We had quite the weekend. On Friday night, we just hung at home. It was a long day of work, so I was pretty beat by the time I picked Em up from daycare. On Saturday, we slept in a bit and just hung around the house until I picked my nephew up around 4:30 from my parent’s house. He, Emerson, Britt, and I had plans to go to the mall and toys r us. They were also sleeping over that night. We took my parent’s car, so that I could fit the stroller in it. My dad told us to just keep their car overnight instead of doubling back to switch cars after shopping. We had a great time at the mall and toys r us. Emerson was such a doll. He only got fussy when we were about 10 minutes from home because he was hungry. He went 4 hours in between feeds instead of 3. He did amazing though. I was so glad.
When we got home, I fed the baby, while Britt made dinner. Isaiah was playing his x box and Kodie was having a great time chasing us all around. Britt and I made some margaritas and I got the logs lit and on the fire bowl for after dinner. During dinner, I had a fleeting thought. I couldn’t remember where I put my wallet. I was in and out of the house around 10 different times rooting in the car. Near tears, I headed out once more. I have everything in the wallet including Emerson’s social security card and my token to get into my work lap top. While I was outside, Britt popped her head out of the front door to ask if I had found the missing wallet. At the same time, Kodie comes shooting out the door. I had a cow! I live near a very busy road and I knew if she headed that way, she’d be a goner. Thank GOD she absolutely loves the car! I had the door open and she jumped right in! I was so panicked! I almost yelled, “Britt, I hate you” but recovered and said “Britt, I hate this!” I was so mad at her for being careless and letting Kodie out. If anything ever happened to my dog I’d lose it. I hurried to shut the car door before she could jump back out. At the same time, I looked up and noticed the wallet…SITTING ON THE TOP OF THE CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Britt stomped into the house and I felt so bad. I thought she was mad at me. I grabbed Kodie and headed for the front door. When I walked in, Britt and I looked at each other and then both burst out laughing. Thank goodness!
After all of the mayhem, Britt and I bundled ourselves and the kids up and headed out to the yard for our fire. It was amazing! I had such a great time and I can’t wait to do it again. Emerson and I stayed up 4 hours past our bedtime. I had two margaritas (no worries, I bottle fed him) and we listened to my favorite country station on Pandora. Emerson and I ended up heading to bed around 11:30pm. Britt stayed outside a bit longer. She had a nice little visitor while she was out there. THAT DAMN SKUNK!!!!!!!!!!! He came back! He wasn’t inside of my yard though. He was on the outside of the fence in the neighbor’s yard. I am so pissed! I wish this stupid thing would leave us alone. Luckily, I brought Kodie up to bed with myself and Emerson, so she wasn’t out there to be sprayed again.
The next morning, I fed Emerson and put him down for a 3 hour morning nap. While he napped, I made breakfast for myself, Britt, and Isaiah. After we ate, my friend, Danielle, stopped by to borrow my weights. Later on, we all packed up and went back to my parent’s house for Sunday dinner. I ended up getting sick while we were over there and not even eating dinner. I feel a lot better today. I’m working from home and Britt is babysitting Emerson. After I’m done working, we have a few errands to run, but nothing else planned for tonight. I’m working from home tomorrow and Britt is babysitting again. Not too bad!
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