Thursday, July 9, 2015

Mummy forgot to post this yesterday

Well, it looks like more rain here. Bleh. We don’t have any plans this week anyway, so I guess it doesn’t matter, but it would be nice to have a few days of sunshine in a row.

Rainiest. Summer. Ever.

I pre-made some burgers, meatballs, and ground turkey the other night, so dinner was a breeze yesterday. We had turkey burgers, sweet potato fries, and some mixed veggies. Easy peasy. Tonight, I think we’re going to do the meatballs. I made some homemade beefaroni with ground turkey the other night too, so I think we’ll just do that as a small side, with veggies. Nothing fancy. Of course, I’ll be measuring with my 21 day fix program containers. Don’t worry. It’s nice that I can still eat what Emerson is having and still have a bit of comfort food without going overboard. No complaints there. Last night, I was craving something sweet. I made a chocolate, peanut butter, banana shakeology. It was freaking delicious. It tasted just like a milk shake! It filled me right up, which meant I wasn’t tempted to sneak into the kitchen to try to snack on anything else. Tonight, I’m going to make a blueberry muffin shake for snack. I made one yesterday morning and it tasted amazing! I’m just now starting to experiment with different recipes and I’m LOVING it! Speaking of blueberries, I just remembered that today is our snack day and I didn’t send the snack in! Crap! I called daycare and the director assured me that it was fine and the teacher has a stash of snacks, so the kiddos won’t go hungry. I still feel bad though. We’re going to send our blueberries and graham crackers in tomorrow!

I couldn’t find my jeans this morning either. On Wednesdays, we can wear jeans at work. I have ONE pair of skinny jeans that fit me nicely. I just did laundry on Monday and they are no-where to be found. Sigh. I rooted through my drawers this morning and found a different pair of jeans that are a little big in the waist, but will do. I slapped those on. If I can’t find my other jeans, we’ll just run up to the mall this weekend. I can get a pair for $10 at Forever 21. Then, Emerson can play in the play place too. It’s a 2fer, though going to the mall these days is dangerous. I love getting Emerson cute, funny shirts. Those stores really lure me in and I want to be mindful of our finances right now. I am doing fairly well with Beach Body and I already know what my next two commission checks will be, but I don’t want to spend before I get it. I’d REALLY love to purchase a washing machine. That’s the goal here on my dream board outside of continuing to help people, growing my business, and continuing my fitness goals. I did just purchase more shakes, so that was a little bit of an investment for me, but I’ve already made my money back with my next two commission checks. Now, anything after that can go towards our washing machine. This way, I won’t need to go to my parent’s house once a week to do laundry! Maybe I’ll stop misplacing my jeans, eh?!

So, how are we doing? Well, Emerson didn’t try to pull the television down yesterday. That’s a plus! He did smash a toy train into my face last night. I thought he knocked out my front tooth. It scared the hell out of me. These kids are not gentle at all! Note to self, do not let Emerson dangle a toy above my face anymore. Lately, when I’ve been picking him up from daycare, he is so excited to walk out to the door himself. It CRACKS me up! Yesterday was no exception. He ran full force to the door without his shoes on. We were all laughing so hard. He just loves having the freedom to be able to do that now. In the mornings, He gives Kodie a kiss, then he stands at the door and waits for me to open it. Seriously, it is so funny! I know it seems super small, but watching him learn how to do things and gain his independence is pretty cool even when he does things that annoy me! In the mornings, he helps me stock his cubby with diapers, wipes, and extra clothes. Then, he shuts the door and heads into his classroom. It’s HEE-LARIOUS! I’ve been trying to ask him to HELP me with tasks because I think it gives him a sense of importance and I’m trying to let him make decisions, so that maybe he won’t be so defiant later because he gets to make enough choices throughout the day. Maybe that’ll help him scale back on doing all the dangerous stuff he tries to pull over on me daily! Being really optimistic here!

My nephew seems to be having a good time in California. I talked to him on the 4th of July. He did sound homesick, but like he was still enjoying his time there. He comes back in about 3 weeks! Not too much longer! I haven’t talked to my sister very much at all since our little tiff. We are over it, but it does feel like something shifted between us since that happened. It sucks. I’m sure she feels it too, but I honestly am doing 100 other things a day that I don’t really have time to think about it. I wish they were the same as they were before. It makes me sad. We aren’t arguing, or anything like that, but something is definitely different.

Today, I’m doing a fitness training with my cousin at noon during our lunch break. Pray for me! It’s going to be insanely hard. She’s training for a Spartan Race, which is something like tough mudder, but more intense. She invited me to come train with the team for the day. I am crazy nervous! I hope I can make it through! They run with buckets of rocks and sand bags. I’m not sure my 21 day fix workouts have quite prepared me for activities like that! We’ll see how it goes.

Alright, I have tons to do today and I need to get started. I hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday!

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