We had a major breakthrough yesterday. When I picked Emerson up from daycare, he was freshly changed and fed, so I knew we’d have the next couple of hours to play and he’d probably take a nap before his next feeding. He ate at 4:35pm, so I knew I had until at least 7:35pm before I had to feed him again. This made me happy because I’m constantly trying to push bedtime back. I knew I could do that last night because he wouldn’t need to eat until after 7pm! Yay! Anyway, when we got home, I washed/sterilized bottles, made and ate dinner, cleaned up, let the dog out, and put away all of my work stuff and cleaned out his diaper bag. Anyway, after all of that was taken care of, we played on his activity mat, sang songs, danced around the living room, and talked until he conked out around 6:40pm. I have no idea why I decided to do this, BUT I put him in his crib! He slept in his crib until about 8:15pm! We NEVER do bath time and bedtime later than 7:30pm, so I was really excited. I was more excited that he slept in his crib. When I initially laid him down, his eyes popped back open, but I waited a minute and he drifted back to sleep. He looked absolutely adorable too! After bath, I knew he was probably starving because he hadn’t eaten in four hours at that point. He never goes that long between feeds. I fed him and he went back to sleep. I stayed up until 10pm because I had to watch the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. Emerson slept until about 2:30am. I only had to wake up once last night. It was amazing. Emerson, thanks for being such an amazing little boy for mama last night. What a great way to start the weekend. I love you, buddy!
I started to plan Emerson’s ½ birthday party today. The reason behind the ½ birthday is because his actual birthday is in January. I know how sucky it is to have a winter birthday because I watched my sister have one her entire life. My birthday is at the end of May and the possibilities were endless because of the nice weather. My other sister’s birthday is in September, so hers was always nice too. I just feel like we are never going to get to celebrate his birthday in the summertime again, so I might as well take this opportunity. Another reason behind it is because I did move and no one has seen my house yet. It’ll be nice to invite everyone over. Thirdly, a lot of people still haven’t met Emerson, so I thought this would be a great opportunity! Anyway, I want to do a shark/beach theme. I found the most adorable ideas on Pinterest this morning. All cost-effective too! It isn’t going to be a huge, over the top party either. I’m keeping it on the smaller side. I’m only inviting 7 kids. There will be more adults than kids, but that’s okay. It’ll be nice to actually have something at my house for once! I plan on having it July 26th. I’m thinking of just sending out a facebook invitation though instead of sending something through the mail. It’ll save some money, plus, I can track the RSVP’s easier.
Welp, that’s all I have for today. I don’t want to bore everyone with the same old song and dance I’m happy it’s Friday! Remember last Friday? Kodie was skunked! Also, the entire weekend was drama-filled. I’m looking forward to a lot less stress and drama this weekend, but a healthy dose of quality time with my boy!
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