Thursday, May 8, 2014


Yesterday was so scary! On the bus on the way home, a man started to seizure very badly! At first, I had no idea something was even wrong until I heard a woman yelling his name over and over again. He was flailing everywhere and slobbering very badly. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. At one point, I really thought he died! I screamed, “Someone call 911!” yet I had my iphone in my hand! I was just in a panic at what to do! Luckily, there were two policemen on the bus and they handled it perfectly. The bus driver pulled the bus to the side of the road, while we waited for 911 to respond. When the man finally came out of his seizure, he was really violent. I thought he was going to hit one of the cops, but he didn’t. The woman he was with explained to him that he had a seizure. The man was so confused. He kept slumping over and falling in and out of consciousness. By the time 911 got there, he seemed a little bit better and was able to walk himself off of the bus. I hope he is okay. It really scared me though!

I picked Emerson up right after that. The bus dropped us off later than usual because of the delay, so I didn’t go home first like I usually do. Anyway, when I picked him up he was completely knocked out cold! The last bottle he had was around 2pm and it was about 4:45pm, so I figured he’d wake up on the way home and I’d just feed him when we got to our house. Yeah, that didn’t happen! My little man slept until almost 6:45pm! He had gone down for a nap at 3pm at daycare, so that was almost 4 hours straight of rest. It was getting pretty close to bath time, so I woke him up. I was so afraid to let him continue sleeping because I didn’t want to end up being up all night. Luckily, that didn’t happen. I fed him a little from the side I had just pumped just to give him enough to be happy for some tummy time and bath. Then, after bath, it was boob, then bedtime! He slept from about 7:45pm-11pm. He ate for a few minutes and went right back down until about 4:30am. I fed him, got him back down, and then got up and started my morning routine.

I’m doing so well with my stock piling goal! I now have 3 bottles (15oz) frozen in the freezer. I’m hoping to get another extra bottle today and tomorrow, which will put me right at 5, which is what I wanted. Anything I pump over the weekend will be stock, or for immediate use, so when I do have to take a bottle with me for my aunt’s birthday and for my mum to babysit this weekend, I shouldn’t have to dip into my stock as long as I am good with pumping and keep up between feeds. It is so freaking hard to pump when he’s home though. I think I have it down. I just pump one side and make sure the other is ready to go at all times. This way, I’m not taking any food from his mouth. It’s a lot of work and definitely eating up all the extra calories in my body, but so absolutely worth it. It has been so stressful just fulfilling his needs for the next day of daycare. Adding on an additional task of stock is nuts! I’m getting there though.

I’m having the grass cut a week early It’s getting long because of the rain. With the weather turning so nice, I want the grass cut. Plus, the neighbors’ yards are all neat, so I don’t want to be THAT neighbor with a sloppy backyard. The lawn people are coming over this evening after I get home from work. I have to make sure I take $20 (cost of cut) out of the ATM before I head home, or I won’t be able to pay them. I’m sure they wouldn’t be too happy with that.

I bought Emerson shark swimming trunks and an adorable matching hat that has this hilarious shark fin on the top of it from ebay for $7.99. I priced infant trunks and they were absolutely ridiculous. Some spanned well over $25! I mean, that seems a bit overpriced to me. I checked on ebay though and thought this was a really great deal. I didn’t get the rashguard, which I think is okay for now. I’ll lather him up with water babies and slap a tee on him for now. At the point that we’re venturing out to the public pool and lake, I’ll make sure he has a rashguard. There were some good deals on ebay for those as well. I just needed something for our Memorial Day plans that weren’t going to cost an arm and a leg. Mission accomplished.

Alright, that’s about all I have for today. I won’t bore you guys any longer with my random ramblings. Happy Thursday, all! It’s almost the weekend! Hang in there! <3

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