Well, yesterday I built Emerson’s high chair and tried to give him some rice cereal. I think it was a big miss because I made the cereal too watery and he was overly tired. He just wasn’t having it. I’m going to try again tonight, but I guess we’ll see how it goes. I hope he comes around to it. He was so tired yesterday from not getting in a decent nap. We are heading down the same path today. Luckily, Britt was able to get him down twice, and I laid down with him one time, but he woke up 5 minutes after I got up. He’s due to eat again when I’m done working. I’m going to lay down with him when I feed him, so that he hopefully takes a nap and is pleasant for my mom. She’s babysitting while I get my hair done tonight. I haven’t had my hair cut/colored since January. I’m nervous because I plan on making a big change tonight. The only thing that worries me is how sensitive my scalp has been lately. I think it’s partly due to my hormones changing post-partum. Let’s just hope the dye doesn’t irritate it. I’m so nervous. I plan on making my hair dresser aware before we begin.
Last night, Kodie kept randomly barking at bedtime. It was freaking me out. Considering I live alone, it is so nerve wracking because I automatically assume that someone is trying to break in, or did break in. I swear, I was so on edge! Typically, I am never really freaked out at home. I feel very safe there, but something felt off last night. I hope things are a lot less uneasy tonight. Emerson slept pretty well, but I was up well after he fell asleep and I kept waking up randomly throughout the night. I don’t know how long my hair will take, so we won’t be home until a bit later tonight. I hope Kodie is okay with that. We left later this morning, so she should be fine until almost 6:30pm-7pm. Usually, Emerson and I leave the house around 5:58am and get home around 5pm. We left today at nearly 7am, so we have until at least 6:30. My hair appointment is at 4:30pm, so it shouldn’t take THAT long…I hope!
Alright, that’s about all I have. I hope Emerson sleeps a lot longer, or he is going to be so cranky!
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