So, the last time I wrote it was Thursday and I was working from home. The baby, Britt, and I went to the laundromat after I was done working and then we took her to her doctor's appointment. While we were there, I asked the nurse if she'd weigh me. Of course, she said yes! I hopped on the scale, which read 118lbs!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting! Before I got pregnant, I weighed about 130lbs. Now, I was working out a lot and had put on some nice muscle, so even though I weighed 130lbs, a lot of that was muscle. The day I delivered Emerson, I weighed 151 lbs. I had only gained 21 lbs my entire pregnancy, which isn't bad. Now, being down 12lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight is amazing! I am so freaking happy. I have no muscle right now though, which sucks. I still haven't figured out how to incorporate working out into everything else that I have to get done. I'm hoping I can figure that out eventually. In the meantime, I'll take being skinny over nothing.
Friday, I was off of work and kept the baby home from daycare. We ended up going to my best friend's house to hang out with her and her now 1 month old son, Cameron. It was nice getting out of the house. The babies were so funny though. They both fell asleep at the same time. It was nice catching up with her and talking mommyhood. We ended up staying over there until about 4pm. That night, we just hung out at home and went to bed pretty early.
On Saturday, I woke up well before Emerson, cleaned the house, took care of the dog, made coffee, and ate breakfast. It was supposed to be a gorgeous day, so we planned on buying a baby pool and heading over to my parent's house for the day. Around noon, we headed over to their house and I left Em with my mom. I went to the store and bought sunscreen and a pool for the baby. He was not having it when I put his feet in the pool!! He screamed so loudly. I even put some hot water in it, so that the water wasn't freezing cold. He is pretty miserable lately though. He's cutting his first tooth! I bought Hyland's teething tabs for him, which seem to give some relief, but he has such a bad cold, which is probably from the tooth. My poor baby! We hung out at my parent's house all day. I even got some sun, which was nice!
On Sunday, we had a picnic to go to at my friend, Daria's, house. It was so nice! Her mom and gram stole Emerson away from me, so I could hang outside with the other adults. I ended up breastfeeding him twice while we were there. Daria was a great hostess and set me up in her 18 month old son's room, so I had some privacy. Her and I have been friends since we were about 18 years old. We met while working at the same hotel. We've been through A LOT together. She also has a 8 year old son and an 8 year old soon-to-be step son. It's nice having Emerson being so close to Ashton's age. Even though there is a year difference between the two, we won't notice so much as they grow. Ashton is absolutely adorable though, so I hope they grow into close friends like her and I are. After we left Daria's picnic, we stopped by my parent's house. They re-did their backyard, which turned out to be so adorable. Their new pool is going up next weekend! I can't wait!! Emerson was pretty beat by the time we got home on Sunday night. I bathed and fed him, then put him down to sleep around 9pm. Afterwards, I sat outside with Kodie and had 1/2 of a margarita. I am such a rebel! Speaking of alcohol, I made a drink yesterday, Memorial Day. I mixed cherry rum with sprite. It was really good. After that, I made a margarita, but dumped it out after one sip. It tasted too strong. So, I made another one, but made it weaker. It still tasted too strong, so down the drain it went! That was it for me. I wasted two drinks within a five minute period. I'm just not cut out to drink anymore and I really don't care! It's nice to have a small glass of wine, or a drink here and there, but it's not even worth it to me anymore. The second I feel like I might be buzzed, I panic! I just don't like it!!!!
Anyway, we've been around and about these past 6 days! It's so nice being able to take the baby places. Next weekend, we have a gender reveal party for my friend, Erin! I can't wait to find out what she's having and to welcome a new member into the mummy club! Alright, I have to pump and then get ready for the rest of my birthday!
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