say it is very bittersweet to see him grow so fast, but that is definitely a nice perk. It’s a lot less stressful for me! After I was done cooking dinner, we went into the living room to play for a while. Em had just eaten at daycare at 4:15pm, so I knew he wouldn’t be hungry yet. We played on the floor for about an hour, while I tried to get him to crawl forward. He’d start to do it, then pull back and stop. He’s getting there though. Practice makes perfect. That must have really tuckered him out. He ended up napping from about 6:30-7:45pm. I had some “me-time” then. I didn’t do anything, but watch a couple of my shows, eat dinner, and play with the dog. Those moments are always appreciated though. I also held him for a very long time before I laid him down by himself. He’s such a cutie. I can’t help staring at him sometimes and these moments won’t last forever. Eventually, he won’t be my little baby anymore, so I’m trying to suck it all up now.
Someone told me today that I make motherhood look easy. I laughed. The funniest thing about that statement is I thought that about other people before I had a baby. I always thought that they made it look so easy. Now, I just realize it’s because they don’t bitch and moan all day. That’s why they make it look easy. They make it look stress-free. I am NOT perfect, I am NOT susi homemaker (although people like to tell me I am), and I do complain at times. Everyone has their days. I have mine. I just try to not have them often though because who wants to live like that?
Yesterday, I pumped a total of 21o ounces. I was able to stock pile 7 of those ounces. Today, so far, I’ve pumped 12oz. I still have to pump at least 3 more times, so I’m sure I’ll get around 23oz. I was a little lazy last night and only pumped 1 time after work, which is why I only got 21oz instead of 23oz. It’s nice to know that I have a stock. I’m going to try to keep this up, so that I can continue to put some away. A little goes a long way.
Alright, enjoy your Wednesday everyone!
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