We had a fabulous weekend. Friday was pretty tame. I worked downtown, then picked Em up, headed to a graduation party, then stopped at my parent’s house on the way home. Em was pretty grouchy by that point. He had as diaper rash that I wasn’t aware of. After he pooped, it was all downhill from there. It’s cleared up since I lathered him up with Desitin all weekend. He slept until after 8am Saturday morning. I got up early and prepared for the day. We had plans to go to the animal farm, then swimming at my parent’s house. After Em woke up, we just hung around the house and played until naptime. I got ready, packed the diaper bag, then we headed out after Em woke and had his lunch. We had a blast at the farm. Em petted a goat. We saw horses, pigs, and chickens too. It was extremely hot and humid out. We were both soaked with sweat by the time we made our way around to all of the animals. We headed to my parent’s house afterwards to swim. Em had a great time in the pool. The water was the perfect temperature too. We got right in. I love that part of summer when the water finally warms up enough to just hop in. After my parent’s, we headed home to play for a bit. Em had a bath, then went to bed.
Sunday was nice. Emerson slept until almost 9am! Is that not crazy?! He must have been really tuckered out from Saturday. Sunday was a little more chill. I got up at 645am, took a shower, got ready for the day, then cleaned up the dishes and the house. I also worked on my BeachBody business, and just relaxed before Em woke up. We jumped in the car and headed to Dunkin Donuts. We do this usually every other weekend. He had a donut and I had a coffee. It was delicious. It’s nice to have a weekly treat. When we were all done with that, we headed into the yard. I filled up Em’s pool, water table, and set up his splash pad. We had a good time. He played for about 1.5 hours and did not try to get into ANYTHING that was off limits. It was amazing not having to say “No!” I just sat back and relaxed in the sun. It was REALLY nice! We ventured indoors because it was extremely hot. Em had enough sun and we still had plans to go swimming later in the day. After playing a bit inside and lunch, Em was ready for a nap. He slept from 1-2:30pm. I ate a snack, worked on my BeachBody business, and relaxed on the couch. It was nice. When Em woke up, we headed to my parent’s to swim. We ate dinner over there too, which was nice. Later, we headed back home to play a bit more, then Em had a bath, then went to bed. I did my Sunday night workout, made our meal plan and grocery list for the week, worked a little more on BeachBody, then hit the hay around 10pm! It was a full weekend.
This week, we don’t have much planned. There is a parent appreciation day on Friday at daycare that I plan on attending. It’s an hour in the morning from 10 to 11am, so I’m going to work from home that day, so I can go. Other than that, we don’t have much. We’ll probably just play in the yard, take a few walks, and just keep it low- key. This upcoming weekend, we’ll probably just swim at my parent’s house again. I was invited to a Bachelorette dinner on Saturday. It starts at 6:30pm, which isn’t bad at all. I asked my mom if she’d mind babysitting. I don’t plan on being gone very long. I like that it’s so early in the evening. I’d probably need a sitter from 6 to 9 at the latest, which isn’t too bad. My mom doesn’t mind at all. My best friend was invited too, but has not told me if she plans on going. It would be nice to go together, otherwise I will probably skip out. I only know the bride, so it seems silly to go with a bunch of other people that I’m not friends with. I’d rather save the babysitting services for a time that I can hang out with a crew that I really know. I will make an exception though if my bestie is attending. It would be nice to hang out without the kiddos for once!
The lawn company has still not responded to my messages, or voicemail. It’s really annoying. They are due to come back next Monday. I’m thinking of working from home that day, so I can be there to pay them in person. It’s starting to tick me off though. I know I’d want paid for services given! I’ll stop complaining about it now. It’s just really annoying. LOL
Alright, that’s about all I have for today. Have a super week, All!
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