I finished “The fault in our stars” last night. It was sad, beautiful, and funny all at the same time. I couldn’t put it down. Emerson was exhausted after daycare and ended up sleeping from 5:30pm-8:30pm. I utilized my time and finished the book. By the time I put it down, I was in tears. I actually had to leave the room to avoid waking the baby from my sobs. My sister read it too and we’re going to go and see the movie. What a great book. It really put a lot of things in perspective for me. I never want to go through that-ever. Next up, “If I stay”. I’m really excited about that book. I hear there is a sequel to that already. I’m excited about it! There is also a movie out too. My sister hasn’t started the book yet. I hope she hurries up, so I can get my hands on it!
I received a text on the way home yesterday from my landlord. He let me know the bees were dead. He also let me know that my neighbor is very fond of me and said nice things. That made me feel bad, but she is just so damn nosey! I can’t stand it. Maybe she has good intentions, but they come across very badly. I’m just glad he took care of it. I hope it’s a long time before she comes over complaining of some new issue she has with the property.
Well, bedtime last night was still a bit rough. No biting though. I was happy about that, but it took Emerson such a long time to fall asleep. It was nearly an hour before he finally stopped fidgeting and passed out. He woke about 2 hours later and then again about 3 hours after that. I woke up a little bit late though. I was having the absolute worst dream about my sister. It was stupid too. She was planning a party and invoked the help of my friends, but wanted nothing to do with my mom, sister, and I. I freaked out in the dream so badly! It was horrible! I guess thinking about all of that stuff yesterday really weighed heavily on my mind and translated via my dreams. I hope that’s the last of that. I hate having bad dreams!
I now have 12oz of milk in stock. I’m hoping to be able to add at least another 8oz to that by the end of this week. So far, I have 4oz at home ready to freeze. I don’t like to do that too prematurely though. I’d rather have all of my daycare bottles before I start freezing anything. This morning, I pumped 3oz from one side and then another 5oz this morning. I’m due to pump any minute and then once more before I go home. I typically pump 1 side around 5:30pm. I’m hoping to be able to get a total of 18oz today. I’ll send 16oz to daycare tomorrow, so I’ll have 2 to add to my stock. 18oz isn’t that much. I’m used to getting around 23, but Emerson has been eating early in the morning now, so he’s draining one side before I get to p ump. Either way, it’s still ensuring I produce enough. Whether it be from him, or the pump, the task is still being completed.
Emerson had a Gerber spaghetti meal last night and loved it! He had red sauce all over the place. It was in his hair, on his belly, and on his face. He cracks me up! It’s so funny watching him eat. He loves food so much and makes the craziest sounds in between bites. I guess I feed him too slow, but he is so greedy! He wants more before he even swallows what’s already in his mouth. I also gave him a side of squash to go with his meal. I split the Gerber meals in two, so he’s only eating half for dinner. They are 6oz containers, so he’s eating 3oz of the meal plus about 1oz of a fruit or veggie, then he gets a bit afterwards. It makes it easier for me because I can buy 10 meals, but it actually translates into 20 meals. It definitely saves money.
Welp, I think that’s all I have in me for today. I hope everyone had a good Monday and has an even better Tuesday!
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