Friday, July 10, 2015

Mummy's restless night

So, on Wednesday night, Emerson went to bed at his usual time. He seemed pretty tired. I put him to bed and went about my normal, nightly routine. About an hour later, I heard him crying. This is not typical at all. He just doesn’t do that anymore. When it’s bedtime, that’s it for the night. I didn’t immediately run up to his room. I figured he probably woke himself and he’d go back to sleep. He stopped crying, but then started up shortly after. This time, he wasn’t stopping, so I went into his room and saw that his diaper came off. Okay, that explains the freak out. I changed his diaper and made sure it was on securely, then I re-settled him in his crib, and walked out. He seemed fine. About 20 minutes later, he started freaking again. At this point, I was obviously concerned that we were going to have a bad night. I waited him out. He stopped crying after a min or two, then it was silence for 20 minutes, but then more crying. It wasn’t even freak out crying. It was more crying/whining like he couldn’t fall asleep. Oh boy. Around 10:30pm (three hours AFTER he originally went to bed) I tried putting him in my bed. He just could not settle himself. He kept yawning, and rubbing his eyes.  I felt so bad. I tried to rock him, then laid him back down in his crib. He’d be quiet for a few minutes, but then it would be more of the same crying/whining because he just couldn’t fall asleep.  We battled for about 5 more hours. It was crazy. I felt so bad, but nothing I did could relax him enough to fall asleep. Finally, around 3am, I was a zombie. I tried bringing him back into my bed. We haven’t co-slept in MONTHS. I was afraid of starting a bad habit, but more afraid of neither of us functioning due to lack of sleep. He fell asleep FINALLY. He woke up around 7am. I decided to just work from home, so that I could let him sleep and take him into daycare later. I got about 2.5 hours of sleep. Insane. Last night, it was fine. He slept all night with no issues. I’m so glad because I was beyond exhausted!

I functioned pretty well yesterday for lack of sleep. I mixed coffee with my Shakeology and made it into an iced mocha. It was pretty good and gave me the kick I needed to get through the day. After work, I took my mom’s 21 day fix program over to her house and went through everything with her. She’s super excited to start on Monday. Afterwards, I had to run to the store to grab milk and a few odds and ends, then I picked Em up from daycare. To my surprise, he didn’t have a bad day even though he was tired. They did let him nap longer, which I appreciated.

This weekend, we have no plans so far. I haven’t even thought about what we could do. I can’t believe it’s July already. When I was at the store yesterday, I was so confused that there was all of these back to school supplies out. Then I realized, well, it is almost that time. Summer has gone by way too fast and I feel like we’ve done nothing. No zoo trips yet and very little swimming/outdoor play. The rain is crushing it. Plus, he is so out of control these days. Taking him somewhere myself is such a task. I hate admitting that. It makes me feel weak, but honestly, it’s really hard sometimes, so I just opt out. He’s just at that stage where he wants to run and be independent, which means he doesn’t want to listen to me. It’s tough taking him somewhere and having an expectation that he won’t get into things he shouldn’t be when I know he’s just exploring. It’s just easier at home.

I am tossing around the children’s museum though. I’m thinking we can go early in hopes that there isn’t a big crowd. I heard they have a great toddler area and Em can just run freely with all of the interactive exhibits. That would be fun. He also gets in free, so I’d just have to pay for myself. On Sunday, we’d just visit my parents and keep it low-key. I think I just talked myself into these plans. LOL

Let’s talk about Beach Body quickly. I’ve been actively coaching for about three weeks and I’ve made enough commission to pay my car insurance, my cell phone bill, and my gas bill. Isn’t that insane? On top of that, I’m helping a ton of people. Everyone using their program has lost a lot of inches and lbs already, which is awesome! The group that run is amazing. It’s so motivational and it really pushes me and all of my members to keep going. We all inspire and encourage each other daily to keep on point with our nutrition and to do our workouts. If anyone has a bad day, or feels weak, they can come to the group for a pick me up. I love it and I couldn’t have asked to be part of a better team!

Alright, guys. I hope you all have a great weekend!

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