Monday, May 12, 2014


I am going to post three separate blogs because if I don’t, it’ll be absolutely HUGE because Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all have their own, crazy stories:


Let’s start with the stinkiest part of it. Kodie was skunked! On Friday morning, I woke up a little late around 5:00am. I was working from home, so it was okay if we left the house a bit later. I wouldn’t have an hour commute into work. The night before, I didn’t get a chance to sterilize nipples, so I immediately started to do that, while pumping. I smelled something burning and assumed I had burnt the nipples boiling on the stove. I shut the stove off and continued to pump. The smell was getting stronger. I started to panic that the house was on fire. After a thorough walk through, I found nothing burning, yet the smell was getting stronger. I remember three years ago when this happened to my parent’s dog that the smell was intense like something was on fire. My stomach dropped. It took us about 10 hours to clean their house and dog after she had been skunked. I walked to the back door, opened it up, and saw Kodie standing on the other side foaming at the mouth. The smell hit me like a ton of bricks! I knew at that point that she had been skunked. Her entire face looked soaked. I started freaking out because she’s so small. I didn’t know if the skunk spray would be toxic to her, or make her so sick that she’d die! I called my mom around 5:30am crying. I couldn’t let Kodie in the house either because then the house would smell even worse. If anyone has ever experienced this, you know how incredibly hard it is to rid skunk from ANYTHING! The oil is insane to get rid of and the smell just clings to everything. Even though Kodie wasn’t in the house, the entire house stunk so badly. After I called my mom, I hurried to get the baby ready and to daycare. Friday was daycare appreciation day, so I made an adorable dessert to send with Emerson. I made “sand”. You use vanilla pudding, cream cheese, sugar, and a ton of crushed up graham crackers. You serve it in a beach pail with a shovel. The daycare staff actually thought I brought in a pail of sand. I explained that it was edible. Anyway, when I dropped Em off, I explained about the dog. It sucks because even with the small amount of time the baby was in the house, he smelled like skunk! The daycare staff said that the smell wore off by mid-day, but he stunk for a few hours in the morning. My poor, stinky baby 

Immediately after I dropped Emerson off, I headed to the gas station to put air in my deflating tire (that damn black cloud hanging over my head). As I was pulling out of the gas station, I nearly ran into another car. Great! I continued driving to my parent’s house. They had two bottles left of this amazing stuff from Petco that rids the skunk smell. We knew it worked because after trying every single home remedy when this happened to their dog, the only thing that worked was this deskunking solution. My mom and I headed up to wal-mart, so that I could get a mop, bucket, gloves, face masks, etc. When we got to the house, our first job was to tackle Kodie. We knew we had to bath her to at least get the oil off of her skin. The smell was so overpowering. We even tried tomato juice, WHICH DOES NOT WORK. After bathing her, we left her outside. She was FREAKING out. We cleaned all of the floors and sprayed EVERYTHING with deskunking solution. You literally have to drench everything. My couch, curtains, carpet, etc, etc. The smell is awful and clings to everything. We noticed the smell wasn’t decreasing and realized the deskunking solution has live enzymes in it that probably expired. Back in the car we went and headed to Petco. When we got back, we bathed Kodie AGAIN and re-cleaned the house. FINALLY, The house smelled better. Not 100%, but better. I noticed Kodie’s entire mouth, eyes, and ears were all blistered up though. The oil must have burned her poor skin. I felt SO BAD. We bathed her once more and left her outside to dry. After cleaning the house one more time, I grabbed all of the laundry, blankets, pillow cases, and sheets and headed to the Laundromat to wash everything with the deskunking solution. I clearly wasn’t able to log in and work that day! I got all of the laundry done, then headed back to my parent’s house. While there, I showered with the same deskunking solution, threw away the clothes I had been wearing, and dressed in non-smelling attire. I finally felt better. I picked my sister up from work and we headed to the store to finish our mother’s day shopping. We stopped at the house, so a fresh nose could smell to make sure everything was better…

IT WAS! Thank GOD! The dog’s face still stinks, but it is so much better. The dog has been sleeping in the kitchen though because I am so paranoid that her stinky face will make everything else re-stink. I’m glad it stays light out until nearly 9pm. We go to bed pretty early, so after she goes out around 9pm, she’s in until the next morning. This way, she isn’t outside when its dark, so she can’t get skunked again. Skunks are nocturnal. I plan on getting some of those solar powered lights, so that it’s bright enough when it’s dark out, so that maybe skunks will be deterred from coming into my yard. Of course, the nightmare doesn’t end there. I let her out last night and noticed she was barking at something. I walked out in the yard and saw a snake! What the hell?! I freaked out and made her come in the house, but damn!!!!!!! Now I have to worry about snakes too?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE my yard, but this is seriously starting to suck!

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